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Various questions about the Mac+ OST


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Been listening to the Mac+ OST quite a bit lately and wanna get your thoughts on a few things:

1)Given that Mac+ and Mac7 are being re-released on dvd this summer, do you know if the soundtrack CDs will be remastered and re-released as well? I hope Victor decides to remaster these OSTs. They should take a page out of Depeche Mode's catalog and remaster then in 5.1 Surround and 32 bit 96kHz LPCM. Man that would rock!

2)Regarding Macross Plus....when do you personally enjoy hearing its music more....while watching the show, or while listening to the OST on its own whether in the car or at home with a nice pair of headphones?

3)Y'know, I have heard many people say that the "foriegn language" or "unidentifyable" language spoken in many of Yoko Kanno's songs are in "Zentradi" language. I'm sorry but is this a joke? I would like someone to explain exactly what language these songs are in. Surely she didn't tell her performers to deliberately sing in Zentradi gibberish throughout the songs, did she? I mean, I still can't figure out what language Wanna be an Angel is sung in. Some people said it's French. That doesn't sound like any kind of French that I've ever heard. So what gives? What can you tell me about the languages used in YK's songs?

4)After all this time, did we ever get any concrete proof that YK is indeed Gabriella Robin? Has she come out and publicly admitted it yet? Also is it GR/YK that sings on Idol Talk, Borderline, and Wanna be an Angel?

5)Do you think there will ever be a Yoko Kanno soundtrack superior to Macross Plus? Or do you think YK was at her peak when she made it?

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I don't have time/energy to answer the other questions aside from:

3) Yes. The music contains English, French, Japanese, and Zentraedi. It's not so much Zentraedi gibberish, as the written language was created for SDF:M, and some words and the syntax was created for DYRL. (They also had foreign, aka non-Japanese speaking English speakers read the Zentraedi lines to give it a more "alien" feel.)

The French used is really, really butchered. It's basically someone transcribing French words into a semi-incompatible phonetic language, and then getting non-French speaking singers to sing/read those lines. (Quelle := Ke-re)

I quick look at the booklet(s) that comes with the CD(s) will confirm the lyrics and the language(s) used.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't have time/energy to answer the other questions aside from:

3) Yes. The music contains English, French, Japanese, and Zentraedi. It's not so much Zentraedi gibberish, as the written language was created for SDF:M, and some words and the syntax was created for DYRL. (They also had foreign, aka non-Japanese speaking English speakers read the Zentraedi lines to give it a more "alien" feel.)

The French used is really, really butchered. It's basically someone transcribing French words into a semi-incompatible phonetic language, and then getting non-French speaking singers to sing/read those lines. (Quelle := Ke-re)

I quick look at the booklet(s) that comes with the CD(s) will confirm the lyrics and the language(s) used.

Cool bit of Trivia, thanks Sketchley! :D

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