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Warped Resin??!!!


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I have the hobby fan 1/72 VF-4. It was completed a year ago and under glass out of the sun. Getting ready to pack it up and have noticed that the right wing has warped up and now has a slight twist!

This was my first resin model.

Is it common for thin resin surfaces to warp over time?

Can it be corrected without ruining the paint?

Equally important, is it a function of cheap resin? Can I expect my unbuilt S.H.E.s to do the same when finished.

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Just as David Hingtgen says, resin can at times warp under own weight or stress. You should also avoid it from direct sunlight or any kind of long term exposure to a focused source of light (such as a spot light).

You can try and fix your VF-4 by either heating the effected part with a hair dryer and shape it back or if the warping is very severe, soak the part in hot water and then shape it back.

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About resin quality, the nature of your kit warping is not due to the quality of the resin but more what you let it expose to.

Many orginal kits and re-cast kits use the same resin. My re-cast SHE VF-4 kits uses resin from Japan and not the cheap stuff from China. Trust me, you will not only see the difference but feel it! The only problem you might face with cheap resin is either the stuff is terribly hard and will take you ages to prepare/sand/drill the kit (see G-System's stuff) or they mix it with some funny stuff to cut cost and the result are resin parts which do not adhere to anything, even primer!

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The hot water or hair dryer should work. Since yours is an unfinished kit I would figure out a way to reinforce it with metal after the parts are true.

My VF-4 is finished and I don't want to re-do it since I used the decals from a Hasegawa 1/72 and an old Imai 1/100 and have no replacements.

Two things I learned. First the VF-4 did not fit to great from the start and I thought about reinforcing the wings but did not because I was lazy. Didn't want to cut a channel, lay a piece of wire, fill, then sand.

No more than three days including drying time?

Second, scan all decals even if you can not reproduce them yourself so you at least have the file and can email it to those that can. Also helps when people want to reproduce it, just send a jpeg with all the markings.

Only have four resin models finished and they are fun / interesting in the shadow of Bandi and Hasegawa.

Also the model masters here are a great help. The is no such thing as a stupid question just stupid people.

After a quick laugh the answer presents itself thanks to their help.

I have kinda a similar to my g-system high-nu. the gun and the shield are warped somewhere. I haven't start on this kit yet.

appreciate any tip on how to fix it.

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The hot water or hair dryer should work. Since yours is an unfinished kit I would figure out a way to reinforce it with metal after the parts are true.

My VF-4 is finished and I don't want to re-do it since I used the decals from a Hasegawa 1/72 and an old Imai 1/100 and have no replacements.

Two things I learned. First the VF-4 did not fit to great from the start and I thought about reinforcing the wings but did not because I was lazy. Didn't want to cut a channel, lay a piece of wire, fill, then sand.

No more than three days including drying time?

Second, scan all decals even if you can not reproduce them yourself so you at least have the file and can email it to those that can. Also helps when people want to reproduce it, just send a jpeg with all the markings.

Only have four resin models finished and they are fun / interesting in the shadow of Bandi and Hasegawa.

Also the model masters here are a great help. The is no such thing as a stupid question just stupid people.

After a quick laugh the answer presents itself thanks to their help.

I'll try that, thanks.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have some Super O 1/55 wings that are made of resin and they warped UPWARD also.

Very odd.

I pulled them off, stuck them in boiling water and mashed them flat on a table top.

We'll see if they warp again.

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I have some similar problems with some resin cast parts I have warm water has sorted them out. I never had a problem with wings so mostly. I have not had to weigh down warmed up resin. Im interested to see how this turns out.

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