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Posts posted by DARKWIND

  1. Thanks for the correction guys. . .

    My point being. . .

    Since he is there and can get one in hand minus S+H.

    He should do himself a favor and go buy it now.

    At 12,400Y it is still cheaper than buying it off the net.

    Let's see, (curently) 12,400Y=$102.46=Good Deal!!!

    If there is one cheaper after S&H for US buyers have at it. . .

    But if he wants to come all the way back from Japan, then pony up the cash via paypal, and wait give or take week. . .

    Now about the reissue, that is another story.

    If it happened and I didn't notice that's cool beans, but I bought mine when it first released.

    It probably rereleased when I was in the gulf, so no big woop. . .

  2. Yes, it's just out today. Well it is here in Hong Kong.


    Damn! ! ! !

    (Insert DR. Claw voice) I'll get you next time Graham, NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!!!

    Well it was nice to be first if only for just a week.

    Do you have yours yet G-man?. . .

  3. Hey, I am in japan and I found a 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru Ichijo DYRL for about 12400 yen. I just want to know if this is too much for it or if its a good deal and I should get it?

    HELL YES GET IT! ! ! !

    I don't think you can beat that deal. . .

    If it is the Red Stripe Hikaru VF-1S grab it man those are very rare! ! !

    Yamato hasn't even done a re-issue of that valk (yet)! ! !

    And for that small a price it is a deal you won't see even on ebay.

    Check Hobby Link Japan, the price you found even beats them and they are still on back order.

  4. What's the big deal with the box art :huh: ?

    I think it looks good, if you want better box art it might run you more cash.

    And as much as I like Yamato (they've already got me up to my eyebrows in preorders),

    I don't want to shell out money for a fancy box. (Did that with Toynami 3x's but the 4th \Voltron/ was a charm.)

    All in all IMHO Yamato's boxes are outstanding!!! (ducking rocks, flames, flaming rocks and catapulted boulders, etc, etc. . .)

    The pics on the box show the toy off beautifully, it even has a flap on the front to show the toy in the box.

    What more could you ask for? :unsure:

    But with all that aside. . . .

    YES I agree the box is huge, but it is also sturdy and stable for shipping.

    To me that is its real purpose, sure they could fill the box with styrefoam; but all that squeaking when you pull the toy out is like nails on a chalkboard. . . :wacko:


    And to answer your Q about the Ghost's weight,

    It is pretty light yet sturdy. . .

  5. What are the '6 necessary fixes' u speak about? Im assuming u mean the wing root getting loose and the wheels being 2 of those not fixed, but whats the third?

    Also u have said again i get 6 or more problem areas....my plane had a wonky gunpod, and one loose wing nub. the wingnub doesnt affect me at all, and I fixed the gunpod, but lets assume that those 2 count as problem areas; what are the other 4? The nose on mine is fine, no stress marks. the chest clip isnt a problem, its a design choice u disagree with. i dont even know what the other 2 could be.

    My point is that u are saying im a fool for buying a second inferior product...but i am very happy with my 19, as are many others. Am I a fool for being happy wioth what I have?

    Don't press, it will only fuel his fire.

    I do feel the same way you do, but the flames must be extinguished. . . B))

  6. Picked up the stand alone Ghost last Friday. Will have a review up soon-ish.

    Got it mounted on a VF-0S in fighter mode at the moment.

    No problem with removing the top panel on mine and while the rear landing gears are a bit hard to deploy, it's certainly not impossible.



    I finally got a toy before The Mighty Graham HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

    Anyway, he's right those landing gear are a biotch to lower.

    But when you get em' down it is so worth it. . . .

    It looks nice sitting next to the to the 1/60 VFs

  7. Hes not talking badly towards anyone in the forum, but more about the situation with yamato and their products. I think its fine that he has his own opinion about the products he has purchased.

    :lol: True, no matter how much he spews, he is entitled to do so.

    So if he goes off predictably like ole' faithful let him. . .

    If he refuses to buy anymore Yamatos its his loss. . .

    When they do get it right, and "if" he misses out it'll be karma. . . :lol:

    Hell many vets here could tell you how I used to go off like a blast furnace over Ebay.

    But after the "Buy it now" option went up I changed my tune, (a little) :rolleyes: ! ! !

  8. small update :-)

    i am checking for a new cabinet to display my stuff becouse i am going to get a lot more over the next months.

    come april i'm starting my second month of (re) collecting. B))

    Where did you get that current case you have.

    Trust me guys I've got a ton of goods that need a solid case to hold them. . .

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