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Posts posted by DARKWIND

  1. The 1/60 Ghost is way out of scale with the 1/48 VF-1.


    But think of it piggy-back on the 19. . . .ohohohhohohohohoh!

    Yeah I know overkill, but just picture it.

  2. Actually, the Ghost is dark grey, darker than the early promo pics. It looks great IMO.


    Yeah, but you gotta admit it looks even more lethal in black. . . B))

    Hell, you could mod it with recessed gunports and rename it "Ghost Raven" :ph34r:

    Think about it, how cool would it be to fly into a dogfight use it (attached) to down a few bogeys. . .

    Then activate the "Raven" A.I., auto-maping enemy radar sigs to it.

    Pull a cobra manuver, gettison the drone, sicking it on enemy fighters or have it hang tight on your wing and watch it do what it do. . .


  3. I've said it before I will say it again. . .

    The VF-2 HAS to be made in to a toy.

    If there is a young upstart toy company out there looking for a hot first seller, this is it. . .

    Do not pass this up you will make serious cash anywhere you sell it.

    It just has that hardass toy, but easy to transform look to it.

    Hands down a true follow up to the VF-1.

    Hell, they could do a knock-off of it and make the fans happy.

    I would easily buy four or five without a second though.

    Just make it in a good scale (1/60, 1/55, 1/72), prefect change and of strong plastic.

  4. Just got one today, but won't have a chance to open it until tonight.

    I've been told that the arm parts that were cracking on the original VF-0S/A have been changed to POM plastic on the Shin type VF-0A, which is supposed to be stronger than ABS.


    That sounds cool. :)

    And as much of a fan of Yamato I am, again I'm not trying to start a flame war.

    I, like many other collectors here, just want feel more secure about this purchase.

  5. No, like I said so far so good. . .

    Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to turn this into a witchhunt,

    I'm just trying put together a concensus per se.

    To help other members out to make the decision to buy or avoid.

    Sure if one or two people ring in it might sound like a minority trying to push it.

    On the other hand, if we all put our heads together, the info will be constructive and useful to all of MW.

  6. Let's not jump to conclusions. . .

    I'm just curious if anyone had the same problem occur or not.

    So far so good it seems, but in light of the cost to get replacements. . .

    Sure there all supposed to be fixed now which is cool.

    But are we in for another round of hurt?

  7. So all this fuss is over the 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru? I was getting confused over DARKWIND's post saying it was really rare. Don't really see where he's getting that from since he can be found pretty easily on e-bay... hell, I got two of them last year and they're not all that expensive, pretty average for a 1/48. They don't seem all that rare to me.

    Either that or I've COMPLETELY missed the point... which is something I haven't ruled out yet.

    Yeah we cleared all that up. ;)

    My point was to get it since he found it and it would be minus S&H and no waiting.

    So now we don't know if he bought it yet or not.

  8. Let's all just pump the breaks and go easy. There is no reason to get hostile.

    Guys ya' just have to stop trying to bust BoB's chops.

    Its not working.

    He has a right to post here, and he has his own home PC so you can't really get him to stop or ease up.

    And he won't change 'til Yamato either pays him back in full, or fixes the mistakes and release a toy he can't complain about.

    Face it, when Toynami fcuked up many people here lynching them just as hard.

    (And some still are.) :ph34r:

    I say, we weather the storm and wait for things get better.

    After all they are only toys (addictive crack-like toys nonetheless) B))

  9. As a child:

    It was my best friend's Jetfire, I think I played with it more than he did.

    But I never got one of my own.

    Robotech was on TV, but none of my friend's really watched it they were excited about GI Joe.

    As a teen:

    The videos were all I had and watched.

    But then I got lucky and found a Robotech Gakken 1/35 Green Alpha.

    I know, not a Macross toy but after watching all that anime and doing some research I figured there might be more.

    After High School:

    I joined the Navy, shipped out to Japan and for the next 11 years I smuggled so many toys out to the states that I should have 3x's the goods I do now.

    But you senior MW members know I sold at cost to share the wealth, not for profit.


    I'm out of the Navy but still collecting like a man on a mission.

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