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Everything posted by VF19

  1. Think of it like porcelain. more like china, actually. if it was a thick hunk, it would be like its was bullets proof, but in a thin sheet, crack. That simple.
  2. one more Q... are the volks kits posable? after they are built i mean.
  3. I like "one of them can kill all of us, but in the sequel i'll come back with a mob of badasses and take 'em all out.
  4. oh, and either the transforming escaflowne from yamato or studi half eye and/or yamato monster. if it ever comes out.
  5. Several Wave FSS kits Volks 3 set mortar headd kit! oh yeah............ games. the end.
  6. not a chance right now. maybe when i could afford it. to tell you the truth, where can i get volks kits, besides ebay, or what should i search for on ebay?
  7. A gundam would get its genitalia handed to it in a fight with a mortar headd. but i have made my choice on a terror mirage from wave. i am planning to get the Volks 3 set mirage kit with the b4, hydra, and the babiron mirage for christmas. but the terror mirage was the cheapest option they had on hlj in stock. for a first kit.
  8. Okay, im considering investing in a resin kit, don really care which one, but I need to know what would be good for someone who has built a few resin kits, but not a wave kit. any info would be appreciative.
  9. And in addition, they are making a new FF movie based off of 7. DROOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLL.........it looks freaking awesome
  10. ALL of the FFs from 7 up are good for me, just because of the amazing cutscenes and summons. except for ten. the summons weren't summons, but the cutscenes were awesome. the ones like when Weapon attacked the base in 7, that was good. and the Bahamut summons, especially Bahamut-ZERO.
  11. I was reading the list, and if i can be the Orchis, i will be happy. Or the Stamen. Or the Gerbera. I will be happy. Edit: And the Neue Ziel. And the Tetra. And the Physalis.
  12. Ya know, i was going to post this earlier, but i never got around to it. As for manFaye. ..................................................................................RUN LIKE HELL!
  13. The way the movie is done looks like they took the idea of Werewolf: the Apocalypse, and Vampire: the Masquerade. its less blood-feeding, and more kick ass action. cool nonetheless.
  14. from my perspective the hurricane s moving very fast, but the eye is heading straight for moy house in sykesville.
  15. im still in to SOF2. don't let me have a sniper rifle in this game. bad news for lots of people. i used to be a nemesis. then my internet connection was downgraded when i moved. so no more SOF2 for a while. and for the others, i play everything there except for counterstrike, TFC, Ghost recon, and MOH.
  16. there are not real time, they are turn based. i think three was the best, with the fighting animation and such. and the p-gun with body smash. that was evil. and by your name you liked warship gunner i see.
  17. marines are genetically not perfect. while having two hearts, and so on, there are many talesof marines geneseed goig corrupt at any time. the flesh tearers are a good example of this. in fact, it is still happening. they have already killed an entire legion each of marines and guard. even the space wolves. Greatmoose, that is an ultramarine, but why does it have a templar sigil? And renegade marines are not chaos, renegades are just that, renegades. the just fight for themselves, not the emperor. traitor marines are chaos.
  18. Okay, here is the brief rundown of 40k. Marines: Emperors shock troops, they do not eat souls, and no, they are not nazis. i do believe the sculpture is a deathwatch marine from the templars. Chaos: Daemons and evil space marines, some do eat souls. Imperial guard: normal humans with laser rifles (commonly known as flashlights where i play) these guys work in hordes. Orks: big green and stupid. googd at CC, bat ranged. Tyranids: Bugs! lots of BUGS! Eldar: a very advanced race of space-elves. kinda. they are very nasty. Dark eldar: bad eldar. Tau: advanced aliens, very much like modern troops is the way they work. Necrons: think the terminator, only better. Sisters of battle: female space marines, with a taste for flamethrowers. thats all i believe.
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