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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. Got an email address for Bandai?
  2. What the hell. We've regressed to frontier preorder days. I thought we were done with this crap. Its crap like this that makes me want to quit the hobby. The website redesigns for amiami and hlj have also made snagging a preorder harder too.
  3. I've never been able to click on the amiami button and have it work since they have gone to this system.
  4. frakk cart jack at hlj
  5. That waiting system at NY is stupid. Everytime you do something you get kicked back to the waiting area.
  6. Thank you.
  7. What time PST is the preorder? 11 or 12? I can never keep this straight.
  8. @Seto Kaiba ever think of writing an article or blog post of all your MW posts detailing the VF history and evolution. I find those posts fascinating but I eventually forget some details. Trying to dig up the posts here is frustrating in a needle in a haystack way. It’d Be handy to have it somewhere it could be found easier.
  9. Sandman

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah literally overnight. I was keeping tabs at manadarake on 3 of them all under 22000 yen. Even one at 20000. Was being cautious because i just bought a 31Kai, 31F hayate and a few other things. Was trying to space it out so i'm not spending so much money at once. The 31s was selling very slowly, didn't figure i had to rush into it. Then suddenly they were all sold, even the more expensive ones. Panic set in and i started scouring other sites and finally eBay. Managed to find one on eBay for 325. I was annoyed i ended up paying more than i would've if i's jumped on the 20000 yen one. So after the seller said he shipped it, cancels the order and refunds my money. frakk. I knew exactly what was happening. Seller obviously canceled the order to relist it at a higher cost. Now i'm screwed because i though i had one i abandoned the search. Now the were definitely all gone. I just left shaking my head thinking to myself i should've got one when i had the chance. No chance of getting one now unless they reissue.
  10. I might get one set for Rods 29. The floppy ones are so warped. The problem will be color matching it.
  11. A Max TV 1A XX 1/48. That’s unexpected. Pretty close to the last call I would expect. So I guess that insider was wrong about Roy’s being next?
  12. Wow they really raised the price on the rx79. I got that last release for 10000yen. Has it been updated or is it the same?
  13. I think there was issues with the heat shield scratching the cockpit window? Or was that only the 0A. I know my 0A got scratched.
  14. Suddenly the summer months have escalated into an expensive couple of months with these are Arcadia’s releases.
  15. Wish they did fluets mospeada before lancers.
  16. Yeah fighter mode is what is going to sell me on getting this. Though this is looking promising. Fighter mode always seems to be a fail for the legioss with toynami (shutter) having the best look so far.
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