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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. I've always gotten my money back so not that much of a big deal for me. What bugs me is that it ties of my money for a least a week.
  2. Yeah this has happened to me like 3 times. Like SpaceCowboy i can spot these guys right away now. - drastically cheaper prices than a similar Chinese seller. - Look at recent feedback. They will start getting negative feedback within 30 days of deciding to go rogue. - Feedback set to private.
  3. Wasn't there some decks added to the e so it wasn't as flat? Yeah I think nemesis is the best version.
  4. I wish i was collecting when this was released. I've had my eyes open for some time trying to catch this at online used stores. I've never seen it come up. I wish aoshima would re-release it.
  5. Surprised they released this before Andromeda. I will get this because it's the one enemy design that is iconic to me.
  6. They kind of did it with the v1 VF-25F movie edition bundled with super parts. It was colored different though. The V1 VF-25s also had a edition that included the armoured parts.
  7. Jeez look at that price. The good old days.
  8. Are they reopening pos for just the strike pack or the valk itself?
  9. I've been away this last week. Whats the deal with these 1/48 SSP for dx Hikaru. I'm hearing these were sold out? I see some up at NY for 9200yen. IS that a markup? What was the original price? Why is a TWE exclusive selling out in the first place?
  10. What a waste of on hour an a half i'll never get back.
  11. How are guys in Nippon-Yassen? I've been in the lounge since the preorder started at midnight.
  12. Still 54 at ny, so i refreshed because wtf. -399 now. Great website NY.
  13. At least the old sites. You either got it or you didn't. There wasn't a lot of uncertainty at various points of the checkout process. You end up waiting for an hour not knowing if you got it or not.
  14. frakk this crap. This is the third preorder in the row i've come out with nothing. I've been collecting since 2007 and i've never had this hard of a time getting a preorder, even during the frontier years. In fact i usually managed to get 2 or 3 copies. Ever since amiami and hlj went to their "improved" websites i haven't been able to get anything. Not one successful preorder. I will not pay scalper prices. This is a great way to get me out of the hobby.
  15. I've been stuck at 54 at NY for like 30 mins. It hasn't moved.
  16. Nevermind. Found my answer.
  17. Yeah thats what happened with me.
  18. Is there any place to get the missle set without paying double the price?
  19. What is this Kurama Shop?
  20. I love this scheme so much. I wanted to buy it so bad.
  21. Well this is depressing. Second preorder in a row I've walked with nothing (chuck and Max). Oh well gives me an excuse to not collect this line.
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