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Posts posted by eggy99

  1. Got my Arcadia V-4G from NY today, and it is just beautiful.

    Did a quick look at it, and didn't have the misfortune of missiles popping off all over the place. No space to display this at work, so will have to come home until I can allocate some desk space for it.

    but first. Will work on converting it to a weathered FB2012 Hikaru custom when I have all of January off for annual leave.

  2. I did read there are some QC issues with MB Freedom, but I can't recall. I do have 1 issue with mine with one of the wings where it is loose at a certain angle. Otherwise mine is quite good.

    I wonder if the reissue addresses the original releases issues. I think that the re-release also has to do with it. When MB Freedom came out, it wasn't so hard to preorder - I even got my preorder in with Amiami (2 units - for myself and friend) in the first release, so I think the market is saturated with MB Freedom now that it has been released a 2nd time.

    Ahhh those were the days. Easy preorder and much lower RRP. Perhaps Bandai moved to a better factory with better QC, hence why the costs have gone up (plus the increase in costs to manufacture in China too).

  3. Update on the MoShow.

    The AU store I preordered QanT from, CollectorsDrift, said they only took down all the MoShow products before they haven't had any communication from their supplier (not MoShow). They haven't heard anything to suggest that the product is cancelled, so I think MoShow really is in hiding from Bandai and keeping on the down low until Bandai's attention wavers and they start to chase another 3rd maker - like Metal Gear.

  4. Yes! MB 00Qant. :wub: Now my Setsuna Suits will be complete. Now I have to cancel my MoShow PO. :rolleyes:

    Though I wish they will include the Full Saber parts on the official release like what MoShow teased us.

    But this is Bandai. You know they gotta milk the mold and release variants.

    Wouldn't be surprised if they announce a full saber version after they release vanilla Qant. :p

  5. Yeah, but how can you can you not resist the combo of having the Strike Freedom & Destiny with WoL displayed in face off mode!!! Heine is cool, but its just kind of a weird one off...I don't know if I will ever take it out of the box. You know speaking of the Heine, I have the event version of the Heine Custom, does the Tamashii Online version have the same packaging? I think the packaging is pretty sick on the event version.

    Unfortunately I chose to give up my PO of the SF Wings of Light because the NY shipping was just too high for accessories (damn you Bandai your massive empty box!). So I have NY credit left over from that, which I always enter using in Heine Destiny, because I actually prefer an orange Destiny over the Shinn's default blue. I'd previously opted not to purchase the 1st release of Destiny too and it was really cheap - AU$180 shipped.

    A better match for MB Destiny would be a MB Infinite Justice, and recreate the battle from the final episode. :p

    I haven't seen the packaging for the retail Heine Destiny. Probably different to the Tamashii event packaging, which I agree is very cool.

    The Red Frame option parts definitely do not interest me. They'll probably wait until Blue Frame is released and shortly after announcment 2nd Revise - which is the one that I want.

  6. I hope so too. The store I preordered from has deleted all MoShow products from their site, and the QanT has passed the estimated release date. Also their Facebook page has been deleted.

    Comments from one of the Metalgear KO 00 Gundam Seven Swords YouTube videos mentioned they got taken down by Bandai, which seems to make sense with their sudden disappearance online. Truely sad and they were really going to give Bandai a run for their money. 1/100 with LEDs! AMAZING!

  7. Wow that is really cool! Nice that they improved on the original Bandai release. My Bandai MB is definitely a bit floppy in places especially after attaching the 0 Raiser.

    In other news to commemorate the demise the MoShow (I assume Bandai destroyed them and threatened all retailers who were taking preorders), I purchased the MBPro Strike / Mecha Warrior, even though it isn't in 1/100 scale. Didn't want to miss the opportunity to own such an awesome 3rd party figure. Will be taking the place of the tiny 1/144 GFF Next Strike I have in my detolf.

    Now I hope Bandai don't make a surprise announcement on the 28th and announce a MB Strike Full Package release. FML if they do - hahaha.

    It would be really interesting if Bandai announces MB QanT due to taking the molds from MoShow's upcoming QanT that was vanished from existence. :p

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