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Kronnang Dunn

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Posts posted by Kronnang Dunn

  1. CG mecha scans from the new November 2008 issue of Hobby Japan Magazine.

    Note the various versions of the VF-171EX.

    After about a month, I will remove the pages from the mag to file them and then I can do better scans.


    Good GOD!!!

    Man... All that VF... I can't wait to see all the merchandise coming from those!!! :blink:


    Something I've been wondering lately...

    Since the new VFs seem to be waay super-faster than the early ones... Does this mean that in combat with some new Zentradi fleet the human fighters would have the advantage? I wonder what are the specs of the Zentradi mecha? Specially the Q-Raus/Q-Rheas... Are the VFs superior to them now? :huh:

    I'd like to see a performance comparison of the VF-171, VF-171EX, VF-25 and VF-27 against all the Zentradi mecha known... I bet it would be very interesting... ^_^

    Still remember how dangerous were the Q-Raus from Chlore's fleet. Lots of VF-11s quite easily destroyed in "Fleet of the Strongest Women"... :unsure:

  2. Preview pics for episode # 25 up on the official Frontier site.


    Finally... ^_^

    Well, what we have here?

    I increased the size of the pics and it seems that:

    1) The first pic has Battle Frontier being saved from a Vajra carrier by a shot from the Quarter apparently...

    2) The second pic has Sheryl back at singing. I noticed there's a huge fleet in the background... Was the Frontier fleet that big? (specially after the Vajra counterattack during Ranka's culture shock...). Perhaps the rumors of NUNS reinforcements weren't wrong afterall...

    3) The third one has Battle Frontier attacking surrounded by a huge fleet and Canaria's VB-6 Monster in the front... I guess this means that the SMS pirates will return to Frontier to help fight the Vajra...




  3. I doubt Leon's doing it for the same reason Grace is. He probably doesn't know all the details about the real potential of the Vajra. I think his ambition more lies along destroying the Vajra, settling the fleet, and becoming a big hero, thereby catapulting his political career to a galaxy-wide scale, burning of the Reichstag-style.

    Don't think so. The assassins Leon sent after Grace told her his last message in a previous episode... and If I remember correctly it was something like "The Galaxy can only have one ruler...", to which Grace responded "Is true..." or something like it. It seemed to me that he knew more by that message. And NUNS isn't in control of the galaxy. Leon is practically already the leader of it with no political adversaries left to stop his absolute control of Frontier.

    So far the principal objectives of the main players seem to be something like this:

    1) Grace: Unite the whole galaxy under her command by using the Vajra fold network and prove that humanity is bigger than the Protoculture by achieving what they couldn't do in 500,000 years.

    2) Leon: Dominate the whole galaxy using the Vajra Network for his dictatorial purposes or simply to destroy them completely to allow NUNS expansion in the whole galaxy.

    3) Bilrer: Connect the whole galaxy by developing a perfect fold transportation system using the fold quartz from the Vajra.

  4. Do you have Shoji Kawamori Macross Design Works, Kazutaka Miyatake Macross and Orguss Design Works, or Kawamori Shoji Design Works? All of those are dedicated specifically to the rough drawings, brainstorming and the whole creative process behind all of Macross up until M0.

    Also, Theatrical Macross Special Preview also contains a couple of pages of the "missed" rough drawings from SDF:M. In addition to the SDF-2.

    Sadly no, but I think I saw a torrent of Kazutaka Miyatake Macross and Orguss Design Works. I'll see if I can download it later... <_<

    Btw... Does anybody know who is this supposed to be? Boddole Zer? :huh:


  5. Uhm... none of this is big, shocking news (at least not for those of us that already have it). I suggest you stay away from the rough drawings and other brainstorming at the tail end of the book, simply because they are not cannon and the are usually very good reasons why they were altered, reworked or rejected.

    Actually I find them very fascinating and quite interesting... Since those rough drawings and other brainstorming show the whole creative process behind the original Macross... :rolleyes:

    All that concept art is pure Macross history to me... :lol:

    For example...

    After watching these now I understand where the idea for the Zentradi/Human mall in Macross Frontier came from... ^_^


  6. This stuff has been covered a bit before.

    Notably here: http://www.ex.org/3.3/04-feature_macross1.html

    Thanks for the link. That's some pretty interesting information... ^_^

    Very cool find! Reminds me of Ralph McQuarrie's early art work for Star Wars..

    Thanks... I believe these other valk prototypes were done by Kazutaka Miyatake... They are waaay smaller and look more like power armors. I see some similarity to his later battle suits from Uchu No Senshi/Starship Troopers (1988)...


  7. What the... the Macross turns into... Minmay?!!! :o

    Nah... ^_^ It seems to me that it originally transformed/separated/split into those different robots in the image... B))

    yeah looks like from gundam core fighter design hehe XD

    but in fairness, the transformation action is somehow still the same - flip down of the plane mode to battroid mode XD

    Also looks a lot like the SDF-1 Macross itself... :blink:

  8. Thank Haruhi-sama that we didn't get that as a finished product.

    I believe is a very very early concept test... Perhaps done during 1979 to propose the idea behind the series (looks more super-robot than anything)... B))

    It doesn't look that bad for me, hehe... ^_^

    Btw... Check out this Valkyrie prototype...

    (A Core Fighter from Gundam?)


  9. I really like this summation. Alto definitely needs to figure out how to make a choice. In some weird sense, I think the destinies of everyone may depend on it.

    Depending on said choices... I believe we may have 2 probable endings:

    a) A grim Sheryl/Ranka dying ending... (if Alto keeps acting).

    b) A positive Sheryl/Ranka surviving ending... (if Alto makes the right choice).


  10. Got it for $ 35 dls in mint condition... (Did I pay too much?) :mellow:

    I thought it was a re-print at first, but it says 1983... ^_^


    I discovered truly shocking early designs of both characters and mecha in it that I hadn't seen anywhere before... :blink:

    Will scan and post in this thread A.S.A.P..... B))


  11. In ep 24 Grace already said that she needs her to interpret the vajra network so through her, the Vajra can be controlled by Grace which in turn leads her safe passage to the queen.

    And the Vajra Queen? What does Grace wants with it? Why did she got near it? Is it her ultimate objective?

    I'm starting to get vibes of retcon here...

    Perhaps the Birdman from Zero will be shown to have been an interpretation of an actual VAJRA QUEEN that fell into Earth long ago!!!! (Which could be the one in the spiral/belt). :blink:

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