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Kronnang Dunn

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Posts posted by Kronnang Dunn

  1. Macross F Movie






    Maybe MF movie like Macross Movie. Same event, different story...


    Babel Fish translation:

    [makurosu] F [huami] river forest inter- As for movie love [bo] type. But as for [kiyara] and the basic incident which come out the same how you draw the side which is different while thinking stories as for theme of were made, [makurosu] just in order whether hearing to fiddle [kiratsu] F [kominiyukeshiyongiyatsupu]. Even among them you take which in connection with the misunderstanding and huskiness difference triangle, the [tsu] in receiving [do] current society being bound in natural monogamy, just the [ru]. Other than the human there is no only monogamy

    So... Something like DYRL... But with more emphasis in the love-triangle? :huh:

  2. All this time, watching SDFM, DYRL, 7 and Zero, the Protoculture was always that all-powerful entity that was unrivaled throughout the galaxy in terms of technology and civilization. They created new species, for chrissakes, and they could be considered as gods, more or less.

    But with Macross Frontier, that aura of superiority seems to have been thrown out the window. not only was it made clear that the PC was also subject to the limitations of fold faults, but we have an entirely new species that have no such limitations. Also, the Protoculture were in awe of these species, considering them superior, to the extent of modeling some of its technologies after the Vajra Queen.

    Enter the humans and the Macross Frontier fleet. First of all, the humans developed instantaneous fold technology on their own (with a little help from studying Vajra crystals and carcasses). Then they actually defeated the Vajra. More than that, they were able to actually communicate with the Vajra (something which I presume the PC were never able to do). And now, they have landed on the Vajra home planet and are poised to co-exist with them as co-equals. And with the lines of communication now open between the two species, the Queen might even openly share her technology with Humanity, thus making instantaneous fold the norm.

    I think, yes, Humanity has already surpassed the Protoculture at this point. what do you think? :)

    Man, I think, yes... You are really really underestimating the Protoculture.

    First, if the Birdman is any indication... they did use the fold quartz and instantaneous fold transportation.

    Second, by no means it was indicated that humanity defeated the Vajra.

    Third, the Vajra left the planet.

    And fourth, we still haven't created a galaxy wide Stellar Republic...

    So no, we aren't nearly a bit as awesome as they were, sorry... :rolleyes:

  3. Alto, Sheryl, and Ranka are the same age range as Hikaru, Misa, and Minmay were in SDF Macross. We can still get a decision in the movie. I won't put bets on it though.

    Well... Hikaru and friends were like 3-4 years older by the original series end...

    Perhaps the movie will be set some years in the future... And will involve more drama... :mellow:

  4. Well... Like somebody said in the Final Episode thread... Leon isn't dead... and Grace already cheated death before... twice at least...

    Also the Galaxy main island is still missing... I believe those are issues that may be developed further for the future movie...

    Sequel all the way!!!! :lol:

    (Man... whoever started this thread should include a poll to choose if the movie will be a sequel, a remake/re-telling like DYRL or a resume of the TV series). ^_^

  5. Just saw the last episode.

    Like most have said, it looked a bit rushed. However, it was very good and there were some open ended issues as well.

    Besides Alto's indecisiveness, what happened to the rest of the Galaxy fleet? Does Grace have another cyborg body stashed somewhere?

    Richard Bilrer has a photo of Minmei in his ring, what the heck does that mean?

    Leon is not dead, just arrested by the miltary police. Does this mean he will somehow escape and cause havoc again?

    I hope the movie is not like Macross 7 where it was just an episode that took place between the original episodes. It should continue a few months or years after epsiode 25.

    Anyways, that was my 2 cents... ^_^

    I think the movie will answer those questions and even add more mistery to the whole Protoculture issue... ^_^

  6. One possiblity could be that the Vajra were encountered during the 500.000 years after the Protodeviln were sealed. The PC would have been in shambles by then (less than 15% of their original number being left?), with the rest dissappearing in time as the SA and Zentradi continue to wage war. Believe that in Zero the AFOS is determined to be aproximately 10.000 years old, indicating that a very small number of PC could still have been around by then.

    Totally agree with that...

    Maybe the Vajra Planet was some sort of Vajra farm the Protoculture prepared as a sanctuary and/or reserve for the Vajra... The planetary belt looks clearly Protoculturish to me... B))

  7. What is this thing? Nobody addressed my question from earlier and I don't know if any theories were put forth already. It's a little blurry, but it definitely looks something like a Birdhuman head from M0. :blink:

    Looks like a Mayan totem to me... Protoculture? (A good excuse to re-watch Macross Zero, hehehe...)


    I'm starting to believe that the structure around the Vajra planet was made by the Protoculture (because of the spiral symbol above all) to serve as some sort of nest for the Vajra Queen. I also think that the Vajra were lured to this galaxy by the original Ai Oboeteimasuka Protoculture song and then they made contact with the Protoculture... that's why the red ones got the spirals (some sort of Protoculture influence...). The Protoculture studied the Vajra and created the Birdman based in the Vajra Queen... hence the similarity. After that the Protoculture left or dissapeared... and the Vajra stayed in that "Vajra farm" planet...

  8. That only applies to that thread, which I've been avoiding like the plague until I've watched the episode. As said I've been dl'ing that episode the moment the RAW went out, some of us don't/can't stream the episode or have the privilege of watching it live.

    It's been in YouTube since yesterday... :rolleyes:

  9. Now that I have an HD raw, yep, it's a animation hiccup. BF lost the gunship when BG hit it. It probably put up a PPB to block the main body but it definitely lost the gunship. So having it mysteriously reappear at the end means they gotta fix it on home video, if they fix it.

    You know... The gunship... like its name implies... is a ship. Maybe the explosion just separated it from the Frontier but then it attached back to the Battle 25 by itself... :rolleyes:

  10. Anyone else notice this, just before Alto finish off Grace, Grace's facial expression was almost calm and appear to be happy ? Was she happy that she was about to be killed ? Also what happened to the other citizens of Galaxy ?

    Maybe she knew she was going to be uploaded into another body at the Main Galaxy Island... <_<

    That's one of my only gripes with the show, Galaxy was always in the shadows. We never really got to know them.

    Wait until the movie is released... on February 2009 perhaps? B))

  11. I updated wikipedia with the information regarding the upcoming Macross Frontier Movie...

    Perhaps it will be released on February 2009 as a tribute of sorts to the original SDF Macross? :blink:

    Maybe it could involve a mission with the Quarter looking for Macross Galaxy's main Island? Grace and the Macross Galaxy executives could still be there... So many possibilities... :wacko:

    Btw... I believe this image meant that 3/4 parts of the movie are done... :lol:


  12. I haven't read a single post of the thread since there is no spoiler tag for it, so I'm not 100% sure if there's a RAW or not but I have to post and bitch why is there no RAW yet, don't even see a horrible raw out... hehehehe, oh well.... the wait continues...

    Try YouTube... :rolleyes:

    Could be that too. I know no japanese but i was looking at it from a storytellers perspective i guess. But seem possible, but it is highly doubtful it is Minmei since SK himself doesn't want to go back to that.

    Are you sure...? :rolleyes:


  13. The original SDF Macross has something the other two series don't; we get to see the after effects of the climactic battle. Reconstruction is a large part of what makes the series classic. Its the most "adult" of the three.

    I agree...

    For me the best Macross TV series has been the original SDF Macross, then Frontier and finally Seven...

    However, I must add that I like them all three very much, hehe... ^_^

  14. Yeah, those are the YouTube links...

    Wow!!! What a nice way to end the series. I'm surprised of the helluva amount of awesome that took place... The Vajra helping Frontier... Klan Klan on Michel's Valk... The Birdman/Vajra Queen... Even Nanase woke up!!! :blink:

    And yes... The one in the picture on Bilrer's ring was Minmai... (The voice singing Aimo sounded a lot like Mary Ijima). ^_^

    Anyone else notice the Galaxy fleet (including the Galaxy colony ship) is totally unaccounted for?

    Yes... Don't know what it means. Perhaps that will be the basis for the Movie... Who knows...? :huh:

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