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Kronnang Dunn

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Posts posted by Kronnang Dunn

  1. I agree and concede that's the easiest answer to it. But still... kinda bugs me and throws the plot a little out for me.

    Hell, if Aimo is supposed to be a Vajra song, even the birdman version would have fit better, in my opinion.

    Still, an awesome episode. Enjoyed it a lot, was fricking screaming since the action began. I really wish the last episode gets extended air time, like... dunno, 45-50 mins? We really need that extended time to get a fully-fleshed ending with no loose ends.

    Any reference of it? Kinda remember something along that, but could a mess of my memory. :)

    Seriously guys... Did any of you actually watch

    DYRL? Ai Oboete imasuka was supposed to be an ancient Protoculture song... I'm not surprised that was Queen Ranka's song of choice since is obvious so far that the Vajra are related to the Birdman which itself was connected to the Protoculture

    ... :rolleyes:

    Btw... EPIC episode... Can't wait for the final one... :lol:

  2. It would be great if it gets an official English subbed release outside of Japan. I'll definitely buy it.

    Just let the fansubbers finish eps 24 & 25 first.


    Same here. I already made a couple Dvds with Episodes 1-8 in one and 9-16 in the other (I'm waiting to see if the series end with an extended finale or extra episodes before burning more). And I still want to buy the originals... :lol:

    Any info on the final episode duration? Could it be longer than the standard ones? :huh:

  3. The suit doesn't factor at all to protection from Gs. You can wear some heavy lead suit but you'll still turn to mush even if the suit survives. That said, the EX-Gears are just a control interface and a handy ejection seat.

    And what about the comment in series about the VF-27 that "not even a human in Ex-Gear could survive piloting it..." or such... It seemed to me that clearly indicated some G-protection function for the Ex-Gear... <_<

  4. For those interested in the Crunchyroll matter, I just got a response to my e-mail.

    "Hello Keith,

    Bandai requested that Macross Frontier be removed. They have a Japanese and American branch, so everything by Bandai Japan is distributed in the United States by Bandai America.

    ~BasouKazuma "

    The pessimist in me says that it was most likely a C&D from Bandai Visual Japan, since they've also been after Youtube. But the frosted side says they didn't go after Gundam 00 on CR until just before Bandai Entertainment announced the license... next stop, go pester Bandai Entertainment!

    Could that be a confirmation that Macross Frontier is going to be released in the US? (DVD/Blue Ray format at least?) :blink:

  5. I don't whether to laugh or cry seeing Alto leading a bunch of Kakizakis.

    Pretty grim omen if u ask me...

    The saddest/most shocking thing will be watching Alto see most (if not all) his wingmen die without being able to help them... He is gonna end up like Ozma...

    I just hope Klan and Nene live... (Klan at least).

    NNNNOOOOOO!!!! *sob*, i know, i know, this day was eventually gonna come, but knowing doesn't make it easier. *sob*. I mean, what else am i gonna do during my office hours when this is all over?

    ummm... work?

    Shhhhh!!! Shut up, you!

    Mmmh... Try watching Orguss or other similar series, hehehe...

    Or write fan-fic based on Frontier, hehehehe (even better!!!).

    I have to wonder if Alto staying behind may have been part of a plan from Ozma and Cathy. He is an actor after all. Just a thought. I kind of doubt it myself, but I still wanted to add speculation.

    That would explain a lot and could be a very interesting twist... Me like it!!! ^_^

  6. I don't want to defend him but he wrote this :

    [...]This is not my Macross, and I've watched them all, and enjoyed them all up until now. I don't know who this show is supposed to be for, because no one who appreciates Macross for the reasons I appreciate it could ever be a fan of this show. Maybe you don't agree with me -- many people don't, and that's fine. I think the end-all be-all of anime is Escaflowne and Macross 7, for cripes sake. The thing is, I've been around a while and I've watched a lot of mecha shows, and given my experience with the genre I know that this is shameless and without creative thought, and that those things are everything that the original Macross was not about.''

    Link : http://sdf5x.blogspot.com/search/label/review

    So I don't think Captain JLS is a Macross hater. After reading his review, I rather think he does not understand at all the spirit of Macross Frontier.

    Actually that comment makes me think that this guy may be stuck in the 90s... :rolleyes:

    Man... I may be even older than him, and I still do like new stuff like Frontier a lot...

    I love the original Macross... But lets face it...

    Things change...

    Embrace change... ^_^

  7. Found this review online; to call it negative is a understatement.


    You know... I still like Robotech (grew up with it... and I liked Shadow Chronicles too...). But I like Macross so much right now (and Frontier too... despite the loli-, fan service, comedy, etc.etc.) that I don't give a damn about it and won't even bother reading it...

    Doesn't make any sense to have someone criticizing the non-drama elements of the show this far (with only 2 episodes to go!!!)... when things are now so grim and serious...

    Macross Official Website updated the pics for episode 24:

    NOTE: Don't open if you don't wanna be spoiled. :mellow:

    Thanx man... Wow...

    Grace actually looks pissed/annoyed to me!!!

    That's a radical change from previous episodes... :ph34r:

    I hope whatever causes that makes her frustation even bigger later, hehehe... ^_^

  8. the confusion arose when the official macross F website designated Glass as President of the entire NUNG. which presupposes a mobile seat of power (which also ties in with the general concept of space emigration).

    NUN Goverment has Earth as main/home/supply base, but by no means seems to be a centralist goverment because of that...

    And makes sense... Why have the main goverment power sitting like a duck on a planet that could be attacked just like it happened during Space War I? Better have it become mobile and safer that way... With a big escort fleet that is...

    The Vajra may change things again though... :unsure:

  9. I honestly wont be satisfied unless one of three things happen.

    1 Micheal comes back (didn't they set up a possible Deus ex machina by having berela launch his VF on auto?)

    It doesn't matter how many times I think about it his death just seems like such a throwaway like the writers just trying to prove that they have balls. why would you build up a relationship slowly over the course of 20 episodes just to have him die to save Klan from something that, let's be honest here was the size of her fist. and then not even give us an emotional follow up scene of her emediate greif. just skip to the pissed off out for revenge phase.

    Watch Episode 21 and 22. Lots of Klan grieving there... :rolleyes:

    2 Klan dies so she can be with him in the afterlife, or not have to live w/o him (whichever your belief system supports better).

    3 Sheryl AND Ranka die and alto and Klan end up together. blah blah both lost their love, similar situation they help each other through it. (I know i'm crazy but this kind of thing happens alot in real life.)

    without knowing it I let the Klan KlanxMicheal aspect of the show take over as my reason for interest in continuing to watch (are they, aren't they? will they, wont they? they are? they did!? WTF he's dead!)

    sure 1 and 3 are a bit far fetched but I'm still holdin out for #2 B))

    Klan fans don't hate me I just can't see her moving on and getting with some random nobody (other than Alto)

    Jeez... Did you watched the original SDF Macross? Remember Claudia La Salle... :rolleyes:

  10. hmm... you know, you got me thinking. i wonder what level a space conflict has to reach before it is classified as SW2. the protodevlin attacked and waged war against 3 macross fleets, at least. the vajra attacked two fleets (3 if you include the 117th). both the protodevlin and the vajra could, potentially, threaten the existence of all humanity if they spread. will it only be considered SW2 if the battle actually reaches earthspace?

    More if the Vajra conflict reaches each and every Human/Zentradi Alliance fleet in the whole galaxy...

  11. Did anyone notice that the staff on Frontier want to contact main NUNS about their problems? So Frontier is a branch of NUNS after all, Earth is still in control.

    Just as I always thought. But just to clarify... The head of the NUN Goverment was Howard Glass (Check the Official Site Profile and the Compendium)... So Earth was the main supply base, but the commanding base has been Frontier all along. And it seems that Leon is now the Big Cheese (It seems he was just appointed new President on this Episode). :mellow:

  12. then the voices in Graces' head (sans grace herself) start talking in a cryptic fashion that hit's at a continuation that will never materialize.

    It was revealed in the news thread that Kawamori told NT that those voices are

    the Galaxy fleet leaders... If Galaxy goes down... so will they...


  13. Also the explosions of these supposed MDE warheads was just like run of the mill micro missles. No purple-pink colors during the explosions. Although I could hear what seemed like a Vajra screaming in pain during the explosions.

    Need a pic of that explosion to rectify... But I'm pretty sure that I saw a conventional explosion with some puple-pinky lights coming from it and the "scream" you mentioned was more like the sound of a DE reaction to me... <_<

  14. Hmm, here's a theory, what if he had to resign to save face after whatever insurrection it was that occurred in 2030 that also caused macronized Zentrans to be banned from Earth?

    I find that supposition very very probable. I bet he retired and became a civilian... Or a military advisor of sorts... (maybe he was even a consultant for the DYRL movie?) ^_^

  15. I think that he probably went out with the Megaroad One fleet. That'd be a heck of a loose end to leave dangling around. Kawamori really doesn't want to revisit all those old characters. I guess, in a way, we are lucky that we got more Max and Millia in 7.

    Afaik he wasn't in command of his old Nupetiet Vergnitzs anymore (which left Earth as escort ship for the Megaroad 01)... Since the U.N. appointed him Commander of the U.N. Spacy in 2016.

    So no, he didn't... <_<

    He stayed on Earth.

  16. I guess untill we see otherwise, but I keep imagining to myself ^_^ alto screwing up his last vf-25 and SMS pulling off a dust cover off the prototype hidden all the way in some storage compartment. BUT the vf-25 does symbolize the anniversary and the series.

    As much as I'd love to see even more new valks in the series... Given the facts that there are only 2 episodes left and that we have been introduced to the new VF-171 EX... I truly doubt we will see any VF-24 in action... Sorry. :unsure:

  17. I believe that in the end it will be revealed that the Vajra thinking fold network was created from Sara Nome's mind. The Ring around the Vajra planet came from the damaged Birdman (as well as all the Vajra). And Aimo is a Mayan song... :mellow:

    All this before everybody dies... (Tomino end) :unsure:

  18. Ah, I should have assumed it was a Gundam thing. <_< All you Gundamheads. :)

    For me, his finest work was Ideon (1980)... (Which Macross took a lot from... specially the death scenes...). :mellow:

    I like Gundamu too, but ain't a super fan of it... (not as much as Macross) <_<

    Back to Frontier... I wonder if Animage had the duration of the final episode? Is it going to be an standard 30 min episode or will it last an hour? :huh:

  19. One thing still don't make sense - Leon say the Vajia is planning to use Ranka as their weapon to destroy human. Now how the hell can that work? To human Ranka is just a girl that can sing. There is no human-brain network for her to hack, or a super birdhuman for her to drive.

    She's a coordinator/little queen for the Vajra... Through her singing the Vajra consciousness could manage to control the Vajra to fight even more effectively.... Kinda like the emulators from Macross II (Just another tribute of sorts). :ph34r:

    Also remember how in Episode 20 the Vajra attack became even more agressive when she became sad while singing... :huh:

  20. Ai-kun is a glorified "wagging tail" for Ranka that expresses her very own emotions, he's probably part of her hair. :lol:

    Or maybe Ai-kun is a queen as well. ;)

    Did Enderverse have a few queens? I thought there can only be one at a time. The queen on the formic home planet specially made a queen egg when it knew its doom is near and sent it to Ender to hatch safely.

    PS: though now i kind of remember the new queen gave birth to a few queens for purposes of repopulating the species in Children of the Mind.

    As for Hive-mind vs Queen Mind....think of Hive-mind like a shared conciousness where multiple sentience form a single big entity. (some say that the Internet is the human Hive-mind) :lol: In fact Grace might be trying to achieve a human hive mind!


    Whereas in Ender, the hive mind is a bit more interesting as the queen herself is the only sentient being in the whole species using her armies as if they are part of her own body. The drones lack any sentient thought. In hindsight, its still early to tell if the Vajra are a gestalt existence or one with just the queen's sentience.

    U know, perhaps the Vajra are all killed in the ending, except Ai-kun... Then Ranka and Brera take him to some uncharted planet so he can evolve into a queen and reborn the Vajra race... This time without any interference from humans... B))

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