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Everything posted by Shouta

  1. The episode wasn't too bad. I cringed really bad at the middle sequence though. As ackem points out above, the most interesting bit is
  2. I doubt the encoder will be doing the DVD versions of the ep so I'll probably end up doing it myself for our releases.
  3. Speed and quality is such an interesting thing in fansubbing. They can go hand in hand but it's fairly rare to find people that can do both. It's really watching it from both sides of the fence.
  4. Good ep, much needed after last episode although it looks like they're back the wacky stuff next ep. Hopefully, it'll be serious rather than silly.
  5. I initially thought he said "Type-V Battle footage" with Cathy's next line being more along the lines of "It would seem the team here has found an "unidentified" machine". In some regards, that makes more sense considering the flow of the conversation but I don't know if it's true or not. I don't have the script and what kanji were used.
  6. Well, the possibility of Sterne working for UN Spacy may be there. Leon does view the footage and asks about any other footage leaking out. He isn't as surprised when he mentions a foo fighter during his conversation with Cathy either.
  7. Actually, not necessarily. Ranka just says "Anata." or "You..." which could mean anything. Her expression is likely in regards to the fact that he knows the tune to Aimo and not the fact she knows who he is.
  8. She basically got blocked by the producers of the program as far as I can tell. They decided to go with someone else or decided on no newcomers I'm not quite sure because Elmo talks like a drunk, high-pitched weasel. Part of Leon's plan and all. Hopefully be out by tomorrow morning or so, depending on the rest of the gang. I got my stuff done last night.
  9. That's a good catch. I also see their official rankings to be the Army style ones too. Yayz. I'm not using Skull Platoon though. >=O
  10. Oooh, now I get it. Spoilers, don't highlight unless you want to spoil yourself about the key information presented in this episode.
  11. Totally disagree, but eh, I don't have time to argue at the moment. Oh and the song at the start... ergh. I knew there was a reason why I hated that veggie. And
  12. Man, this episode is pretty bad. lol The consistency of the characters is all over the place and while it's not jarringly bad, the way they draw the characters is just so unlike the first 7 eps a lot of the time. It wouldn't be too bad if it weren't for the fact the show's style has been set and the way this looks just doesn't jive with the prior ones. The drawing is forgivable because it'll probably get fixed for the DVD release, but man, the content of this episode. =x Total filler, stupid hijinks, and not much to advanced the plot beyond the last bit. Did Satelight really have to do this ep to transition between things.
  13. It's figurative. Think of afterburners as "hitting the gas." I mean, most peopel won't know how afterburners work. They just associate rush of power to engines and speed boost. =o
  14. Graham: I did a quick authoring using Nero Vision and it works perfectly. Doing a simple authoring job (plug in the episodes and encode, don't have to do chapters or menus) will probably work for you. The video looks really awesome on my TV. Gonna give it another shot on a different TV and DVD player to see if the video matches up.
  15. If I had the script, I'd probably guess it's the former of the two I mentioned but since I don't have the actual script or the closed captions, I got to play a little. It is a bit long compared to how Ozma says it though. Flavor over read time is a tradeoff I can take. Graham: I'm authoring a DVD right now, I'll let you know how it goes.
  16. Does the DVD player read computer files from a disc or it it just a DVD player? If the former, then it probably doesn't support MP4 or MKV and you'd have to re-encode them. The other option is to use some software to author a playable DVD that works on a regular player. I usually do the latter for myself if someone isn't very good with a computer. On that note, I'll try that now with our releases.
  17. I couldn't figure that last one out. I know for sure the second line by Alto is hedgehog. I don't know what the line by Mikhail was (which means I probably got it wrong). There's a word pun/joke in there that I couldn't figure out. Oh well, screw the hedgehogs. The first Ozma line I had fun with. I actually mentioned it earlier in the thread. There's two ways to interpret it without knowing the kanji. "尻の匂い" or "smell of my butt" or "後の匂い" or "the smell behind me." I went with the second replacing back with afterburner and smell with scent. It works because the latter is euphemism. I actually thought "smell of my butt" initially but I remembered the other kanji and went "OOOH, I GET TO MAKE THE LINE FUN WITH PLANE RELATED TERMS" verbally. Oh, and Ozma boosted away.
  18. He says something to the extent of "ote something something ni tanomu" in Japanese. It's hard to make out because of all the sound but I think myself and the translator figured it was "hand" and the rest being something about extending help. =P
  19. That's probably because your monitor is set differently. Most people have different settings for their monitor so sometimes video can be dark while it may be bright on another. I know most of the raws I nab are a bit washed out when it comes to color on my monitor. I don't like the darker aspect to the video that our encoder does but the colors are far more vibrant than the raw.
  20. I find the obsession with Ranka popping out to be rather disturbing.
  21. Too much super robot for him. =x I <3 Super Robots but man, that isn't Macross-like at all.
  22. Ah, ok. That line. I put reactor. She says "Main hannourou" hannou = reaction, rou = furnace/kiln/reactor. Kakuhannourou = Nuclear reactor but kaku isn't there so reactor makes sense. In retrospect, that makes a line I did in ep 6 wrong. Haha.
  23. Which ep was this? I've been trying the timestamps on our episodes but I remembered that the encoder cut out the sponsors message so it's a bit shorter =x
  24. You remember what section it popped up or a time stamp?
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