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Everything posted by vladykins

  1. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Worse- I'm senior management and I convince my staff they want to do it instead of screaming at them until they do.
  2. If you hold the mouse over the person's name, Ignore User comes up:
  3. I love the smaller black kill markers.
  4. It is. The art work credits are at the bottom: It's all drawn from the Robotech Reference Guide stuff done to supplement the Palladium Robotech RPG. Definitely not from the source material at all.
  5. This. There are some who have faked up what a fighter mode would look like but IIRC the original line art has no other mode.
  6. Yeah- I'm waiting patiently. We'll see if the TF Source Stick ride armor shows first.
  7. Is it just me or does the backpack seem excessively large for the toy? Or maybe the back is too thin making the backpack look huge? Pict for reference:
  8. It's one of those things that catches folks all the time. I'm not even sure why they have that as their default but then I guess I only ever chase things there that are always limited to 1 per customer.
  9. Except if the original company sending "collectibles" doesn't package things to withstand what they know will be shipping company abuse, it really is still on them. Getting a check for a destroyed collectible, even if it is just the box itself, is not something you should want your customers facing except in extreme accidental situations. We have two on here already.
  10. That's just HLJ's default setting. If you make it in, you are still limited to 1. After it sells out, it switches back to the default of 20.
  11. Me too! mine was just crappy and fell apart. I might still have the grey gunpod somewhere, though.
  12. We have swappable hands, so swappable goggles is an obvious money grab. I see Bandai providing one with their GBP but selling the other for 5000 yen.
  13. Preparing to launch all missiles, Hikaru loses his glasses.....again.
  14. Nin-nin's a gamble. This release being smaller means you may be OK, since the demand didn;t drive up scalping high. The Roy low priced orders from Nin-nin? Probably not going to happen.
  15. I think they put on special sunglass sensors (those the gray goggles) and Hikaru just keeps losing them and having to put them back on. <crickets> I'll show myself out.
  16. Mostly because the duties end up being VATs, whereas unless something is being shipped commercially it usually won't get chased down by customs. Not having a national sales tax or VAT makes it more difficult to do so on an individual basis. State sales tax nexus gets a lot more fun for international folks and there are many cases where an international purchase *should* trigger sales tax but nobody really pays it unless it is flagrantly obvious. Hell, it is only the past couple years that out of state sales tax collection became a thing.
  17. Same. Here you can see my 1S with them canted forward for combat: But then here I have it up and slightly back: And my chunkies are almost always straight up or slightly back.
  18. I'd bid but that is when Bandai would announce the 1J with GBP armor.
  19. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    He's here as @jenius
  20. vladykins

    Hi-Metal R

    Even my wife, who refuses to watch a single episode of any of this, loves the HMR Monster.
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