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Posts posted by taksraven

  1. I am really enjoying the "mystery" of the show so far. I just hope that as the show goes on and secrets are revealed that they don't turn out to be too mundane or predictable.

    I also think that up until this point the Vajra has been a kickarse enemy. Powerful and deadly, like they should be.

    The combat scenes have been spectacular, the CGI has been awesome and so far they have blended it well with the 2D animation style.

    The music has been stunning as well, both orchestral and the j-pop/rock.

    If the effort on this series is maintained, it should continue to go well.


  2. Another voting selection could have been...

    - Because it is not *another* stupid crappy reality TV show.

    I mean, there is so much rubbish on television at any one time these days its such a relief to see programs that are different and are also GOOD SF.

    Its like I observed in an earlier post, 2008 is a great year so far 'cause you have new Macross, Dr Who AND BSG being shown at the same time. Great stuff...


  3. Let see, Macross frontier:

    - Transforming valk...check

    - Love triangle.....check

    - Huge buster cannon....probably exist in Macross Quarter....check

    - Aliens.......check

    - Idol singer......check

    - Inspiring music....check

    - Bridge bunnies....check

    - Destroids.....check

    - Civilian/military life......check

    - Spaceships,fleet battles....check

    Ok, I think it have most of Macross element :rolleyes:

    You forgot one....

    - Jaded fans who nitpick the show too much at times........check :lol: :lol:


  4. ^^ I've pointed this out in the Episode Thread as well. So which is canon, the one we saw in Episode 4 or the one in episode 6?

    Also, speaking of technology am I the only one who is in disbelief of the Red Lobster's capabilities?

    According to the Leon in Episode 5:

    == Makes its own missiles....WTF!!!??? Unlimited Ammo!!! :ph34r:

    == Has a reactor capable of powering ECA and Fold Generator. :ph34r:

    Can anyone say SUPER OVERPOWERED? :rolleyes:

    I think we just need to say SF magic and not get too worked up about it. Most (99.9%) SF and SF Anime has little basis in reality. Its just the way it is. B))

  5. Perhaps the Queadluun-Rea is supposed to be smaller, but those proportions look way out of scale to me. The Queadluun-Rau is supposed to be roughly twice as tall as the pilot (not including the antennae). In that shot, the Q-Rea looks roughly the same size as a Valkyrie and Klan would fill out the entire suit from almost head to foot. That's definitely not right, at least in the way the Q-Rau was shown in SDF Macross.



    Have we just found our first AnimeFriend/STAR PRO-like animation gaffa? :)

    Where do the pilots legs go????? :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Sorry, just stirring, I remember that debate.


  6. Well instead of "biting the dust" maybe Ozma's gonna do a T.C. McQueen role like in S.A.A.B. You know still commanding Skull Squadron, but flight status revoked because of injuries. B)) Well I can hope can't I? :lol:

    God, Space Above and Beyond, you are reeeeaaallly showing your age there. Then again, I was going to be an old codger and compare the end of episode 6 to some of the scene's in Space Battleship Yamato that had the heroes preparing to fight and then departing to a rousing tune.

    Come to think of it, I think I have seen the departing sequence from the end of episode 6 in another show apart from SB:Y. Anybody have any ideas. (Yes, I know it has been done a few times in SF and other genre's, but there is something that is VERY similar, I just can't remember it.)


  7. Bah, lets not get too worked up about animation yet.

    I'll tell you whats cool about this show and thats the music. Do we know if the first OST disc is going to be Sheryl and Ranka songs or is it also going to include some of the orchestral stuff, because I have really been enjoying the orchestral stuff. (Also the pop stuff too, don't get me wrong.) I especially enjoyed the rousing theme that they played during the last episode just before Sheryl's concert. It was a more "epic" version of the music from the start of Ep2 when Alto rescued Ranka. Great stuff, I WANT IT!!!! B)) B))


  8. Multiple Macross 1/4 class ships next episode?????

    Look at the picture I have borrowed. The ship closest to the viewer has a profile that would seem to match a Macross 1/4 ship. BUT, the ship further away and above it seems to have a very similar if not EXACTLY the same profile. Maybe another SMS fleet? Or just other ships of the same class that belong to NUNS?

    It will be interesting to see.



  9. And quite honestly, this is nowhere near as bad as the Anime Friend via STAR PRO debacle of SDF Macross that we've all come to know and loathe.

    I hope my word is good as a big fan of the animation thus far, but yes, the episode 6 animation is a noticeably worse. But don't worry, if this is as bad as Frontier ever gets, we can stomach it a lot better than the drops in past Macross shows.

    Thats the most valid point anybody could make about this. Basically it is NOWHERE near as bad as some of the stuff we had to endure in the original series. So just bear with it and enjoy the show. If you get toooooo nitpicky its hard to enjoy anything.


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