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Posts posted by taksraven

  1. I still say the ending of this episode felt mournful, as opposed to the "Rah Rah Let's get up and FIGHT!" spirit that a lot of "prelude to battle" episodes have.

    Made for a nice touch, I thought.

    Mournful yes, but there seemed to be a look of satisfaction or even happiness on Alto in the last couple of shots at the end. Like he was finally more content, like he had finally found what he was meant to be doing. (He has been pretty dissatisfied with his situation for most of the rest of the series.

    I guess that he also realises that there are going to be girls waiting for him at home.

    Ozma seemed to be really nervous though, but he out of all the others probably has a better idea of what they are in for.


  2. Good timing too

    *Dries eyes* And its been such a good thread too.................

    Seriously though, it has been an interesting discussion we had here, its a real pity that it did get bogged down in discussion about the animation because there was a lot more to the episode than that. I would say that overall it was 70% whining about animation and 30% discussion about what actually happened in the episode. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    Too bad.


  3. The right arm can be seen split up in the OP, so this arm is probably the weapons module. The left arm is the carrier module, this configuration resemble SDF-1 Macross (right arm Daedalus, left arm Promotheus). I don't think the carrier module can split up or have any heavier armaments.

    Need official confirmation here....

    The right arm splits open into a giant tuning fork so the Sound Force can tune their instruments. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Sorry 'bout that.

    I think that it is more likely to resemble the classic configuration. Maybe the SMS have some Destroid cannon fodder sitting in that arm that we haven't seen yet. Does the transformable Monster classify as a destroid or an aircraft??


  4. Kazutaka Miyatake also worked in Space Battleship Yamato during 1974. He was 28 years old at the time. That's why his ships in Macross (1982) look inspired by Yamato's. He was also responsible for the creation of the Destroids, the Quaedlunn-Rau (my favorite mecha ever) & the Nousjaedul-Ger Meltrandi/Zentradi Power Armors in Macross & DYRL (the Nousja was heavily modified for DYRL by another designer... can't remember his name).

    Thats a pretty cool resume.


  5. I noticed it. Why? Because the character designer designed the character that way.

    If you want a better explanation than that well...uh....oookay.... Her eyes are like that due to a special technology discovered in...er...1842....by demons....used by crack law enforcement agencies to...er...I don't know....fight aliens?

    Oh, come on. Its a pretty bloody weird character design element (we are not just talking about weird hair) and I think its a fair question. No need to take the piss like that. :angry:


  6. Mech 3 still had Night Vision though. I think Thermal imaging was just a "cool lets add it in" feature in Mechwarrior 2 since a real thermal imaging should look something like what the Predator sees....not exactly useful in a battle full of hot sweltering battlemechs. You'll probably just see RED everywhere and can't make out what's what. :lol:

    Can't remember that feature in Mech 3. (But then again I can't seem to remember ever owning some droids :lol:) I am more certain that you definitely had to use spotlights in the "Pirates Moon" expansion disk. They did it to make it interesting but it instead made some levels of the game very frustrating.

    Back onto Macross Frontier, what is wrong with the eyes of the Purple-haired Bridge Bunny. It looks like she has black eyeballs and white pupils/iris. Whats going on with that. She looks like the scientist who created the Pin Point Barrier in the original macross series.

    Anybody else noticed this? Anybody else know why???????

  7. the most famous instance of Gundpod catching is Roy in Macross Zero - I need not elaborate, I hope.


    Funniest line in Macross ever "You guys are going to get killed if you insist on following the rules", or whatever, and within ten seconds they are blown up.


  8. MAC OS or Linux Perhaps? :ph34r::lol:

    BTW, did the episode showcase the cockpit of VF-25? Was wondering if the VF-25 had the YF-19-like cockpit. :mellow:

    We are getting a little technical here and slightly off topic but I think that the cockpit for the YF-19 was the coolest one that we have seen so far in macross, especially the screens beneath the pilots legs that we have NOT seen in Frontier. (Bit of a backwards step in technology I would have thought.

    Kind of reminds me of the slip in technology in the Mechwarrior games. In Mechwarrior 2 you had a light amplification (infra-red) mode for when it was dark. In Mechwarrior 3 your mech had SPOTLIGHTS instead. Talk about an inexcusable backwards step in technology.


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