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Posts posted by takatoys

  1. I had cracks on both shoulder black parts. After close inspection (taking the metal pin out and unscrewing) came to the conclusion that it is a plastic quality issue. Apparently, those parts did not cook well or the mold was over used (blame on Alto's VF-17)The screws and pins apply force no doubt but the black plastic should be strong enough to hold well. I used crazy glue very carefully to fill the cracks and it is holding well, but I would love to have original replacements.

  2. Yes, yes fantastic news.

    This gives hope for a VF-4 reissue too, don't mind waiting another year.

    Do you guys think the YF-21 needs a revision too. I am contemplating it right now and looks perfect, at least in fighter mode.

  3. I will let this one pass. If it does not sell well, I am sure you will see it on future HLJ discounts for US$100 or less.

    If it gets sold out, good for Arcadia and for us who are waiting for more Macross toys.

    The VF-4 is the only valk I regret not buying. Arcadia, reissue the VF-4 please. Paint it pink, Hello Kitty scheme if you want to and I will still buy it.

  4. I am about to get one from Amiami. I will probably not transform this toy to avoid any breakage.

    But I am a little concerned about the under cockpit part. Is it possible to check if the part is there without transforming the toy fully?

  5. I am planning to rub off the "171" on the fuselage and wings, is it possible and what's the best way to go about it? Thanks.

    I bet it is possible. Most toys are painted with acrylics. Use isopropyl alcohol and you can rub off the paint without damaging the plastic.

    I am planning to rub off the "no step" markings under the wing, you can try that first.

  6. I got into the page and kept pressing the add to cart button. After several attempts, I got a notice saying that I can't purchase more than one. I still can't access my account, so I don't know if I secured one.

  7. Ditto. Sold my v.1 last year... Kinda got bored with the 27's design... even with the improvements, the new pics don't do anything for me. Wish I hadn't seen the movies and all that moe... really made me lose interest in MF.

    Same feeling, sold my v.1 with the poster. Boring design and color, and MF movies sucked.

    Waiting for my VF-171 and I am done with MF.

  8. Yeahh! I was asking for some fan pics (and good ones too)

    The VF-17 was on the bottom of my list for favorites. Did not like the triangular and boring scheme.

    But now, it is an amazing twist. It looks so damn nice with the markings and sleek shape. Can't wait.

  9. I just watched the movie and I did not like it. Some parts were like parodies from MTV movie awards. And if you watched series from the 80s, you will see some Knight Rider, A-team, Miami Vice, even Rambo II, Beverly Hills cop and Star Wars scenes mixed together. Iron Man went too "extremis", it may have the Spiderman 3 feeling. Some people liked it and others hated it. In my case, I like Spiderman 3 more than Iron Man 3.

    I will not see this movie twice that is for sure, didn't even laugh at the funny moments. My expectations were too high considering it is Iron Man and RDJ. But in my opinion, Iron Man jumped the shark on this one. Bad way to finish the trilogy.

  10. I am so glad I didn't pass on this! Gerwalk mode is alright, but fighter and battroid are probably the best from Frontier, as far as I'm concerned. I love the VF-25 and its variants, but something about this...

    I am in the same boat. I almost lost my pre-order from NY but even after paying late, my order went through.

    Now this bird is on the way and can't wait to get it.

  11. Doesn't that mean all your pre-order from NY disappears and you on their blacklist? I wouldn't do that.

    You can ask nicely via e-mail.

    I got a payment request from NY two weeks ago. They told me to pay before the 24th or I will lose my account and all previous pre-orders.

    The VF-171 was not ready for shipping I guess, as I got no cancellation from them. To be safe, I paid a few minutes ago.

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