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shadow strikers

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Posts posted by shadow strikers

  1. WHAT?!?!

    Uh, dude, it's time to go back to the hospital, now. You've gone without your meds long enough...

    Im perfectly healthy and sane I just hate the human species and would glad to be your future militaristic leader and the way im raising up it wont be long. Imagine a world were no ONE fights because dumb stupidities. Where everyone gets along no matter what region you were manufactured, or the color of your epidermis, and beliefs on how you came to this primitive nothing special mud ball we call earth.

  2. Because that's what Robotech is, and Macross isn't.

    If macross isn't about war and mecha then why have all these mecha, why have all these war's and fighting scenes then. Because if it wasn't for the war and mecha half of you wouldn't watch this and it would only be about love and music.

  3. MUSIC! and LOVE STORIES!! ^_^

    Music is okay, but love is stupid waste of brain power and time. Plus it doesn't exist it's just a name for a electrochemical signal created in a primitive brain. Also while im talking about humans Parents of a offspring care about their off spring for two reason in this modern society 1. they Law, 2. instincts telling them to take care of them. Though some people lack this so they abandon their offspring or they are not developed enough to support one.

    There's just something about humans that make me sick to my organic material processing organ"stomach". Could it be their existence or how they argue over little things and can't shut up at least for 1 decade and get along. Because of their distrust in people manufactured in different regions or the color of their epidermis.

    All in all even though the homo species has been around for at least or more then 200,000 years I believe that's long enough.

    Toss out this old design and throw in a new one.

  4. Because unlike Robotech, Macross has writers who can actually write?

    Let's not confuse Robotech with Macross please... the love stories and music are what really matters most of the time... the mecha and explosions are mainly just windowdressing to sell the love story and the music.

    I never mentioned robotech that's all on you I'm saying and please keep up with me which you didn't last time I quote"why can't macross have a new series that has something as in a new technology discovered or a new war started and new mecha"

  5. Okay, first off, the original Super Dimension Fortress Macross TV series and the absolutely craptacular rewrite called the "Macross saga" of Robotech are NOT interchangeable. If you want to know more about the harebrained changes Harmony Gold made, there's a pinned thread about that. The rest of Macross is not related to Robotech in any way, shape, or form.

    Nominally, the majority of the Macross shows are organized into a single universe and continuity centered around the original Super Dimension Fortress Macross TV series, though it also includes several canon video games and manga titles. The main Macross continuity stretches from 1999 to 2059, and includes Macross Zero, Super Dimension Fortress Macross, Macross: Flashback 2012, Macross Plus, Macross 7, Macross 7: the Galaxy is Calling Me!, Macross Dynamite 7, Macross Frontier (and its movie), the video games Macross M3, Macross Digital Mission VF-X, and Macross VF-X2, and the manga series Macross 7 Trash and Macross Dynamite 7: Mylene Beat. Additionally, the movie Macross: Do You Remember Love? is technically part of the continuity, but is a "movie within the universe" that debuted in 2031.

    There is also an alternate universe continuity which is comprised of titles produced before Macross co-creator Shoji Kawamori's return to the franchise, which was the original ongoing continuity prior to the release of Macross Plus in 1994. The alternate universe continuity consists of the movie Macross: Do You Remember Love? (which is treated as the canon version of Space War 1), the 6-episode OVA Macross II: Lovers Again, and two canon video games... Macross 2036 and Macross: Eternal Love Song.

    You may find this guide to the differences between Macross and Robotech helpful for the rest of your inquiries:


    In Macross, the Protoculture is the name of the galaxy's first sentient species, who established a sizable interstellar republic some 500,000 years ago, invented most of the advanced overtechnologies seen in the series, and created the Zentradi, the Meltrandi (AU only), the Protodeviln (main continuity only), and humanity for various reasons. Their whole civilization collapsed hundreds of thousands of years ago due to civil war and other causes (varies depending on which timeline you're talking about) and they're believed to be largely extinct.

    In Robotech, "protoculture" is a borderline magical substance that makes no sense and obeys no physical law that is processed from an equally-inexplicable flower, and is used as fuel, food, and to plug the grievous plot holes left by trying to combine three unrelated anime shows (Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada) into a single series.

    The mecha and ships of Macross are powered by thermonuclear reaction powerplants, a technology similar to nuclear fusion, but much more efficient and somewhat safer. It's one of many technologies reverse-engineered from the alien spaceship that crashed on South Ataria Island in 1999 (whether that's a Supervision Army gun destroyer or a Meltrandi gun destroyer depends on whether you're talking main timeline or alternate universe). Exactly what fuel they use is never specified, though it is mentioned that the fuel doesn't necessarily have to be nuclear material so presumably there are a multitude of fuels that can be used to run a thermonuclear reaction system.

    Thanks, this cleared my concerns and or questions relating to the robotics and so on.
  6. Sophisticated thermonuclear reaction engines.

    Valkyries and ships engines are using thermonuclear reaction engines. Prior to the crash of the ASS-1 and its eventual reverse engineering there was a breakthrough in thermonuclear or fussion technology.

    With the advent of Overtechnology, thermonuclear reaction engines and Reaction Weapons were developed.

    Basically humans had the basics of the science and went to a more advanced avenues thanks to the Macross.

    so when they say creation weapons they mean nuclear powered missile and guns?

  7. We know robo**** is multiple series combined together. But macross is the first part of that series so all this stuff like macross plus, M frontier, M 7, and so on are they branches out of the Macross saga from robo**** or completely different?

    And if it's different then why is the PC from the Macross saga different from the macross everyone is talking about?

    Also after you tell me why it's different what fuel do they use to power these mecha and ships and so on?

  8. So ive been thinking about this for a while. Since frontier is over and its movie is due out soon, what aspect of macross would you like to have them do next?

    I think it would be cool if they went back and explained how Hikaru and the Megaroad 1 disappeared and where it disappeared to and base a series around the megaroad getting back to earth or its original course.

    How about this in exploration mission humans find a radical advance technology. The uses of the technology are so extraordinary the zentradi invid believe that it is just a legend. Upon research they develop a mecha able to connect with the person.

    (something like guld did where he was link to his valk by his mind), except this is their whole body like they move their arm robot does it, but if they want to fly like using the jet engines and so on they need to think about it. Also to use the gun they have a thing on one arm when they push the trigger the robot fires the gun.

    But when they start using this a new species of alien's called morkats (mor-ka-tas) start a war with the humans for this technology that use to be a legend. Also in this series they should give hints to as what exactly PC is, is it a gas, solid, or a mix of things? Then give hint's to how it is made naturally. Because in order to harness something you need to discover it first.

  9. I don't see why you'd need to enter a time loop in order to make yourself in the past remember to watch the episode. Just go back in time, dispose of your forgetful self and take your own place and watch the episode as you should have. Rightful order restored, no need to loop a section of space-time causing havoc for other people.

    All in all just doing that results in about 3 new quantum universes being made, and the original (relatively speaking) is still the one where you missed the episode and then disappeared after going back in time, but nonetheless, from a personal stand point the problem is solved.

    But here's the problem, if you forgetting the episode could be the you that went back in time, then wouldn't you create a paradox in which you keep killing your self because you forgot then your self visits you again and does the same.

    Or killing your self could destroy the space time continuum.

  10. > When you keep buying Macross goods when you know you shouldnt but you do anyway. 'its not me,it told me to buy it' <

    If only that would work on the wife. If only...

    When every time you sleep it's always a macross dream, you happen to be flying a unknown Valkyrie that you created in your basement, and test it against pilots in the SDF-1.

    When you try to get every single macross game you can get your hands on.

    When you want to buy out all macross stuff in hlj.

    when you buy 1 figure for christmas and say I'll buy 2 more for fun.

    when you do a marathon of everything macross commercials shows movies amv's etc.

    when your you 5 years old you decide you want to be a fighter pilot in the military in hopes one day something like this happens and I get to pilot one.

    When you wish you could save the life of the CEO of yamato so you could be best friends and get free figures once in a while or on you B-day ect.

    I have a long list don't want to waste your time.

  11. we haven't conquered the galaxy yet...

    though we accomplished some feat in this series..

    i think there are more greater things that the PC have done, that we know little of..

    so we need a new series Mr kawamori xD

    I know PC is a source of energy to power their machines and stuff, but what is PC exactly? Is it a unstable chemical? Is it a gas, solid? What is PC and how exactly is it made in nature? I think we do need a new series at least some what hinting to how it's made and what its made out of.

  12. I would love to see a toy that has the intake covers made PT. Just as important of a details as the heatshield. Yamato solved the heatshield thing pretty good with both the 1/48 and 1/60v2 VF-1, and with VF-11, too... Fail on the intake covers for YF-19 and fail on both for the VF-22.

    That and attempted side covers with the 1/48 using those tabs. But why not do what you said and try on the intakes and side covers like they did to the heat shield.

  13. Dude no offense but seriously you would get a better reaction out of people here if you learned to post eloquently IE with correct punctuation and grammar Not only does it better convey your point it also makes you look less like a noob :)

    Have you ever heard of laziness, and at least im trying. I'm not saying you don't but it's better then me being lazy

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