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Posts posted by Macross007

  1. Now there's a lesson we KNOW Tommy learned. His comic book credits include a stint doing art for Superman, and a Danger Girl miniseries. Between his work for DC, Image, and Harmony Gold, it really calls into question whether he even knows what a real woman looks like, because most of the women he draws seem to be missing fairly vital things like the lower half of their ribcages, and most of the abdominal organs.

    It's good to have you with us BlackRose. :lol:

  2. Your welcome for the new sig, but uhh I think you should paraphrase for this site. Without the context of the situation it sounds like THIS Macross website is dying a slow and painful death with Robotech. On the OTHER website, however its much more fitting to use in its current form. You know what website I am talking about.

    No problem sir. Correction done.

  3. When I watched Isamu in the YF-19 do atmospheric re-entry with his flight systems off... in a barrage of ion cannon fire to the backdrop of Info High.


    I second that. It was certainly the moment I decided that Macross was for me one of the most important thing I have ever seen in my entire life. Being myself a nerd and all that you know. ^_^

  4. It doesn't help that Robotech is full of plot holes and bizarre inconsistencies, and die-hard fans jest LOOOOOOVE to try to find a way to rationalize those. It makes the whole thing more "interactive," I guess.

    Strange. I was doing the same while I was a Star Trek fan. With the time, I became tired of rationalizing those illogical inconsistencies made by lazy writers who did not give a sh*t about it themselves and quit being a Star Trek fan. I think the same fate is waiting many Robotech fans ...

  5. I envy you guys being able to plop down money on the spot for sets, toys, and model kits with little to no (or some) hesitation--Even if you guys have the money or somewhat not. :(

    It's funky to me that I now have the means to buy those lovely items but goddamn those numerical figures hurt.

    Make choices then. For my part, the DVDs take the priority over the rest (mangas, magazines, model kits, toys, soundtracks, etc). I have ALL the remastered japansese DVDs of Macross (except Macross Frontier and yes I paid for Macross 7 DVDs) and just one toy (the 1/60 version of the YF-19 with fold booster and FAST pack). I decided to support the franchise and buying the DVD releases is the best way I can do this without ruining my bank account. I am still a college student living with his parents after all. <_<

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