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Posts posted by QuinJester

  1. TOY_RBT_0534_06.jpg

    Looks like plenty of neck to me.

    The "tiptoe" look has been pretty consistently done in the various show displays of the '25 in gerwalk as it approached release, so I think it's a purposeful aesthetic choice. I personally think it looks quite good that way, and fairly fitting with the "hover" purpose of the gerwalk mode. I do the same (clicking the feet in a few spaces) to my V2.0 VF-1A as well to give it a more "on its toes" look as opposed to a more static, flatfooted display.

  2. I don't know what movie you saw, but I'd summarize Crank as a movie about Jason Stathem spending his last few hours of life driving around and talking on his cell phone.

    Are you sure you aren't thinking of an episode of 24? :lol:

    I enjoyed the first Crank, but this trailer doesn't do a thing for me. It's not really the sort of movie that should have had a sequel to begin with. Leave Chelios dead. It gives the original movie at least a modicum of relevance as an expenditure of time.

  3. Motoko's hips are way too fat in 2nd gig. It looks like she's been packing the donuts in after the first season, not worth the money to buy it, IMO.

    I'd recommend you wait until Gonzo buys it up and digitally remasters it to give her the proper, accurate bubblebutt.

    (I actually have the entirety of 2nd gig with both subs AND dub on my computer, yay MKV ... AND the DVD set :lol: . Don't ask me to remember where I downloaded it though. Been too long and I don't remember.)

  4. Grendizer look awesome like this, very similar to Fewture Mazinger 1901 design.

    That's because it's a Fewture Mazinger 1901 body :D

    It's a very cool in progress custom, though. Could use some more modification on the rest of the body to differentiate it a bit more from the original toy.

  5. WOW. Megahouse really did a great job on the face.

    Megahouse is a whole 'nother basket of chips and didn't do either of those faces.

    I like the slightly cartoony look of the Toynami version and the darker visor, but I do think Toynami's mouth is too big. It's BESM, not BEBM :D . The Beagle's mouth, in comparison, looks too tight lipped and small. Ah well!

    In the end, the helmet will be on anyway, so it all kind of becomes moot. Even with the visor up, you wont see the mouth.

  6. And they were legit items? Not Hong Kong knockoffs (I guess there have been some high quality ones circulating last month or two, more so than before)? Shipping was reasonable?


    Angolz is a totally legit operation. No worries there. If you get Air Mail, shipping is quite reasonable, and it'll still get to you pretty darn quickly. I was actually shocked when my CM's Legioss/Tread combo got to me about 5 days after I ordered it with the cheapest shipping option.

  7. To be fair, it's not ENTIRELY unrelated to the "My Yamato is fragile" argument, though it should hardly be the rallying cry of the toy. I have a feeling that the fragility and failure rate of yamato figures isn't something Bandai ignored when designing the DX. I'm sure if you took a focus group of Macross toy buying fans and asked them what they wanted, "more sturdy toys that don't break" would be something you'd hear more than twice. A more sturdy design means beefier joints, metal, thicker plastic, all things that will compromise a design if all you wanted was "model-like-perfection".

    So no, it's not irrelevant. It's a silly company that doesn't think about the failings of their competitors when making a product and try to improve upon them.

  8. :'(

    one of my two VF-25F models just broke, & since i don't want to take chances with the other one i'm gonna have to go with one of the 1/60 VF-25's. I think i'm goning to pick either mikhail's or ozma's fighter. just one question since right now i'm a bit tight on time & don't want to go back several pages. does the 1/60 VF-25 have large parts made out of metal or are they going to be made almost entirely out of plastic like the newer yamato's valkyries? also are these going to be molded in color or will they be painted?

    now going back to bury my poor innocent valk. snif :'(

    Some die-cast body parts, such as the thighs. There will also be steel support pieces in the hips, ankles, feet, and shoulders. Those are all that we know of right now, though there may well be more. The plastic parts will be molded, with paint apps for the colored parts overlayed.

  9. Heh heh, I'll interpret that as a "yes" and that you didn't expect any model railroaders in a thread about anime transforming jets. ;)

    To be fair, it's not exactly a big crossover genre.

    I wonder when we'll see VE-1 and VT-1 protos. The various J's, A's, and S's are great and all, but those are really the ones I'm interested in.

  10. Oh, and sorry to accuse you of talking out your ass... usually there's about a 99% chance that someone on the internet is, in fact, talking out their ass. :p

    If it's any consolation, I've been told my ass is, in fact, quite smart.

    So I've been told, anyway.


    I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

    Actually, in the interests of keeping my job, I'm going to erase that image from the internet now :lol:

  11. Fair enough. My frame of reference comes from my work with the LEGO company, and from the costs associated with their toys and molding. Nearly every omission or substitution of a piece was directly related to cost. Even saving $.10 on the cost of a set adds up quick when you're producing thousands of sets.

    I think money is a pretty simple explanation for why they wouldn't change the fuselage. Slap two seats in, new chest shield, new head. Done.

    It doesn't surprise me in the least that Yamato might be doing something different than what they "promised," especially if it might save them a few bucks. ;)

    Yeah, definitely, when stuff is produced in the tens of thousands the pennies count a lot more. Collectors toys and the like have a bit more leeway since there's more of an individual markup and a lot lower quantity. Not to say the pennies don't count, but with complex pieces the real killer is labor. Snap fits vs. screws, how many parts, how many paint masks to be made, put on, and how many times it has to run through the spray booths ... ugh. It's a nightmare and a half.

    And I know, right? Companies not doing what was assumed that they'd do? Madness!

    When it comes down to it, I think it's really our own fault for assuming that it'd be perfect, since we have such high expectations ;). And what else is the internet for but complaining about things when they aren't perfect? It's certainly not for claiming indifference :D

  12. HEY!! That belongs to my mom! Whered you get it!? I'm gunna sew you!

    Pete :p

    Noooooooooooooooooo! No sewing. I prefer velcro. Mmmm.... velcro. Semi-permanent and painless.

    Fire up the tubes on the interwebs!!! We gots us a debate!

    The tubes can't stand a debate of that magnitude! It's a trap!

    Anyway. I like toys. Toys rule.

  13. Wait, what? "Plastic is cheap"?

    Yes, yes it is.

    Cutting molds isn't cheap, and it's entirely relevant.

    You're quite right. Making an all new mold for one part is utterly ridiculous. However in this case a new mold is already required.

    Why would they cut an entire new fuselage mold including development time, engineering, CAD work, mold cutting costs, etc.

    Because it's part of the design? It's what was promised by graham from the beginning? Because there's already a new mold being made?

    We're talking about a cost difference of tens of thousands of dollars just to accomodate your fantasy scenario of a slightly different fuselage section that's a tiny bit more line-art accurate.

    Tens of thousands? To add an additional die cut to a new injection mold that's already being made? No. Not even close.

    Do you actually know anything about plastics molding or are you just talking out of your ass?

    Yes, yes I do. Would you like to see one of the prototype dies from our factory's latest product?


    Would you really like to continue this argument? :p

    It's all irrelevant anyway. What we get is what we get.

    Where are my internets?

  14. The existing molds most likely already have the fuselage grouped together with some of the existing parts, like the legs/arms/tail section, etc. Usually parts are grouped together on molds if they use the same color plastic. The 1D forward fuselage is the same color as most of the legs, the wings, and the aft fuselage sections.

    They are using the same fuselage mold because it's cheaper to do it that way. "They could do it if they really wanted to" doesn't trump the economics of the situation.

    Whether or not the existing fuselage is on the existing molds (which I'm sure it is) is irrelevant to the argument of "they would have to cut new molds", because plastic is cheap and there's a negligible cost loss to not using the fuselage made in the mold from the existing molds, IF they've already cut a new one (which, since they have a new head and chest, they have).

    What I'm saying is that their decision to not make a new fuselage design is one that wasn't done for cost purposes, at least, not for the cost of molds as you say. It may be impossible to do without redesigning the entire fighter, which is fine, except that everyone was told FROM THE BEGINNING that the fighter WAS redesigned for exactly that purpose... but it's not.

    That's all.

  15. No, it really doesn't. Because one mold saved is still money saved. Why make two molds when one mold will do?

    You can't make a VF-1D without the different head, but you CAN make one using the same fuselage section. It will make some guys on the internet mad, but they'll still buy it anyway.

    Because it's not two molds? One injection mold can easily cover both the head, chest, AND a new fuselage if they so desire.

    VFT1: You forgot they're up to new generation BS-9 drones which actually use protonic laser technology to precisely carve channels out of the steel in a quarter of the time of the B-7. Do TRY and keep up.

  16. I think the main bone of contention is that from the beginning, these V2's were being hyped up as "specially designed for two seater compatibility". With promises of accurate two seater designs, is it any surprise people are a little unhappy to see that they aren't really structurally different (when they should be) to the one seaters? Even just a little more length in the canopy would be great; there's space to do it, what with the higher collar on the two seaters, but comparing the end points on the canopy it looks like it has exactly the same footprint.

    When it comes down to it, they're still cutting new molds, for the chest, head, and cockpit, so the money on molds is already being spent, which kind of invalidates that argument.

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