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Posts posted by QuinJester

  1. It's far more likely that the modifications to Michel and Luca's fighters will be to support the Fold booster and Radome, respectively. I doubt it'll be for the armor. Since Bandai is now retooling the molds for the fighters, that means future versions of Alto and Ozmoa will also have the same holes, even if they wont be mounting the radome or booster. That's probably all it is.

    But, you know, mountains, molehills, yadda yadda yadda.

  2. I have a feeling it's just a place holder.

    Y'know. I finally realised what's.....off...about the Beagle.

    The ability to have covered headlights (present on the MH and CM). Kind of a small detail, but something I miss.

    The swivel is RIDICULOUSLY stiff, but it's there. The headlights DO flip.

    Also, I think somewhere an alternate universe is exploding due to a Toynami release having better QC than it's japanese counterpart, vis-a-vis the head ball joint. The heads joints are perfect on my Toynami Ride Armor.

  3. I got my Toynami Ride Armor and was quite happy to note that they didn't change the sticker on the base, so it still says Mospeada.

    Overall thoughts; it's a REALLY cleverly engineered (almost OVER engineered, really) piece, but damn if the fabric doesn't suck on it. Speaking as someone who's collected a number of 1/6 figures and other cloth clad figs, it's extremely low quality stuff and suffers from some serious frayed edges and sub-par sewing. I may look into either ripping it all out or replacing it with some sewed fabric of my own.

    Other than that, it's a ridiculously awesome piece. Very heavy due to the sheer mass of plastic from all the movie parts. No hollow plastic components on this guy... there's just too many moving parts for that. So heavy it can't really stand well on its own, but that's about par for the course for ride armors, I think :lol:

    Totally worth picking up. Just wish the fabric wasn't so poorly done.

  4. Yep... if you want durable toys you end up with the Bandai DX VF-25... Every part is thick, which contributes to an overall chunky design. Yamato has no choice but to go with thin plastic in order to replicate the looks of the toy.

    For the most part, this is true, but the part that's broken in this case could easily have had more substantial plastic thickness.

    Who knows, maybe it was just the grade of plastic they used. Hopefully in the future if they do any repaints they'll use a slightly more resilient mix of plastic. The plastic on the new V2 VF-1's feels much stronger and more sturdy than the stuff they used on the YF-19 and 1/48

  5. I'm sure the thickness (or lack thereof) of the plastic itself makes the plastic breakdown more evident. On a heftier molded piece, any breakdown of plastics would be less noticeable and take longer to go into effect. The plastic around the neck of the YF-19 is almost eggshell-thin.

  6. hi guys after having this problem im so disappointed with yamato.

    a crack that detachs the head part from the body, i bought my yf-19 last january from a well respected toy seller here in the phils. when i got it, i didnt play with it, i just displayed my yf-19 inside my cabinet, then last night i decided to transform it to battroid mode, at first everytihg was already a disappointment, evrything was so loose its like its been played with a couple of times, then suddenly the head part was detached from the body, i thought that its just a loose joint when i tried to put it back there i saw the crack, which was the reason for the head part to be, and hand i think, disconnected from the body. can i still fix this? can someone please give me an advice on how to fix this?

    i have a dyrl roy fokker 1/60 vf-1s super and strike parts and im very happy with it. then i bought the yf-19 expecting it to be at par with the quality or better coz its more expensive than vf-1s.

    please help, thanks.


    And I thought I was going out of my mind when the same exact thing happened to mine after sitting on a shelf for a few months.




    The only real thing I could do was pry it further apart, squeeze some super glue in there, then press it closed again. Now my YF-19 never leaves battroid mode so he doesn't flaunt his crack.


  7. I wish I could agree with that, but all of my Yamato valks disagree. Every single one of them aside from a broken BP-8 (my own fault ... sigh) broke while sitting on my shelf. It's ... not heartening, though I love how they look, I rarely even think about touching them and it's a huge knock in my book.

    The DX isn't perfect by any means, but it's the first valk I'll even think of going for if ever I want to transform something on a whim. Solid, tight, elegant.


    Not bad at all. Just different. Some people are afraid of what's different.

  8. Dammit. I sold off my CM's Gyakuten-Oh about a year ago, telling myself I wanted only to collect "serious" robots from "serious anime" like Macross.

    Now these pics make me "seriously" want it back, but it seems pretty hard to find these days. Though I do see a "renewal" version listed on HLJ. Anyone have more information on this?

    Also, QuinJester, have you seen any comparison pics of the HK-limited Sankan-Oh versus the regular? Both seem equally chrome-y and shiny in the photos I've managed to dig up....

    Thanks! :D

    The "renewal" Gyakuten-Oh is basically just another production run of the original. I guess they didn't make as many of those as they did Sankan-Oh (since stores seem to be practically giving Sankan-Oh away), so they're putting it back on the market.

    As for the differences; I've attached a picture. The limited edition has metallic flake black paint instead of gloss, a bronze paint color instead of yellow, and most importantly has chromed knees instead of straight yellow plastic. Slightly more blingy ;)

    I want the Gyakuten-Oh to go with him, myself, but not for the price more sellers want to sell him for...


  9. Hey, thanks for the great pics QuinJester :)

    You just created a new Gohkin Go Shogun fan (me) :) I LOVE those guys! But I especially love the little duck :) He is AWESOME!

    Dag... I never knew how much of an old school mecha lover I was... but seriously - these are great:)


    I'd highly highly highly recommend both of these figures, but for the equivalent price I'd recommend Sankan-Oh a little more. He comes with more stuff, can transform into an ... er... elephant ... and yes, he includes the cool purple duck/ostrich/roadrunner thing.

    He's pretty aweso...


    Uhh.... I swear, I don't know what was going on there, folks. Nothing but friends to animals here!


    There we go!


    There are also Aoshima's Getters. Very high metal content, and again laden with old school funk.


    (The Aoshima is the one on the right ... the one on the left is by Fewture and is very far outside of the price range you mentioned)

  10. CM's Sankan-oh is one of the nicest Die-cast figures that I own, and it's very old-school in its design.

    They can also be found for about 50% off their original retail, around $110 on ebay.





    GoShogun by CM's corp (the other mech in the above photos) falls into a similar category of phenomenal and heavy diecast, and is around the same price.


    They're a little less mainstream than SOC's so it's less likely that he'll have them, as well. The Sankan Oh pictured above is the "limited" HK repaint version, which has a little more chrome and metallic paint and is a little nicer looking than the regular version. They're both equally findable for around $100 on ebay though, despite being "limited".

    If those are a little TOO old school, CM's Corp's Patlabor Ingram and Griffon are also amazingly well made diecast toys, a little more 80's than 70's, and while a bit pricier than Goshogun and Sankan Oh are still well below the $200 mark.

  11. Weiβritter from Super Robot Wars. As awesome as Gunbuster would be, it's just too big to take out for a jaunt on the town unless I'm planning on blowing up a city or two (whoops) and want to deal with a shuttle launch frame.

    <3 Weissy. Long range sniping, high speed, awesome looking, big but not too big, what's not to love?


    Of course, if I wanted to be ridiculous, a LED Mirage V3 would be a nice backup.


    (What can I say, I like white-knight mecha)

  12. To be fair, not all collectors share the same values.

    I don't think a broken toy has all that much collectible value, myself :lol:

    The 1/72 Yamatos were terrible. Take the YF-19; ludicrously mismatched paint colors, flakey metal, 80's style straight-down hips and gaping maws where knees should be, easily broken ... comparison of that thing to the DX is just downright ridiculous :p

  13. Hell continues to freeze over as many of you know one brave company named atlus decided to release the only possible super robot wars games over here OG1 and 2... but despite all the claims I've heard of the two games flopping they are releasing the DS spin off Endless frontier


    Now I'm not nearly as excited for this as I would be say... the PS2 remake of 1 and 2 and the sequel Original Generation Gaiden this just proves that SRW does have a place in NA B))

    EDIT- Keep in mind this is NOT a sequel or a real SRW or any kind its a spin off with SRW mechs and characters from other games in it.

    So close... and yet so far. I would love a PS2 English translated port of OGS. Still, it's heartening to see that they're bringing over what they can.


    IIRC, Graham also said that only simple shapes can molded with POM, nothing too complex.

    Not true at all. Delryn (Dupont's fancy-schmancy name for POM) can be molded just like regular plastic. It's a common plastic to use on N scale locomotive detail parts such as handrails, airhorns, and grab irons, all of which can be very complex and thin detailed parts. It's a plastic just like anything else.

  14. If i buy a full case, theres still no guarantee that i'll get the right parts, and if i buy the figures seperately its the same, so i'm really not going to spend any more money to complete the figure, at least i have the full team, but would have been nice to get the Landmate as that was the main reason why i bought the kits in the first place. :(

    Actually, there is. If you buy a full sale case (designed to be sold at a store, it even comes in a store-appropriate package), you get 2x of each figure, which is enough to get you a full landmate. The only fig that doesn't include BAF parts is Briareos. Interestingly, he isn't the figure that has the most component part, yet he still has no BAF parts.

    P.S. the landmate is AWESOME.

    The paint apps and detailing are flawless. It's an increidible "extra". As a shirow fan, this was honestly the reason I picked this set up, and it's worth it. It's NICE.


    The figures are pretty good too. The joints are all revoltech style, and the detailing is immaculate. Seriously. Here's a comparison between the snap kits an the 1/6 version. It's honestly not that far removed. The snap kits even have flexible rubber armor.




    1/6 Figs

  15. I just bought a full set of 1/20 snap fit kits by hot toys. Though the figures are great, i'm really disapointed as i thought a full set ment i can complete the Land Mate figure. Turns out i need to buy more than one of the same figure just to get all the parts for it, HOW BLOODY ANNOYING!!!!!!!!

    Yeah, you have to get a full CASE of the figures (aka, two of each figure) to get a landmate. Most sites and stores would only sell a full assortment of one of each figure. Hopefully the BBTS one I have coming in the mail includes all the necessary parts as advertised...

  16. Do any of the Yamato Scopedogs have tampo printed markings or pre-applied decals/stickers? I was particularly interested in the Red Shoulder Scopedog that was supposed to be limited release (NOT the Red Shoulder Custom).

    Nope. They're all a "blank canvas", as it were.

  17. Y'all can poo-poo it all you want, I think it's a quality piece, easily on par with my 1A. :D


    While the wing has a definite intentional curve to it, I also think there's a bit of extra upward bend being put into place by the tightness of the lock fit on the wing roots to the legs and the way the root locking peg is angled. It notably cants the legs (and thusly the wings, thrusters, and landing gear) outward and upwards a bit. It messes a bit with that OCD corner of my brain, but not enough to distract me from how great it looks and feels otherwise.

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