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The Shade

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Posts posted by The Shade

  1. What's coming out this fall is the American Voltron, English language only. (Voltron is like RT, a combination of seperate shows). Next year, the original Go Lion and Dairugger XV are coming out in their original Japanese language. The "dual language" you're seeing is probably just somebody who posted the ad incorrectly.

  2. The red furball monster thingy isn't the abominable snowman, it's Gossamer.

    Only in a few cartoons though.


    D'Oh!!! I was drunk last night when I answered that. Proof positive that alcohol and message boards don't mix.

    Mr. Abominableble was all white and could speak. Gossamer was red and, as far as I can remember, was mute. Daffy's reaction to seeing Gossamer was classic though.

  3. Either I'm blind, or missed it elsewhere in the thread. But, I noticed that a portion of the audio file's name has "DELAY 66ms". Does that mean the audio and video aren't synchronized? Is that already correct in the DVD Lab Pro project zip file?

    BTW, you rock.

  4. nah, there are two groups of whiners

    1.those whining about him not doing this in the first place

    2.those whining that they bought the other versions thinking these wouldn't be made, so they feel they were misled.

    IMO, anyone who thought that Lucas wouldn't release the original OT versions really is a naive person. I didn't buy the SE DVD's 2 years ago, because I just knew deep down in my gut that George would release the Non SE in order to milk this franchise even more.

  5. If we're going to edge over into animated characters then I'll mention Galvatron.  That villain personifies every attribute that could be associated with an evil character...


    Naw, Megatron was more badass. He just took a hostage and then shot up his most hated enemy. He blew away Ironhide without even flinching. He convinced a gullible Earth that he was really a good guy, then enslaved them all.

    Galvatron, on the other hand, was just a big overgrown bully.

  6. I just finished watching this series for the first time. Overall, it was good. I'd give it a B+. It was certainly better than Seed and Wing. It had likeable characters, interesting mecha designs, and good pacing (notbing ever really felt rushed). What I didn't like about it was that it seemed slow for the first 20-25 episodes. Only around episode 30 did things really pick up and you could tell this series was going somewhere.

    The last 4 episodes though felt like more like an epilogue. It seemed like the series should have really ended at episode 45-46 and they decided to add a few more eps just to stretch it out to 50. In a way, it felt like the last 9 eps in SDF Macross. The real story was over, but we'll extend the series anyways.

    Still, if this series ever becomes available in North America, I would buy it.

  7. After 32 pages, and enough time to properly dissect the ADV Macross, it's time we had a comprehensive list of the Pros & Cons of owning this new set.

    The Cons first (because this board thrives on negativity :D ):

    -Incorrect pronounciation of names

    -Use of outdated slang

    -Vastly inferior Japanese audio (compared to Animeigo set)

    -Fake 5.1 english audio (adding new sfx and calling it 5.1 is a no-no IMO)

    -Same Video as Animeigo version (if you don't already have it, this would be a pro)

    -Some voice actors & their performances are subpar

    The Pros:

    -A chance for Dub only people to experience Macross

    -Mari Iijma reprising as role as Minmay

    -Interviews with & episode commentary by Mari

    -Better packaging than Animeigo set (depending on personal taste :p )

    -Disc hubs are unlikely to crack

    I'll try to update this list as more reviews become available. Also, we have yet to see how ADV has cast some characters who haven't appreared yet (Max, Kakizaki, Milia, Bodolza)

  8. I've watched the first four eps this week. So far, after I've watched each episode, I'm actually looking forward to the next one (probably the best compliment you could give a series).

    The Gundam itself is indeed different, but that just goes along with the rest of the show. The entire show has such a different feeling than MSG, Wing, & Seed, that having a very different looking Gundam seems fitting.

    The main character: again our protagonist is not your usual Gundam hero. His design doesn't make it seem like the ladies should be falling at his feet. He's average looking & very skinny (kinda like me ;) ).

    Oh, and could you guys try to include spoiler tags? Even though this show is 6 years old, many of us haven't seen it yet (due to it not being licensed in North America).

  9. Grrr. You guys have spoiled all my post holiday plans. I had been planning to watch some other series, but now you've put me in the mood to watch Turn A. Hearing you guys say that this was better than Seed is really encouraging. Seed was perfectly described by you guys. A half hour toy commercial. Also, being a Yoko Kanno fan is just another plus for Turn A.

  10. This sucks in a way, as I had bought the 2 Patlabor movies a few months ago. Grrrr!!!

    You have to wonder though, will some of the other Manga titles that they've mangled switch over to Bandai and be re-released in a better package? I'm thinking of Macross Plus (both editions), Lupin III The Castle of Cagliostro, Perfect Blue and a few others.

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