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The Shade

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Posts posted by The Shade

  1. You have to remember that the DYRL we know, and the DYRL that was filmed in 2031 are not the same, as emphasized by the a scene from the 2031 movie that was shown during the Macross 7 series, specifically the wedding of Max & Millia.

    I've always interpreted that whole movie within a series as a cheap gimmick by Studio Nue/Big West to help sell more DYRL DVDs.

  2. The last time I saw this movie was on TV, and the image quality was so horrible that I thought this was the worst shot film ever!!! I'm not talking about the visual effects shot, but just the normal looking shots. But, after looking at some of those pics from the reviewer's website, I can say that I will now seriously think about buying this film.

  3. RT & M+ got me sort of started, but what really hooked me on Macross was, well, this site. I just considered the Macross fans to be very sophisticated, not juvenile like some other passions I follow, and that helped. You guys were also instrumental in my getting rid of my RT DVDs, and buying the Animeigo Macross mini-boxed sets. Thank you MW!!! B))

  4. The show has a great premise, and a great setup. But, all shows are only as good as their ending, and IMO EVA did not have a good ending(s). The show's creators simply couldn't solve it. That was the feeling I got after I had viewed the series and EoE movie. And because of an inferior ending, it also makes repeat viewings of the series that more difficult.

    The best advice is to rent/borrow the series as others as said, and decide what you want to do from there.

  5. [dumbanswer/wishful thinking response]Maybe Manga just wants to exhaust their stock of M+ Movie, and struck a deal with HG to help sell off their stock. They would then do a proper release of M+[/dumbanswer/wishful thinking response]

    Bwa Ha Ha Ha Ha!!! :lol:

    P.S. I did wake up too early this morning.

  6. Woah guys... I like the support but keep in mind we live in a material world and I am a material... uh guy. :lol:

    D@mn you AO, you put that song in my head, and now it's going to be stuck there all day long. :angry::p

    I do agree with what you're talking about. What I would like to know is this: when do the pirates steal the movies? Do they do it when they're seated with the general audience, or like someone wrote earlier, do they "borrow" the film reel and make the copy in private? If it's the first answer, why don't the ushers stop them? If it's the second answer, then we have some really crooked theater employees out there.

  7. All this talk about 4 theatrical Bat films makes me remember the 5th Bat theatrical movie, the animated film "Mask of the Phantasm", the best of the whole bunch and the only one to truly capture what Batman was really about.

    Ra's al Ghul as the villain? This sort of reminds me of the 8th Star Trek film: in order to revitalize the series, they brought in the big guns, ie the Borg. Let's hope they're as succesful with Ra's as ST were with the Borg.

    Since Tim Burton and Joel Shumaker seem to be nowhere in sight, I'm optimistic already about this film.

  8. Well, I purchased the ST VI DVD the other week, but was only able to watch it tonight. Like the other "collector's edition" from this series, this new DVD release featured an anamorphic widescreen film presentation on the first disc and lots of extras on the second disc.

    SPOILER ALERT for this DVD release!

    A curious thing about this version: this one includes 2 scene revisions by the director, Nicholas Meyer. I myself could only find one scene that was altered in 2 places (maybe this counts as 2 scenes, I don't know): when Lieutenant Valeris is questioned by the Enterprise crew who are trying to learn who is behind the assassination plot. The first part is when Valeris states that they have no proof that she is a traitor and Kirk replies "At the trial, my personnal log was used as evidence against me" versus "At the trial, my personnal log was used against me" from the original release. Not much, just a different take. The second revision is the mind meld between Spock and Valeris. When she states who are the prime conspirators, after their names are mentioned, you now see shots of them instead of the continuous shot of Spock and Valeris in the original version.

    Now, the glitches. Before I go on, I must inform you that I am a Canadian, and that the DVD that I purchased is authorized for sale only in Canada. The US may have a slightly different version. If the American version does not contain any of the glitches listed below, please let me know.

    The movie had originally been shot in the aspect ratio of 2.35 to 1. My original VHS version had this ratio as well. I don't know about the first DVD release. This current DVD release has an aspect ration of 1.85 to 1. After having watched this movie in its original aspect ratio for so long, all I can say is that this new version just seems wrong to my eyes.

    A second glitch, and this is a very curious one. The subtitles for the translated Klingon speech is located in an area of the screen that suggests they were originally coded for a 2.35 to 1 picture. The result is that, because of the aspect ratio of 1.85 to 1, the subs are now too high on the screen, very close to the middle of the image.

    A third glitch involves the regular subtiles. There are 3 of them: English, French, and a commentary text in English. The 2 English ones are ok, but the French one doesn't work at all. Now, I will not watch the film with French subs, but this is still one big fowl up by the DVD authoring crew here.

    Overall, if you were planning to purchase this DVD, be prepared for a very bad DVD release.

  9. Don't look now, ladies and gentlemen, but I did a little bit of deeper digging on the RT.com store, and found that they're apparently also selling the new album -- this is true -- the new album by Mari Ijima, "Right Now." She is even listed as the Japanese voice of Minmay. Cats and dogs living together, indeed.


    When RT.com started those few years ago, I remember them advertising a concert my Mari Iijima and a convention appearance. In each announcement, they listed her as the Japanese voice of SDF Macross Lynn Minmay.

  10. I always thought that if you did make costumes that would transform, you would probably end up breaking or at least dislocating various joints throughout your body. The sound you would hear while transforming wouldn't be the Kuh Kuh Kauh Kah Kih, but the person inside screaming his/her lungs out. :blink:

  11. I still have all of my TFs, but I'm missing many of the accessories for them. Those include the weapons and add-ons. Fortunately, I still have the parts that go with the combiners, like all the parts for the Stunticons to form Menasor ( feet, hands, hip & chest plates, and head, weapons lost though).

    As for my brother's Protectobots (which he'd like to sell, but I'm holding them hostage), he has all the accessories that came with them (weapons, those oversized weapons that you stuck in the back and the sides while they were in vehicule mode); the only thing missing is one side weapon for the chopper (I forget the name). The parts to form Defensor are all there.

    My Metroplex is another story. The toy is in great shape, but is missing a lot of the accessories for the companions that came with him. Those include the turret for the tank, one of the arm cannons for the six-gun guy, missiles, and a small weapon for the black car. Curiously, when I looked at Metroplex a couple of years ago, the head was somehow glued down with some sort of resin. I literaly had to open him up to clean out the gunk, and almost lost the spring, washer, and trigger in the process.

    My Arialbots are in the saddest shape of them all. I can find no accessories for them, nothing. My Silverbolt had a broken leg, and even that's lost. That's too bad, because I always thought that they were the best looking of all the combiners when in giant robot mode.

    The one I am most angry about is my Omega Supreme. I have all the parts, but my brother borrowed him for a college class when they were doing a project on kids toys; he then accidentally broke the back pack. :angry: Arrrrggghhhh!!! But he still works. If I put batteries in him, the lights will still flash, and he will still walk. I keep them out for fear of leaking and corrosion.

    What's the motto of this story: only you can protect your cherished childhood toys. Never leave them in the hands of your parents, or other family members (I love them, but sometimes, they can be really careless). If you store them, make sure you're the one who does it, and check on them regularly. Seal up the boxes, and put the accessories in ziplock bags.

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