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Posts posted by Gaijin

  1. I was wondering if anyone was picking it up. While I shudder at the thought of getting stuck in the addiction of online gaming again (SOCOM and Phantasy Star Online memories of no normal life flashbacks), the more I look at FFXI, the more it looks more interesting.

  2. My old trusted DC works just fine thank you (the recent Border Down and new Psyvarier2 keep me interested in the old girl :) ) ... Right now the only reason I would scoop up a new system is if Treasure were to develop a sequel to Bangai-O useing the duel analog PSX2 controllers (hint, hint)

    The DC version of Bangai-O is one of my all time favorite games...it is pure raw gameplay crack and absolutely kick ass in every respect :D

    Bangai O! Another one of my faves. The Dreamcast was truly an awesome console...just like the Saturn, it was just shunned by the masses.

  3. Truth be told, all 3 Systems are worth owning. PS2 has the incredible library of hits , XBox has some treasures, and the Cube even has quite a few that should be owned by all.

    I prefer my PS2 over the rest, probably for the games I like. Metal Gear Solid Series (Though gotta get Twin Snakes on Cube), Zone Of The Enders Series, Ace Combat Series, Virtua Fighter, SOCOM 1 & II online no less, RPG's galore...PS2 has all the big name franchises. Oh yeah, and there's this pretty cool Macross game...not a system seller but, cool nonetheless, you know if you're like, maybe a Macross fan. :)

    But, a Cube is $99. Viewtiful Joe, Resident Evil, Rogue Squadron, Metroid Prime, Zelda, Soul Calibur II (Link rules over the other lame Heihachi and Spawn characters), Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes, and the best version of Sonic Heroes are all great reasons to get one too.

    XBox: Halo. Halo 2. Panzer Dragoon. Pretty good Star Wars games. My least fave system but, still a lot to offer.

  4. BTW - Here is the Macross case designed by Paul.

    This is not what ours would look like, this is an existing case.


    That is the case I had Paul make when the Animeigo set came out. :)

    Funny, when I had it done a couple years ago, everyone seemed to hate it and the idea of Paul's boxes holding their DVD's. :huh:

  5. Whedon's hits far outshine his misses. Buffy, Angel, and Firefly were all fantastic shows. Firefly being one of the most under-appreciated shows ever to not be given a chance...typical of Fox though. Check the DVD sales on Amazon...check the reviews...the show was something special.

  6. I'll agree with the fact that had there been no pre-orders, we probably would have not gotten the DVD's from Animeigo in the first place. I had no problems with the price...pretty close to retail, it was what everyone was hoping for for years...sure, cheaper price would have been welcomed, but I never felt that the original Box set was overpriced.

  7. I'm almost sure I saw a picture of Ken Marinaris' Ardjet mecha on the Wonder Festival Winter 2003 coverage... It was a single shot showing part of the figure. I was trying to find the picture but the page is down. :/

    That would be cool. I seriously wonder why there aren't ZOE stuff out there...there is so much potential with all the different Orbital Frames and LEV's...having that transforming Vic Viper LEV would be cool too.

  8. RT.com only mentions the article in GI. IGN has it only under PS2 and XBox...TDK doesn't mention it, Vicious Cycle doesn't either, only that's it's coming in 2004. Hard to say.

    If it is being developed for GC, it may be further behind...Battlecry if I remember correctly for GC was released after the PS2 and GC versions...that's one slight possibility. Maybe VC has less people to do the GC version. Still, not announcing it doesn't bode well. :(

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