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Posts posted by Gaijin

  1. It would make the most sense for Toynami to release Yamatos under their name...instant toy, no development, just packaging. They could sell them for easy the same cost as their MPC line, and who would really complain. If I were HG and Toynami, I would definitely seek this route.

    HG and Toynami releasing Macross stuff with the blessings of BW add up to everyone being happy...or, at least supposedly happy.

  2. and in other EVA news.....

    From the Diamond Previews catalog:


    From ADV:

    "It has come to our attention that there is some inaccurate information floating around about an upcoming Neon Genesis Evangelion release from ADV Films. Please stay tuned for an official statement about future releases for this title."

    very intriguing to say the least

    What the...? :blink:

  3. Don't happen to know if the FBI Hostage Rescue Team is still using their Springfield custom (commerically designated as the TRP Pro), do ya? I've heard rumors that they've switched *yet again* to something else, even after performing extensive tests on a new 1911 to replace their previous Les Baers built on Para Ordinance frames.


    Yes, they still have them.

    And, to get back on topic, remember it's just a game...the camo thing is still a tad more realistic than hauling an armory around in your pants...

  4. Not really a Gundam fan, so of course not excited one bit about this. Wishes Bandaui would invest in Macross mecha...not the old chunky monkeys, not that Macross 7 plastic stuff....real nice stuff.

    Or maybe perhaps something different...the orbital frames from Zone of The Enders would be nice...Jehuty, Anubis, Ardjet, Vic Viper, Nephtis, Raptors, Mummies, Clods...would make a cool line.

  5. I have one of those too...those pics look familiar.  Ro...bo...?

    Not sure what you're trying to say, but I took those pictures last night with my digital camera.

    No, nothing...just look like the old Robozone's pics of it when it was released...thought perhaps it was Gerry or something. The review of it back then had about the same pics, same angles, and background lighting...eerie. :blink:

  6. reminds me of the days of that mysterious company..sun something or other. whatever happened to that supposed US arm of yamato?!

    Sunwards. I remember the Strike 1/60 pics being up there.


    It is of course, no longer there...unless you look at the archived pages. ;)

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