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Posts posted by Gaijin

  1. HG, if it didn't go after Macross named stuff probably feared that they might lose it. It can happen, if a company doesn't protect it's rights to a license, why should anyone bother to care if they decide to one day do that. They wised up(in turn, screwing many Macross fans), and fought for whatever they thought a US court would probably think that they owned.

    As it stands, I believe that perhaps all the licensing issues may have been ironed out, and HG will hopefully be "kind" to the Macross fans. They can't afford not to. They KNOW how much cash is being lost to imported stuff.

  2. I don't see the logic in hating HG for releasing DYRL stuff. No one really knows what they can release now, as the rights were literally in FUBAR hell. If they straightened everything out and we finally get Macross stuff here as a result....then the blocking of the MacPlus Yamato's, no VFX-2...is all old news and water under the bridge.

    Maybe they wised up. Macross is cash cake waiting to happen and of course they want a slice...and if they wind up being the ones to do it, I say bring it on. They can sell both Macross and Robotech...big deal...as long as I get my Macross stuff.

    HG has screwed Macross fans for years, but I think there is light at the end of this tunnel. About time too. Almost a year behind schedule. ;)

  3. Almost makes me want to order a case, even though I already have one from Paul. I was wondering when I saw the poll, how people were so interested in Paul's cases, when 2 years ago, people thought it was stupid. I figured people wised up. But, as it stands, with people not ordering, it just makes me sad to think that people will just look at something and say, cool!, but not actually pay for it. With over a thousand members, not even thirty people ordering is a little dissapointing. Granted, no one's forcing anyone to buy anything, but it's a little sad nonetheless. I was going to commision Paul to do a Mac Plus case after I had him do the TV series case those years ago, but had no good artwork for him to use. Now this is on the verge of reality, and people won't budge. :angry:

    Having a 12 DVD case instead of the 11 disc case I had made would be a slight incentive, but seeing people vote and not put up when push comes to shove just irks me. Maybe I'll order both...

  4. I liked both Gears and Saga. Lotsa cut scenes in Saga, but I enjoyed the story so I didn't mind at all. I like the new character designs in II, though I do agree with the idea that if you change the looks to older looking, it should be done with all of them.

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