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Posts posted by misterryno

  1. I hate to get involved, but has Ryan really offended anyone or done anything bad? A lot of people leave posts that don't measure up to the slim guidelines laid out by Dangard Ace, so what? Ryan has contributed a lot of content to the boards since he joined here including photos, customization tips, sales, etc. So he's more enthusiastic than most others, are we so jaded on this hobby that we have to rake the knuckles of someone who is really having a blast?

    I'd also like to add that his recent Mod-imposed 'titles' are insulting, juvenile and far more offensive than anything Ryan has posted or done. Stop picking on the guy and let him enjoy Macross.

    Even though this is going to be an amazingly short post and not wanted by certain people out there. Thank you eriku for saying what you just said. It means alot to me. You are truly a good guy and fellow Ballchinian!



  2. I took this shot yesterday and one thing that has never changed about the 1/55, is that its a great subject for pics. I love this thing!

    That's a good shot. I really dig the angle. Not to many people take a shot of their birds from the back...but I usually throw one in there myself when I am taking pics. And you are absolutely correct.....the 1/55 chunky is a GREAT valk. and venture to say close to the best.


  3. Also, is it me, or is Yamato actually molding their 1/60 VF-1's in a greyish white? At first I thought mine was bone white, with a hint of yellow, then bright white, now, the more I look at it, it has a dimmer tint. If there really is a grey additive, then I am happy since this thing will not yellow! Plus..grey>white

    Hmmmm....now that is a good question. I will compare it to my current 1/48 VF-1S and also to my v.2 1/60 VF-1A when I receive it from LOS. I am certain I will be able to provide an answer then.


  4. To show the poseability...check out the ability to recreate this oft used pose from the TV show

    Also, after 2 days of performing the shoulder fix, I have found no problems and I have not needed to brace the shoulders much at all, yet the arms still hold their poses.

    I almost fear replying to how awesome I think your pics are for I may be spamming if I do so. Oh well.....I think your pics are AWESOME!!! THANKS for sharing them!


  5. Okay, enough with the short one sentence or less replies. Right now you're spamming the boards and it's getting a little tiresome. 4000+ posts in one year? Our most active members who post relevant information took 4+ years to get up to that type of post count. You're post whoring and if all you're trying to do is get to number one in posts I'm going to drop your post count back to zero. Consider this your warning.

    Only Post :

    if you've got something to contribute to the thread.

    if you've an answer to a question if it hasn't already been answered or you have some relevant information to add to the answer.

    if you've got multiple posts you wish to reply in one thread do it in one post. If I see intentional consecutive posts your post count is wiped.

    If you are trying to set an example I can see why you would post this here. I am not "spamming" the boards nor do I care what my post count is. Instead of continuing on here I am taking a more "professional" approach at this by PMing you. You should check it.


  6. Interesting how the last three posters here all have custom titles. Ryan's keeps changing I noticed.

    But on topic, I am having a real hard time waiting for the VF-1J hikaru to come out as that was going to be my first purchase of this line followed by the VF-1D. But That VF-1A Hikaru is looking so nice I may get itchy trigger finger. It is really hard to hold out. I am even considering getting it and then selling it once the 1J comes out. Is that a stupid idea?

    I know.....I don't know why my title keeps changing.....but I like this one. Now that I said that it will probably get changed. <_< .

    But on topic as well, if I am to deduce your situation it is that your itchy trigger finger is due to all the hype of this long awaited PT Valk. that is a damn nice size, weight, an all around beautiful piece of craftsman ship. The 1A I am getting as well. I will not miss out on 1 in this 1/60 line. It is just too nice of a line to pass up. I will even be selling the rest of my TFs if need be. One more thing...the idea of buying the 1A and then selling it once you get the 1D is NOT a bad idea at all. I would do it....you can sell it to me. I WILL buy it from you.


  7. ::cough:: I'm trying to sell my Anasazi decal sheet for a 1/60 Roy, and it includes VF decals for the feet ::cough::

    ::cough:: B)) ....I know....I've been conteplating all day on weather or not I would need those for the amount of the decals that I would actually use from that sheet. I don't think it would be worth it for me. I do wish you the best of luck with getting rid of them though. I spoke with Ballchinian Brother MacrossMan about them even but he wanted some for a 1A I believe.::cough:: ^_^


  8. Meninge is a friend of mine, also he's a member of my team, "SDF-Crew" :D

    He had made many proyects like this, so I hope that he share it with MW members.

    Welcome Meninge!

    As you say...

    Welcome Meninge!

    What this I hear of a "SDF-Crew"?!? :huh:

    I'm gonna go Google that right now and see what comes up while waiting for you to reply to this. Are you like a Dance Crew?!? That would be the bomb!


  9. He's talking about the QF-2200A Ghost booster attached to the VF-0A in the size comp I posted. As far as the Booby Duck, it's referring to FAST packs mounted on the VF-1.

    :lol: ....Thanks for fielding that for me! I was a bit caught up with the days activities. As for Booby Ducks...I just.......prefer.......that expression ^_^ .


  10. It's not an option because right now it's only a pipe dream. If it was confirmed or if there was any actual photographs that would lead us to conclude that there are even a slight possibility of these coming out, like the photos of the 1D and the mock up Robotech heads, then it would have been an option. But right now, we've only heard of such possibilities from these forums and some people took that speculation too seriously. I have very little doubt that those would do well though. I think everyone needs those pieces, including the strike and the GBP to complete their collections. I would hope they improve the sculpt on that strike cannon though.

    Hell they should make the JMs again... or mass produce the JM2.

    My FAVORITE thing about you brother....is how optimistic you are :lol: . I must say though...I TOTALLY agree with you that one must have at least the Trilogy and the GBP to make a true Chunky collection. That is my hope for this line this time around. We'll see though eh!?! :rolleyes: I also concur with you on the re-sculpting of the strike cannon. There's not too much I would change.....just a little.


  11. I'm needing the "bunnies" (or whatever they are) squadron markings for the 1/60 VF-0A. Thanks!

    Are these the ones that you speak of.....upper left hand corner of the top sticker sheet?



  12. where's the option for only interested on the VE-1, VF-1D and the VT-1?

    Unfortunately there is not that option...but I think that most of us already know that over 50% of the people that are interested in the 1/55 reissues are only interested in those 3. I am not.....I am interested in all of them. I just need to save some extra dough to get them all.


  13. DECULTURE INDEED!!! Oh my oh my oh my....Ron....ALWAYS impressive. I can't wait to see these beauties in person. I will fo sho be at next years con and if you are not there then I will just have to swing by your crib and snag ya up.


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