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Posts posted by misterryno

  1. Nice acquisition there, MISTERRYNO! But I bet yer wishing it's the flight suit version :lol: ! I can't wait to pick one up! Thanks for the pics!

    THANKS! ^_^ I will be getting a flight suit one as well.....just not till I get a smokin deal on one. Once you get yours you should share your pics!

    Comeone everyone!!! I KNOW that some of you out there have either Hikaru or Max.....show some poses here.


  2. The only valk i have is the VF-1 from banpresto. How bad would you guys rate it compared to others??? Just to know... I'm not going to buy any expensive toy anyway.

    Sorry to be the one to tell ya mate. But pretty much any transformable valk is better than that one. The more expensive ones are the way to go. If you look hard you can get a GREAT deal.


  3. Here's the deal. I have a 1/48 Hikaru VF-1J and TV Armor parts. The plane was broken by a cleaning service and has to be returned to the company since it is being replaced. I know the items will probably end up in someone's closet or worse. If anyone is interested in any parts please let me know as I might consider parting with them vs. them going to waste. The nose cone is already claimed.

    PMing you.... :ph34r:

  4. Totally diggin' the Batman web sound effects! WAP!

    Anywho, it's kind of dollish, but I like it. I've been eyeing these and trying to bring myself to drop 80 bones for one. Please give me your thoughts...


    OO<-------till the sweat drops...

    :lol: ...

    You got me in stitches brother man....I received mine from a GREAT fellow here on the boards...goes by the name of Chowser. He was generous enough to ship this bad boy for a mere 55 bones. THANKS! I dig it fo sho!!! This particular doll has good overall articulation...stands well on it's own....even the head stand pose was with no strings attached...I like the feel of the fabric...seems to be pretty good quality. I have not figured out yet weather the clothes are holding back some of his poses of if it's the range of the limbs. I would not pay 80 for one personally. If you can get one for 65 shipped...that's the way to do it. I plan on getting a Max in the same clothes and one of the flights suit Hikarus....I would like the light up one but am not positive I care. I hope you get what you want. I seriously consider this a doll...but there's nothing wrong with a grown man posing a doll. It's a good lesson for children. It may be a doll....but that doll KICKS A$$!


    OO <------still stealthy as ever.

  5. Too dollish for my taste!

    Says he who has the most dolls that I know of.........yes....I consider G.I. Joes to be dolls. Show your pics.


  6. Hey all...I was unsure of were to make this thread for I am unaware if one has ever been made like this before. Probably.....anyways......without further ado.....I am pleased to present....


    "Oh my...I'm late for my date with Minmei... :blink: "


    ohhhh no... :unsure: ...a Zentradi....and I'm unarmed....


    "You underestimate me Zentradi SCUM!"







    OOOooooooooohhhhhhh......ANIME MAGIC!!!!


    Yes Gentlemen....it's a doll.... :lol:

    now share your pics of your dolls....Please.


  7. My stealth strike parts came in today from HLJ! Wohoo! 1/48 stealth rocks!

    Right on mate. I put in an order for a set about a month back with HLJ....I hope mine come in soon. :rolleyes: . That stealth you have there looks amazing....I miss mine so much...I just don't know why I got rid of it. :mellow: . I'm holding out though on getting a stealth until the v.2 1/60 comes out. BRING ON SOME MORE PICS!!!


  8. My collection as it stands to day

    On topic...That's a quaint little collection. Very nice!

    Slightly off and on topic...


    You gotta be careful mate. It would seem that if you post something that is not agreeable to the "higher power" ^_^ it will be deleted. There were 3 post deleted about an hour ago because of supposed spamming.


  9. Alrighty, so how many have we seen broken at the shoulder? I remember seeing one on a Japanese forum, and was it two here? I think there may have been a fourth on another toy blog somewhere. So are we at four or did I miss a few MWers with broken shoulders?

    I'm not absolutely positive since we did not get an accurate poll. I know that I am one WITH a broken shoulder. The fix was not found till it was too late. :( . But now I know it for my 2nd Roy.


  10. ah, thanks for confirming. i thought i screwed up with the transformation.

    i wasn't expecting PT, and i don't mind taking apart and re-attaching parts, but leftover parts just kills it for me, not to mention i'm liable to lose the parts in the future. they could've just made extra parts re-attach to somewhere inconspicuous, or at least a hidden compartment at the bottom of the stand. heck, they could've made the fork attach to the backpack to serve as a stand/support.

    so much for buying on a whim. i'll do my research next time.

    I partially felt the same when I owned my Stick and Ley. That is the reason I sold them and held off on the Yellow. That's the only reason...cause I REALLY wanted Yellow. I figure I will get the Beagle Stick UNLESS they decide that they want to make more RAs and then I would get Yellow and Hoquette.


  11. Awesome pics Vegas! Looks very kewl on the reflective surface. What is that anyway?

    Thanks for covering that question Dante..... ^_^ .....I was just about to ask him after seeing that last pic. I really would like to acquire something like that for my photos. I still need to make/buy a light box and a tripod. I can't keep making my flexi stand a tripod....it's just not good enough. <_< .


  12. Yeah. Frenzy_Rumble from the TFW boards is one of the best around at the mo. He's accepting commisions since custom izing is his full time trade.

    In fact, the guy who won that Menasor on eBay also commisioned a Predaking from him.

    I'm actually considering placing a commision with him myself. :rolleyes:

    Seeing how awesome looking the Menasor and Devastator are....I bet the Predaking would look down right out of this world! Predaking is one of the only combiners that I cared for. I still can't believe I sold my G1 Reissue. <_< .


  13. The 1/60 2.0 canopy appears tinted compared to the 1/48 line. Is this the case?

    If you look at pictures on the first page you can see how "rainbow" like it is. It's really not that bad at all. I don't really notice it too much in passing...but sometimes it catches my eye and I revert back to my dumb founded self "oooooooo shinnnnyyyyy" :wacko:



  14. I like the angles. It gives VF-1 a more predatory look with the Fast Packs.

    I have been sitting here the last few days going back to this thread and staring at the pics trying to think of a good way to describe how I feel. I think you just summed it up for me ^_^ . THANKS!


  15. I know my pics aren't the best, but I thought I'd post some of the new Decepticons I picked up recently: TF Universe Nemesis Prime & Dropshot, and TF Movie Desert Brawl (for $25 shipped from Amazon - woohoo!!).


    COOLIO!!! That Desert Brawl Deco has alot nicer colors than I thought. The Nemesis price is a cool buy fo sho!


  16. Like the title says, i'm looking for a set of 1/48 TV hands for my Roy, who looks silly with his dainty hands standing next to my newly purchased 1/60 VF-1A Hikaru :wacko:

    I can only pay by money order since Paypal is dead to me <_<


    PMing you...


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