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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. 4 minutes ago, HardlyNever said:

    Anymoon has a list that is updated fairly regularly.

    The thing with pre-ordering the Bandai stuff (especially the DX line) is that it is generally a pretty short window between announcement and pre-order (for the standard releases).  An announcement will be made, and the pre-order will go up like a week to 2 weeks after that (and pre-ordering standard DX Chogokin stuff is insane, hence "pre-order madness.")  So you need to be pretty on-top of the announcements in order to know when the pre-order date is.  The HMR stuff works in a similar fashion, but the preorder night usually isn't as crazy, and you can generally get a preorder in within the first week or so of it going up.  If you're interesting collecting the Bandai stuff, you really have to check this forum every day or 2, or you might miss the pre-order window.  That's just the most effective way of keeping up with that information, unless someone wants to start compiling that info in a single place.  But the window between announcement and pre-order is pretty short, so they would really have to be on top of things.

    The Tamashii web exclusive stuff (aka "p-bandai"), in theory, is open for pre-order for much longer, but we've seen some exceptions (the DX strike parts needed a second wave, for example). 

    Pre-ordering the Arcadia releases is generally much easier, where you have months to pre-order between the date pre-orders open and the actual release.  You can often pre-order pretty close up to the release date, and they are generally readily available at or near MSRP when they come out.

    So to answer your question, no, not really.  There are some lists that are kind of what you are looking for, but they generally aren't updated often enough to be used as a real-time tool to know when you need to pre-order.  You just have to keep checking places like these forums.


  2. Yesterday after a long time of being absent from the scene I came to find out that getting stuff on pre-order is generally the lest expensive way to do it.

    I see when I'm poking around that there are threads about upcoming releases/pre orders on specific toys. Is there a thread going somewhere that is an updated/ongoing kind of deal that has a list of pre-orders coming up that I can get in on? I don't want to miss anything.



  3. 3 hours ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    Best option really is to get a dedicated "travel" credit card that doesn't charge currency conversion fees.

    I have one I use for all no-USD purchases, saved me quite a bit, and cost me exactly nothing.

    Good heads up! That could pay off huge over the long run!

  4. Looks like I'm going to have to get better at this, LOL! Not a huge deal. Some lessons are better learned the hard way.:p


    I need to spend more time on here looking out for the pre-order windows. I REALLY want a Fokker w/ S&S parts. Or three.


    I figured I was paying too much for shipping. I don't remember seeing the DHL option (I may have just missed it). There were a bunch of Japaneses Postal service options for a lot less money. I wasn't confident in how that would shake out so I went with UPS and paid with PayPal so I was covered all the way around. I paid $100 for shipping.


    Thanks for your help guys. I'm going to start collecting these again. Wish I never sold my collections (which was pretty big). But I sold it along with a bunch of other stuff long ago to start a business. That business is doing really well now. Time to stock back up again!

  5. 7 minutes ago, Kanedas Bike said:

    Cool, I saw that and congrats on the purchase!

    You paid a bit of a markup on the 1S but I think everyone here has done that at least once in this hobby.

    You'll learn the ins and outs of ordering/pre-ordering the various toys, including reputable stores and fair prices. Nippon-Yasan is reputable and you'll get your items but they without fail markup their prices on just about all of their Macross items. 



    Just curious, how much do you think I over-paid?


    You're right, I'm going to have to figure out the system.


    Thanks again!

  6. 27 minutes ago, Slave IV said:

    Cool! Just take note that the SSP you ordered are the second run which releases in April because the first run sold out almost immediately. If you ordered together, they will send everything when both in stock. If you can’t wait for the Valk, you can split the order. 

    All good. I can wait. Thanks!


  7. 22 minutes ago, Kanedas Bike said:

    Hey @sqidd, check out @jenius blog here;


    Read up and I'm guessing most of your questions will be answered. There are generally only cosmetic differences between later Yamato 1/60 version 2 Valkyries and Arcadia 1/60 (same mold/transformation/etc as Yamato v2) Valkyries.

    Please don't pay anything close to those eBay prices, there are a lot better deals to be found if you are patient enough.

    Additionally if you're going to look at 1/48 scale my recommendation is to go with the new Bandai DX Chogokin line.


    It's still new enough that you can get into it without having to spend too much money.

    Good luck!



    PS - Go Green, Go White ;)

     :hail:Good call. I just ended up pre ordering the Bandai VF-1S Hikaru and S&S parts that aren't released yet. That will hold me over until they come out with a Fokker.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    For future reference with NY:

    • DO NOT BUY ALREADY RELEASED STUFF FROM THEM. They almost always massively overcharge.
    • Do not pay in anything other than Yen, they massively inflate their currency conversion prices.
    • Do not order released and pre-order items together, the released items will wait until the pre-order items have been released to ship, but you'll still pay up-dront for everything. In your case, if you ordered together everything will ship in April or May.
    • Do not compare prices without including shipping with other stores, NY typically upcharges their shipping.

    For already-released items I suggest the For Sale/Trade forums here or Mandarake. Mandarake is selling sealed unused VF-1Js for about $410 with EMS (fast) shipping to the US.

    Great tips, thank you.


    The release dates for them are about a month apart. I don't imagine that will be a big deal. They will show up when they show up.


    They didn't ding me more than a few bucks on the conversion as far as I could tell. I converted Yen using an online calculator and then compared to to what I paid using PayPal. Great heads up though.


    Mandrake bookmarked



  9. 26 minutes ago, DYRL VF-1S said:

    The VF-1S and Parts haven’t released yet. So there is still a chance to purchase both in a pre-order. The wave of orders available for parts at this point will release in April 2020. You missed the window for Dec.

    However, the VF-1S still releases in Nov. So, you can either pay an upcharge on somewhere like Nippon, or wait until it releases and gamble trying to get it then.


    I just ordered the VF-1S Hikaru Movie Edition and S&S Parts off Nippon-Yasan. $535 to my door (3 day UPS shipping). That seems pretty reasonable actually. I can't imagine I will be able to get them through eBay later down the road for less than that.

    Now all I have to do is wait for them to show up.:D

    Thanks for your help!

  10. 14 minutes ago, tekering said:

    Amazon.jp currently has 'em for 10% off retail...  :hi:

    It's at least a year away -- and will likely cost you twice what the Yamato will -- but it'll be the best 1:48 Roy.

    So many 1:60 variations to consider...  :unsure:


    ...and that doesn't even include the new Premium Finish release.

    That big sucker is a model. Sigh. I literally don't have time for something like that. Too bad, that is awesome!





  11. 15 minutes ago, jvmacross said:

    You may as well wait for the eventual release of the Bandai DX 1/48 VF-1S Fokker...if you do not mind waiting for the best and the biggest fully transformable version

    That may be the way I go. I can't find any info on when the Fokker is going to be released. It looks like the Hikaru movie edition in November an the S&S parts for it in December (which I may get). Any info on a Fokker release? Thanks!

  12. 3 minutes ago, Slave IV said:

    The S&S parts are available for order currently at Nippon Yasan. Your best bet is to order them from there now. 

    I found the site, thank you.

    Am I understanding this correctly. I can order/pre-order through this site and when they're released they will get shipped to me here in the US? I'm assuming this company is in Japan?

    I'm going to need the VF-1S movie version and the S&S parts.


    Thanks for your help!


  13. I looked for a bit, but I have ADD. Sorry.

    I'm going to have to get the VF-1J (already available). But, I'm really going to need to get the S&S parts when they're released in what is it December?

    I see talk of buying these items through other avenues than eBay. Can anyone give me some insight into what those avenues are? How it works? Positives? Negatives? Etc?

    I see something mentioned about pre- orders. How is that pulled off?

    I have a friend who lives in Japan that I asked if he could source some of this stuff for me. He hasn't really found anything as far as a place to purchase (I'm not sure he worked that hard at it, he's lazy). Is that a good option if it's an option? Have someone pick this stuff up in Japan and then ship to the US? Anyone have a link to where I can send him to get this stuff?

    Is there a buying tutorial on here that I'm not seeing?

    Sorry for all the newb questions. I imagine for the pro's on here they all sound really dumb.

    Thanks guys!

  14. I've really been itching to get back into Macross toys. And by far the Fokker is my favorite from when I was a kid (actually re-watching Macross now). I'd like to get a three Fokkers so I can have them displayed in all three modes at the same time.

    I used to have some Yamato 1/48's. And then the 1-60's came out. A lot of people at the time said that the sculpting on the 60's were never. I never had one in my hands so I don't know. I do have to say, I like the toys to be as big as possible though.

    I'm also a little confused on which 1/60's are the most current ones (2006ish???). Is this the latest incarnation of the 1/60 from Yamato?

    Link to eBay

    Or is this the latest 1/60? Or the same as the one above, but a different box?

    Link To eBay

    It seems like the 1/48's and 1/60's are roughly the same cost. I'm not sure what direction to go here. And if I go 1/60, which is the 1/60 I want?


    Thanks guys!




  15. I asked that too soon. I needed to read a bit more. Am I correct that it looks like the Bandai DX VF-1 is the top dog right now as far as VF-1's go? I'm not seeing a Vf-S Focker w/ S&S parts though. Is the only one they released the VF-1J Hikaru so far?

    If so, are there any plans for a VF-1S?

    If there are no plans my question from the post above still stands. What is considered the best VF-1S w/ S&S parts out there?



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