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Posts posted by sqidd

  1. I'm a die hard Focker fan (the look, not necessarily the character). Focker all the things! I just looked into getting a HMR Focker with S&S parts. I'm seeing them for $300-350 on feeBay. Damn near twice what a Hikaru VF-1A w/ S&S parts is going for. Or the M&M's w/ S&S parts. Why so much for the Focker? Is there a better source? Did they not make many of them or something?

    Thanks guys

  2. Well, the madness has begun!

    9-10yrs ago I sold off my meager collection (among other things) to help finance a business startup. The business is doing pretty good. A few days ago I decided that I wanted to get back into the toys (not just Macross). I've been on a bit of  a tear picking stuff up. Which means I need some place to put all of it. I wasn't super stoked about the IKEA stuff. Or the few cabinets I saw on feeBay. None of them would "Tetris" into my space very well. The new/commercial stuff was ether crazy pricing, or it wouldn't work (most was rear loaded). I poked around on FB and found these locally.

    The two bigger cabinets are 36" wide and the smaller one is 25". 5300sq in of shelf space! They all have bases with either cupboards or drawers. They're about 7' tall when combined. They're a brass lineament. I need to get some shelves made (only two unbroken). I need to wire in some better lights. I'm not quite sure what to do here. Do certain type of lights degrade the toys faster (stay away from those!)? They need some cleaning up. I can't believe I got them for.................................$400.:blink:




  3. 4 minutes ago, yman1437 said:

    Another vf-31a situation?? I hope not....

    Come on NY, you've been good to me. Don't let me down....

    What is the "NY" you guys are referring to? Is it New York like the city? Or a online retailer or something?


    Attempting to learn some things.

  4. 5 hours ago, enphily said:

    May you use SEARCH or use specific theme for questions before spamming new threads? 


    Please forgive me. I went through that link and I can't find what I'm looking for. Also used the search function and all I'm getting are "custom" valks. I haven't seen anything on who could do the work. Maybe my search-fu just sucks.:blink:

  5. 7 minutes ago, Lolicon said:

    This is the best version of Focker's VF-1S, if you can afford it.

    40k at Mandarake. I knew I should've gotten a second one for 25k at the Amiami store way back when I got @Xigfrid his... :angry:


    Yeah, that's a nice unit. I picked up a few of the "lower class" Focker's with S&S parts over the last few days. Yamato 1/48, Arcadia 1/60, New Kitz 1/72. Looking forward to a 1/48 DX release. Hopefully I can get in on a pre-order.

  6. 11 minutes ago, anime52k8 said:

    The Medicom is much more like a 1/6 scale figure than a mecha toy. it's basically a bunch of molded plastic armor parts glued onto a rubber body suit that's stretched over a modified 1/6 figure body.  The Metal build is a lot more pose-able and comes with more accessories.

    I REALLY dig the Bandai. I LOVE the look. I wish it was a bit bigger though. Even if I had to pay for it. I'll probably get the Bandai.


    Thanks for you input guys.

  7. 33 minutes ago, Dobber said:

    Damn, if I’m not tempted to do it again too! These things are just so expensive though! :fool: lol!


    They're no longer available at Nippon-Yasan. Probably just saved me from myself.:p

  8. I never saw the show until recently when it came out on Netflix. I love it. I really dig the EVA-01 styling too. So naturally I went looking for toys.

    I came across the Bandai Metal Build "pre order". And a Bandai Metal Build "Test Type" that seems to be available now. To my untrained eye they look like the same figure? Are they? Are they both the same size? I'm seeing reference to them being 220mm (8.66") tall. Any tips on this guy? Reviews seem good. It's kinda not big though. I'll probably only get one of these (famous last words) so I want to do this right. Any input form you experts? After that scroll down below for the next bit please.



    Then there is the Medicom guy who is 390mm (15.7"). Oh man, this dude is a BEAST! I love the size. It doesn't look quite as trick as the Bandai one though. Keep scrolling please, more questions below......


    Are there any other ones I should be looking at? These two seem like the top dogs. Thanks guys!


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