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Posts posted by no3Ljm

  1. Btw, have to ask since you guys are starting to put your valks on a fish/nylon line. Do you guys put something in between the line and your valk? Like a small cloth or thin paper to the contact area? Or you guys just lay the valk directly to the line? Thanks. :)

  2. Hey Duymon,

    Which one is the one you just recently bought from me, or are you still modifying it?

    I rehabbed it and it's the fighter on the way left :D

    Makes me wonder now if you put ID tags as well individually on your valks on who or where you bought your 171's. :lol:

    THe 171's werent' junk, they are great when they worked as intended like the early Yammy VF-1's V2's or the VF-0's.


    This is the only CFs I appreciate the most in all of the Macross series. They ALL look nice together... and intimidating too compared to VF-1A's and VF-25A's altogether. ^_^

  3. After thinking about the new additional parts, there's really nothing you can add on to the YF-19 because of its design. It's not as same as the majority of the Valks that the wing area are always end up on the back in Battroid mode. Those are easy to put any option parts. But in the case of the 19's, it's very limited. It always ends up as an after-thought concept. Hehehe. :lol: That's why I love the YF19/21 as naked. ^_^

    But to be honest, seeing that YF-19 in Fighter mode with the VF-25 Boosters and missle pods always makes my day. Somehow it justifies the added Fast Pack as a whole. It will be more satisfying to me if they put on the Fold Boosters as well. ;)

  4. Probably, what do you think? ;)

    Well, I only expressed my opinion for seeing that 500yen acrylic stand that was posted HERE, on the VF-0D thread. Whereas if they posted that stand announcement in a separate thread dedicated to the 'display stands' or thread dedicated to 'complaints for lack of stands', then for sure you will see my 'complaints' over there. Since it was posted here, I'm sure that it's just proper that I posted my opinion or 'complaints' as you put it, here too. :mellow:

    Anyways, back to the REAL topic:

    Looking forward to the VF-0D esp seeing those cute little figures. I'm pretty sure this will be announced as a $300 toy, which I think will be their standard MSRP from now on and load us with missiles and display stand connectors once again. :rolleyes:

  5. I'm thinking about what Mommar said on how he wish that the shoulder missle pods can turn or somehow be positioned like the 25's. And upon inspecting all those photos released, I saw some hinges underneath (green arrow). The magenta arrows are the hinges for the missle pod doors. Not sure exactly what's the hinges underneath is for. All I think of is maybe it helps elevating the pod after turning the shoulder outward in Battroid mode and face forward the pods? Now I was thinking if those hinges turn too like the 25's then there's hope that those can be positioned like the 25's missle pods. Though it will start to look awkward since the pointy part of the pod will be positioned pointing up or pointing towards the back. Basically, think of the pod from the photos and rotate it in 180degrees. Instead of getting the pointy part facing forward, now the one facing you will be the back part area of the pod. Which I think it will be impossible since the pod opening hinges are located at the back so doing that rotating 180degree hinges will make the pod look awkward.


    But I'm curious to know what's exactly the hinges at the bottom is for. ^_^

  6. Let's wait and see. For sure this thing will be mass produced soon. Either from Arcadia or some other third-party company. Think positive. If not, then atleast you save $150 something and buy other stuff instead. ;)

  7. Is it actually a gamble to buy a CF 171 now? Ive been thinking of getting one but the cracking problem also seem to affect MISB ones.

    The only solution here not to worry on the exploding parts is buy 2 as most members here do so you can display both in Fighter and Battroid mode. Or better yet, get 3 to add the ever-loving 'Gerwalk' mode. ;)

  8. For sure it's a nice nod to those that owned Yamato stands for them to include a connector with Arcadia releases, but I would literally beg for Arcadia to not include any more stands, keep the SRP as low as possible and then offer the stands separately for those who are interested.

    And I get your point about those new to collecting these items, I'd feel the exact same way looking at a "piece" that there was absolutely nothing I could use it for.


    Agreed. ;) Would love that LOW MSRP too without including stuff we don't need. If that's the case then I hope they reissue those stands individually coz... I really NEED it. I love the Flightpose Stands but learning that the silicon parts tends to stick or leave residue to the Valks, then I rather use their 'suggested' display stands since they keep on putting those connectors to every releases as well. I'm a new Valk collector. So basically, I missed everything. :( And I'm not gonna buy Yamato stands from third-party sellers with the same amount as a basic Valkyrie set.

  9. I bet the plastic is to protect the painted/tampo'd on parts, not due to the finish. My 19P had alot and so did my VE-1. The VF-1's had (although not wholly wrapped) plastic sleeves on their wings, landing gears and small plastic leaflets on other tampo'd parts on the valk.

    I agree it's related to the paint and prints. Best example also is the YF-21. ;)

  10. My current setup. I need another detolf soon!


    Well, it's probably time for me to post my setup. Apologies for the image heavy post. My partner is gracious enough to let me indulge in the basement, but she's nixed anything upstairs, so the lighting is somewhat difficult :)


    Those are SWEET! Nice displays. :p

  11. Well I hope the hidden message is they will reissue some TV VF-1 valks....

    I'm hoping for that too. ;) Looking forward for another sets of display stand connectors as well... without the stand for sure. Hahaha! :lol:

    And yes, I'm being sarcastic again for not including the stands. I know they've included it with the Arcadia VF-1S releases. But WHO really wants those BIG stand? ^_^

  12. those stand are only for VF?

    Based on the contour of the plastic, I might say it's for VF-1's only.

    'So generous of them to sell a stand that only works for VF-1's'. And yes, I am being sarcastic towards their display stands. I don't know why they can't reissue those Yamato stands. Even the Mighty Block ones. They keep on releasing Valks after Valks or New Valks even along with its proper stand connectors and thinking that the collectors has bunch of unused old display stands to begin with. I assumed sometimes that they just market their products to their existing customers instead of adding to their list the new customers/collectors who just recently got exposed to their 'Perfect Transforming' toys, who to begin with doesn't even have their old 'cool-looking' stands. (e.g. Arcadia YF-19)

    I mean, c'mon Arcadia, how much would you like to add more to the MSRP price just to include those Mighty Block display stands for your upcoming or even reissues Valk releases? :huh:

  13. They say imitation is the best form of flattery, so I'm copying like a freshman in Algebra class... Still need to refine by technique but thanks to Gakken85 I'll find my way.

    Cool! Are you planning on posing them like their trying to cross each other while flying? Can't find a proper snapshot but this is where their fighting on EP4. Anyways, great display. ;)

  14. I don't have one but there's this site called MECH9 and he posted there his work-in-progress on his VF-1A Milia along with a english translated instructions. Here's the links:




    I'm assuming it all comes with the pins for its proper components. But if you're asking about the shoulder problem, I assumed it's a possibility. Sometimes, inserting the pin on the pegs can cause an early cracks while building it. So be sure to order some replacement shoulder parts from Shapeways for back-up since the one available at Shapeways is a little thicker than the one from the Yamato kit.

    Here's the link from Shapeways:


    Yup, plastic cement works for this too. But be careful though, just in case you need to fix something in the future, it might be a problem to open it up again if everything was applied with cement. Be sure to study the kit first for future problems. Decals I believe is waterslide. Not guarantee if it's durable or not since this is a transforming toy. Even if it's applied with topcoat there will always a possiblity of scratching and paint chipping.

    Hope that helps. :)

  15. Damn you!!! Why must I bend to peer pressure?!? It was under a bunch of Spider-man comics and it was $99.99. i had to ask it the price was right, the guy thought I was haggling for a cheaper price. He said that he's had it since it come out, he drop the price a yr ago hoping someone would buy it OMG!!! :blink: :blink:

    Didn't even last 20min, it took me longer to transform it,

    Does he still have extra stock? :rolleyes: Great find. ;)

  16. I know I posted awhile back for my wish from Arcadia. And the first would be a reissue of VF-4G in Flashback 2012 colors.

    Or a renewal of YF-21... and this is the proportion I WANT. I know it's doable so better do it, Mr.K/Arcadia-san :lol:

    - YF-21 main body from 1/60

    - YF-21 enlarged proportioned legs from GN-u Dou

    Be sure that the updated rotating thigh is brittle/crack/explosion-free. ;)


    I'm not a Twitter user so if ever there's members here who can tweet this edited photo to Mr.K or Arcadia, you're free to do so. ^_^

  17. I agree, if I don't have them sloped down it doesn't feel right.

    Not saying anyone else is wrong though, it's just how I interpreted the instructions and how it feels especially around the funny neck area.

    Ok. Thanks Old Man. ;) But I still want somehow that straight shoulder bits thing look but don't want my valk's torso wobbly. Hehehe. :lol:

  18. I too find that having the shoulders sloping down at the back makes the neck/collar lock properly, and the back piece sit properly over the cockpit.

    I'm doing the same thing. :) So it makes sense that we can't do the level-straight shoulder bits without making the torso part a little wobbly, correct?

    Mine is pretty tight and does not wobble with the shoulder level.

    Really? Guess, I'm doing something wrong with that area since mine is kinda wobbly when the shoulder bits is leveled straight. Hehehe. :lol:

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