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Posts posted by PsYcHoDyNaMiX

  1. Has anyone tried the "superglue friction joint fix" on their DX toys?

    Dunno if it'll work on DX toys but the superglue trick seems to work on friction joint looseness on many other toys.

    Pretty sure it's been done already. I used a little sglue on one of the shoulders for my VF-27 (on the metal ball) and it's holding up pretty well.


    But yea... the YF-29 is looking pretty sweet! :D

  2. Hey Guys,

    I guess I should've been keeping myself up to date on this thread (now subscribed to the thread). However, please feel free to send me any PMs.

    @ UN Spacy - NICE!!! Welcome! I know I can't see my Max w/o the CC... it just looks naked.

    @anubis20 - It's a garage kit (I guess I should have specified that directly other than "resin casted", I apologize if there was a misunderstanding). The nubs (I'm assuming is the flash) is from the casting process. Similar to sprue runners from styrene plastic models, however I did not use a vacuum process. The nubs/flash can be removed with an exacto knife or a file. If there are any casting imperfections (hopefully there aren't) it can be corrected with small amounts of super glue and some careful sanding. If preferred the pieces can be painted as well, but I do recommend washing the CC in a warm soapy water solution before adhering anything to the surface. The mold release agent from the casting process may still be present on the CC. I've also sent you a PM with this same info.

    @ae_productions - I replied via a pm. Pretty much what I've stated for anubis20.

  3. Thanks guys! I got your PMs already and replied.

    Just as a note about the availability on red canopies... I don't believe I will be making any red canopy covers because the original line art showed them the same color as the canopy frame. Both M&M VF-22Ses have the same blue canopy frames (even on Yamato's 1/60 VF-22Ses, shown below).



  4. Hey everyone,

    I've put this off for sometime, so I figured I should get them out sooner rather than later. This thread is for resin casted Custom Canopy Covers (garage kit pieces) in blue or grey for the Yamato 1/60 VF-22S (Max, Miria or Gamilin). I originally stated/estimated the prices to be $8-10 each, but I've decided to just get them out for $7.00 (US) each.

    For more info about the canopy cover, here is the project's original thread:


    To save myself the headaches of calculating shipping costs... I will be shipping using the USPS Small Flat Rate Box ($5.20 Domestic, $11.95 Canada/Mexico, and $13.95 everywhere else according to their site).

    [shipping Prices are subject to change]

    Domestic Shipping prices: http://www.usps.com/prices/priority-mail-prices.htm

    International Shipping prices: http://www.usps.com/prices/priority-mail-international-prices.htm

    Please send me a PM with your information (name, mailing information) and the quantities of the colors you want (eg. 2x blue, 1x Grey), so I can work out the total.

    Payment methods accepted: Paypal

    Or even feel free to send me any PMs concerning questions/comments.



    Disclaimer: I am not a professional, but undertook this project as a hobby/fan project.



    Just as a note about the availability on red canopies... I don't believe I will be making any red canopy covers because the original line art showed them the same color as the canopy frame. Both M&M VF-22Ses have the same blue canopy frames (even on Yamato's 1/60 M&M VF-22Ses, shown below).




    With any garage kit/resin casted piece some scraping with an exacto knife/blade and/or sanding maybe required to remove any flash/nubs or tiny imperfections. If there are any severe comestic imperfections (hopefully there aren't, as I've done my best to sort through the pieces for bad casts), this maybe corrected with super glue and some sanding. Painting can be done if the owner prefers, but it is recommended to wash the CC in a warm soapy solution before adhering anything to the surface of the CC.

  5. Hey everyone,

    It's been more than a good month since my last update. I've been busy casting...


    I'll be making a separate thread in the sale section for the casts.

    I didn't take a pic with my Max because he's still in the box, I only took a pic with Miria because she was already out of the box (still in the plastic tray. Plus... I was too lazy to transform her, lol).

    I apologize for the horrible lighting.


  6. Okay here's a preview pic from my phones' crappy camera (I'll post some better ones later when my camera's battery recharges)...

    So from left to right is Gamlin's CC, and the other three were tester's of possible color matching for M&M's CCs.

    Gamlin's is grey resulting from just enough black to the mixture,

    The 2nd is a mixture of Gamlin's with a light touch of blue (could substitute for Max, but that was before I realized M&M's canopy frame is royal blue),

    The 3rd is a mixture with more blue,

    The 4th is a mixture with equal amounts of purple and blue.

    For the last two colors I attempted to achieve the Royal Blue that resembles the canopy frame on M&M's VF-22Ses without over saturating the mixture with color. The last one actually looks more purple in person.

    Definitely more color testing for M&M's CCs are in the works, the unfortunate part is that it's set to rain in my area for this week (NYC) and moisture will definitely kill the casting process. Hopefully the rain will die down towards the end of this week.


  7. Hmm... I hope there isn't any misunderstanding, but just to clarify that this thread is for the canopy covers (battroid mode) for the VF-22S and not the actual canopies or canopy mod/recasts fitted for the YF-21.

    Generally the canopy cover when in battroid mode wouldn't actually be clear.

  8. Hey everyone...

    A possible ballpark range for the price of the canopies will be $8~10 (not final, I haven't included the man hours and all the expenses).

    The actual colors for the canopies on the Yamato VF-22S M&M are more bluish while Gamlin's is more grey.

    I almost have the color for Gamlin's canopy as a match, maybe just a tad lighter than what it should be. For some reason Yamato's coloring/paint for the canopy seems to have a hint of brown/tan in it? Whatever the case I don't think I'm going to throw brown/tan in it.

    I'll have to cast up some canopies for M&M in the blue-ish grey for you all to see and I'll have pics of Gamlin's coming up real soon.

  9. The project was put on a hiatus due to a extremely personal life altering issue (from the months of July-August) and I know this thread/topic is probably dead, but I'll still be looking/aiming to complete this project by the end of this month.

    I've started the mold creation process this weekend and I probably won't be casting as many canopy covers as anticipated (I guess the production will be based off demand).

    I'll keep you guys posted.

  10. Hey guys,

    I've started this project a while back, but was unable to finish due to college. Since I'm done with college I've picked the project back up and made some progress on it. If the final version turns out well and depending on demand I may cast them (for a very reasonable price)...

    The current wip version (shown) attaches to the canopy via friction and holds fairly well (upside down, side ways, and even through shaking).

    Comments/feedback are welcome.







  11. Wow... never realized that people were still looking at this thread.

    Actually I started up a canopy cover towards the end of the summer (July-August), but never finished it because school started. I'm hoping to get this finished up in the next month. It could actually be friction fitted with no magnets needed.

    I'll post up some picks as soon as i charge my camera.

  12. Is it the color? The battroid mode looks taller than gamlin or the yf-21 to me. I believe it is the same mold as gamlin, so it's either the color or the photoshooting.

    Definitely shopped. They didn't extend the lower-legs/shins all the way.

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