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Posts posted by valkyrietestpilot

  1. protoplast,your statement shows alot of fans common misconceptions about macross 7.it wasn't geared towards teenage boys at all.it was created for the fan base that likes the character & story side of macross more than the mechas.macross plus was created at the same time to cater to the fans that were mecha junkies.in a way,it's a good example of what every popular anime should do.give each fan a story to his or her particular liking,but still keeping the core macross.i,like others,have gained alot more respect for this series over the past year.instead of hating it,i'm looking forward to finishing it instead ;)

  2. max's glasses may just be author mistake too.i mean,you got to remember,these guys were probably all civilians that created this story.none of them would have even thought of the military rejecting a pilot cause of glasses/sight issues.they just probably didn't look into it any further than that.most might assume that if you can drive a car w/ glasses/sight issues,why not a plane too.macross also seemed to put front & center a kinda equality among fellow people too.it was definately the 1st anime i saw were there was an interracial couple(roy & claudia).they might have made max have glasses to show that that's a feature that shouldn't be looked down upon,cause he was a hero & wore them too.

  3. the main drawback for me on these region 2's is price.my friend bought the official release of DYRL & i believe it cost him in excess of $50.now,if that holds true for the tv series too,that's alot of bread man.the animego set released here is awsome enough.i really think it's all you need ;)

  4. my thoughts are this:if the 1/48's i had included alot of parts in die-cast metal instead of plastic,i think i would have had more issues w/ it falling,getting bumped & just plain clumsy dropping the things.plastic will take a tumble too,but the die-cast seemed to me to fall more easily & more often.that extra weight would cause more damage each time too.my 1/60 ostrich & elint both have the metal legs & i think it works well for them,but i just don't think the big '48 would benefit in the same way as these.

    i chose the quality improving option,cause i've never had any serious problems w/ any of mine.maybe i'm more cautious w/ mine in general cause of their cost,but i think i'm actually harder on my yamatos than i ever was w/ my chunky monkeys :)

  5. actually,a while back user mslz22 (mike) had an entire 1/55 fastpack & armour recast.i bought a set & it was excellent quality.i believe he can do strike cannons too,so you guys should shoot him a pm,he'd probably make you up a set if he doesn't already have a few laying around.i remember seeing something from him here recently telling everyone to contact him if you need resin recast stuff,so he might be your best bet ;)

  6. got my set yesterday devin.wow,they are awsome as always.i'm glad folks liked my suggestion to add valk girl in the set too.i guess she's pretty popular. ;)

  7. the format of a board is set before the users sign-up.if it's set to have post counts,then the set up of that particular option is were the gayness lies.not the user.depends on your outlook anyway.i don't care if it looks gay.i work in an office that employs gays if they meet the requirements of the job.niether a post count or my co-workers would ever make me feel gay.only YOU can make yourself feel gay.i have a voracious appetite for the ladies.using my post-count activated account here or talking casually w/ 1 of my co-workers would'nt jepordize my status there.i'd still always be an animal caveman that i am now,no matter how close to the "gayness" in question i came.if another called me gay,well,that childish behavior is only displayed by folks who are afraid of judgment themselves,so they victimize someone else to feel less pathetic about themselves. be yourself,other's comments & criticizms aren't positive,so they are motivated from jealousy,not genuine constructive criticizms ;)

  8. i concure superdemensionaldave.sits beside him at the council fire of the elders & stokes flames w/ walking stick.i too,came in the times of olde.i came here in the tail-end of the 1/55 ostrich/elint valks going for $800-1000 on ebay.bad time for a begginner valk collector.it was expensive to hang here then.now,we have better valks & you could almost say there plentiful,not quite,but almost.if yamato continues to "keep it real" w/ their valks,i'm not concerned what they think of us personally.fans are like that.it's to be expected.someone spilled the beans here about a future release of theirs? well,what real harm did that do? it's not like they're the skunkworks working on something security sensitive.if anything,it helped them cause folks had a chance to set some $ aside to get that new release.they're competitors aren't even any competition.lower class all together.

  9. i would have thought max would eventually have been promoted ahead of hikaru reguardless.roy was good,hikaru became good,but max was always ice-cold in that valk.he blended the skill roy had w/ perfection.i don't think hikaru fits in that catergory.the guys that are in the top %1 are a different breed to begin with.you can't "learn" to be a top %1-er.your born with that :ph34r:

  10. yeah,but max got sucked into the meltran pleasure world & forgot to come back :lol: i wouldn't say he deserted,just went to the side with more cute ratio.they consolled his woes for leaving his buds by super-sizing his ass :lol:

    how would the un spacy handle his actions? kind of a wierd situation. :huh:

  11. i like the jive translation.it's like having "huggy-bear" from starsky & hutch narrate macross."damn straight,DD is about to have his ass handed to him...dig?"

    now picture "boomhaur"(sp?) from king of the hill narrating that :lol::lol:

    oh,& "kieth" thanks for giving these guys the tough love as always :lol:

    your lack of tolerance for crap makes me think your irish :lol:

  12. well,your right blaine.yamato's strong stateside following is cause of our enjoyment of their product.doesn't matter if they don't like us.we've created demand for their wares here.i'll support them soley cause they have a superior product.if they don't like me......well,then fiddle-faddle on them. :p

  13. the only thing that doesn't jive w/ the yamato situation & our forum here,is the issues w/ hg trying to block yamatos from importation.i would think in that reguard,yamato would find us to be useful.honest fan wants & desires w/o the coorperate legal maneuvers crap.i would think that if they saw how much people here really wanted their valkyries,they'd feel more confident to give hg the finger & push to get them here.just my $0.02. :)

  14. wow devin.those look great man!!!! thanks for taking pics w/ the minmay guard pin-up option that i wanted.she looks so cool on there,i can't wait to get mine now.your talent is much appreciated my friend :)

  15. "joscasle",i think "beware of blast" was reciting a line from the movie "big trouble in little china".the bad guy in there said that same thing.he needed a girl w/ green eyes to break a curse.funny stuff as always BoB :lol:

  16. you know,i'd really like mine to say "bridge bunny waxer" instead of the whole valk heatshield thing.it's more intune with my persona.clowning around & skirt chasin' :p

    what the others have mentioned is true though.alot of the "old headz" around here disappear for a while & miss these upgrades,but they are welcome friends at our table.i'd have 10 million posts here too,if i didn't have to put in time under the hood w/ my girlfriend & put in crazy overtime at my carreer.you guys w/ internet access at work don't realize how good you have it.man,i have to wait 12 hours to reply to my threads sometimes.kinda kills your efforts to "try to get the jump" on an elusive toy in the sale section.damn,a 1/48 hikaru to trade for something i have.missed it by 12 hours :( oh,well,sniffle,sniffle.

    post counts mean nothing.mine's low,but alot of guys here know me by name.just as i know them by theirs.good jestures & coolness are what's remembered,not the number under your user name. :)

  17. so,mod roy,can we still have threads like the cosplay 1 as long as everybody keeps cool about it?

    i really enjoyed the non-bs parts of that thread.i'm a guy & i like to check the cuties.i'm sure the ladies on this site feel the same about the male cosplayers too.i feel that the occasional thread like this 1,helps us all relax a little & interact with other users in a little-less serious way than we do everyday.ofcoarse,good taste should always be observed,but will i get reprimanded if i slip the occasional cosplay eye-candy in my threads to break the monotony? what about a new thread about cosplay after otakon? i was thinking of doing 1,is this cool,or should it be avoided? i like it here,so i'd like to know the parameters before there's a problem.thank you mod roy for lendin' your ear to my query.(insert old asian bowing smilie here)

  18. user " the lone wolf" (neil) has a 1/6 arii misa model for sale over in the sale section.this pic is pretty close up & her eyes definately look more green.anybody notice what color they're painted on the CMS figures? i'm away from home now & i can't check mine :unsure:

  19. ah,graham,you DID remember to remove your shoes when you visited the ceo of yamato's house for dinner right?? :lol::p .sorry man,couldn't resist.

    i've noticed lately how many other toys yamato makes besides valks.i think they are just busy & will get around to something new for the valkyholics later.i bought a "love hina" figure the other day from suncoast w/ yamato's logo on it.i was un-aware they made figures. :huh:

  20. they should do a DYRL? set of max & miria.now that would be a nice limited edition set that i might consider investing that kind of change into.maybe.that's still alot for some pvc plastic little figures. :blink:

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