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Posts posted by valkyrietestpilot

  1. muuuuhaaaa,i now have a TEAM of cute taiwanese girls scouring the SOGO dept.stores from taichung,taipei & hsin-chu city looking for roy & hikaru 1S's.thanks for the tip dude.(rubs hands together) i should have reports coming in any time now of my treasures ;)

  2. i would hope yamato would powder coat that parts as well.i agree w/ "cambodian tire".i've also had car & boat parts powder coated & it's the way to go for a painted part.that stuff is like painted armour. :)

  3. i think what alot of people do is use a decal application guide from a hasegawa 1/72 model kit.most people i think consider this to be cannon as far as propper decal location goes.what you should do is,get someone to scan a hasegawa vf-1a decal application sheet for you if you don't already have 1 on hand.good luck my friend.

    -duane :)

  4. wow devin,

    these rock just as all your stickers/decals do.i have a question though.can i get a set w/ the "valk girl" sized to fit were the pin-up girls go on that armour? i really like her design & i thought she'd just make the perfect custom-devin pin-up girl touch to this already awsome set. :)

  5. yeah,this guy seems to be "hit or miss".i've had no problem dealing w/ him the 2 times i bought stuff from him,but it seems others had alot of problems w/ him soon after i delt w/ him.shrugs,maybe you'll get lucky & have no problem.

  6. i don't care if hg blocking merchandise coming here to me is a common business practice.that's wrong.you can't deny someone a choice just cause you wanna make money.if they're actions are causing me to have to pay 2x-3x more to get my yamatos & my dyrl? movie.then,they can suck my left nut.i'm not gonna just let it go cause that's what all businesses do.i'd do the same for all other aspects of my consumer life.if i found out i was being denied a superior foreign product for say...my hotrod,i'd never support those responsible again w/ my $.

    when a company deliberately tries to hide another product from the consumer,it means that they fear it cause it's superior.stop trying to dissavow the superior product.hey,here's a thought...try making a superior product instead!!!!! wow,i must be a genius,uh,i mean jenius :lol:

  7. i got my set way back when munkey-nugget first posted that thread.i only had a low-viz back then & no other 1/48's.funniest part is,i sold my low-viz before i got my clear set :lol: i'm saving them now for a custom vf-1s maxtype strikevalk i'm planning on doing in the next few months.i really like the fact that yamato packed these individually & not on sprues.they'd really look like crap if you had to trim & sand excess plastic from sprues.

    recently i attended a bbq at user "mechamaniac's house.he had his set displayed on his vf-1j millia type.this is the coolest display of these clear parts i've seen.something about that bright red that just makes them stand out much better.kinda takes away from that "too much red" the stock pieces on that 1j seem to have too.i think i'd feel the same about the max 1j too.maybe you could post pics of that 1j andy?

  8. my dream gun to own would have to be a sturmgwehr(assault rifle) 44.it was nazi germany's first steps into the assault rifle category.1st assault rifle ever.are these fairly easy to find? someone told me the russians wearhoused alot of surplus nazi arms after the war.are russian sources more common for this particular piece

  9. man,i hope some of the cuties from this thread show up @ otakon this year.had to work to find a cutie there last year.after seeing this thread,i actually WANT to see cosplay now.mental note,ALWAYS check the age on that little cutie your drewling over,she might be a tad too young.sure does spoil it if you find out she's 15 :o:o

  10. i've gotten lucky w/ my yamato's.the only issue i've had w/ any of the 1's i've had is my 1/60 ve-1 elintseeker.it's flawless,until you get to the sprues containing the fastpack horizontally mounted antenae.mine are gonna need serious trimming & sanding before they'll fit into their mounts on the fastpacks.i wished they'd painted the figures more correct too,instead of just using the roy-looking helmet trim.elint pilots have orange trimmed helmets.not yellow.

  11. yeah,$60 seems to be the going rate.might get lucky if you find a board memeber willing to part w/ 1 in a trade or bargaining for something they need.i got a great deal on a series 1 mao this way.folks here are awsome about helping you out,just post what your looking for & wait.

    dude,your avatar rocks.is that little cutie-petutie your girlie? :p

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