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Posts posted by valkyrietestpilot

  1. dude,i think if you buy a copy of the macross gold book,you'll get alot of what your looking for into macross story research.it's pretty much the standard for anything you want to see written about macross.also,the macross compendium,it's a site,but the addy escapes me at this time,do a search in the forums & you should run across it.i think you'll find alot of the stories here are similar.i loved robotech up till macross plus got released in '94.that's when i got turned on to the real core story of this anime masterpiece.it just adds grity,more mature depth that robotech couldn't begin to touch.ready to leave robotech as a fond childhood memory? watch "macross-do you remember love?" the movie & watch the definative vision.valks are dirty,badass pieces of over-technology,not those clean cut veritechs from robo.nothing cooler than seeing a valk w/ dirt & booster scorings on it to add real world feel to them.maximilllian genius takes on much cooler badass points when you see him fight hand-to-hand in the opening sequence of dyrl?.gu-11 still mounted on his arm & flips it around & paints that zentran's helmet w/ his own flesh.ruthless man,max ain't to be triffled w/,even if you are 40-ft tall :ph34r:

  2. i've gotten all my mac zero hk dvd's from this guy:


    i've only paid $11 shipped for each 1 & he's real fast.i've had my episode 4 for about 2 weeks now.he even emails me in advance to see if i want to order the next episode,which is nice for me,cause i can't keep track of when everything is getting released :)

  3. i had zero problems w/ my 1/48 & the fp's.you have to be careful w/ any toy that has that much detail,so that's a given.and,for the love of pete,play with your toys.anybody that teases someone about playing with a toy is only lashing out at others for their own self-conciousness.i play w/ my valks,i play w/ my hotrod & i sure as hell play w/ my girl.she makes a great meltran. news flash dude....chicks aren't turned off by guys who play w/ toys,they're turned off by a guy who's not confident enough in himself to play w/ them reguardless of what others think.confidence is uber-sexy to a girl.toys aren't turn offs,weak men are though ;)

  4. my mecha box was waiting for me when i got home from my trip this weekend!!!! it's absolutely beautiful!!! I'm box #004.i didn't realize i was 1 of the first to order 1 of these :blink:

    i can't wait for the mac plus boxes now!!!thanks paul & andy & everyone else who helped w/ artwork on these (insert old asian bowing smilie here)

  5. yeah,if you get a reissue fp,i'd say $35 would be the ceiling on those.like the otheres said,the originals would command a much higher price.an original bandai strike armour/cannon would be somewere between $80-$100 i think.good luck finding someone to part w/ 1 of those though <_<

  6. wow,no sticker guide? i thought all my yamatos came w/ 1 of those.hmmm,maybe they forgot to put yours in the box.if,so,i'm sure somebody would scan 1 for ya to help you out :)

  7. i hope this isn't too far fetched of a request,but i'm looking for 2 spare pilots for my 1/60 elintseeker. i wanna custom paint a set,but still retain my originals in case i decide to re-sell.any of you guys have a set of these laying around?

  8. i have 1-3 mac 0 that are hong kong boots & i think there not so bad.i already ordered ep.4 from the same guy i got the rest.i paid $11 shipped. the subs are bad,but i've found that you can figure out the mistakes fairly easily.after i watched the episodes a few times,i knew exactly what was going on by just using logic.most mistakes i've found are just words in the wrong order or improper words used.all-in-all,i think there worth it.cheap price,quick release time.feeds my macross 0 habit just fine till bandai(i think it's them) gets there butts in gear & releases these domestically ;)

  9. man,this thread went way out there.thanks for the support "phyrox".BTW, can some nice mod please change my member title to 'bridge bunny waxer" instead of what it is now? that'd be great,thank you (insert old asian bowing smilie here).

  10. btw,i lock my valks & figures away from little hands.i have a special room for those.i am also blessed enought to own a pussy-cat that's super cool & NEVER messes with expensive shelved items.he's the emporer of lounging tom-cats B))

  11. man,i'm with you "jsarchlight".i hate kids.i have a little nephew that's only 4 & the 1st thing he does when he sees something like my hotrod or toy collection is go climb on or throw them.jsarchlight speeks the gosspil.i was raised by dad who was a vietnam vet as well as a former drill instructor"s assistant.i learned real quick as a child how to behave.these brats now a days have no respect & the people raising them aren't qualified to care for goldfish,let alone a human being.i've found that a parent today would most likely think their child breaking a toy thats someone owned in a collection,was funny.or their response would be weak & lacking any discipline. i know there are alot of you guys here that DO raise em' right,so don't get mad.it's just the other ones that ruin it for all the good ones <_<

  12. this might seem kinda silly,but i've always wondered this. how are our mods chosen ? i've been here for quite a while & have seen a few changing's of the guard. are our new mods chosen by shawn & graham or some other way? alot of the people i've chatted w/ from here over the years have become mods.if someone thinks you'd be a great mod,do they ask you to accept the position or do these folks apply & wait for executive decision? what are the criteria? # of posts,overall helpfullness on the boards in general,or expressing leadership qualities? i've always noticed how well modded we are & these folks are very cool all of the time.whatever method we're using to pick them works well.i have always wondered about this & i hope it wasn't to silly of me to ask :huh:

  13. i'd like to see an ova set in the macross plus time frame.basically,at that time frame there was only spuratic groups of renegade zentran roaming the galaxy.i'd like to see a group of elite vf-11b valkyrie pilots that go out & deal with those threats as they materialize.kinda like a black-ops valk squad.evrything they'd do would be covered up to keep from frightning people.it'd have valks,action,some hot-shot pilot & you could throw a love interest in there to mix things up. :ph34r:

  14. mmmm,i like your idea. as >exo< said,alot of these guys are busy.if 1 of us organized a section to point a potential buyer in the right direction.it will only benefit all in volved.having 1 of us manage it seems better too.we're here more often & are more in touch with what folks are looking for.i had a similar idea a few years ago.it was called the "straight shooter's " thread.i've since turned over control to dangard ace,but it has served us well for some time.charge on dude.i support your idea. ;)

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