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Posts posted by Chewie

  1. Think of it this way. Ep 4-6 of star wars had luke as the main character but the Star Wars movies weren't about Luke, though he was a main character, they were about Anakin who in most of the movies was not the main character yet he remained the pivotal axis in which all the events and characters revolved around.

    X-men is the same way. Rogue and Magneto was the main plot of X-men 1, you saw it through Logan's eyes. X-2 was chuck and timmy and sure, a fair amount of Logan and dept H stuff but in neither of these movies was he important to the plot, you could have pulled him out and replaced him with any other number of characters and not affected the movie.


    Eh. To hell with what Lucas says the story was about. 200,000 different things prove he didn't write the prequels until 1997 when the SE made money and he went "ooooooh".

    PT - Anakin.

    OT - Luke

    But that is an entirely different thread.

    It wasn't overly blatent in most places that Logan was the main character but;

    X-1. He changes his mind more than once and shows he's not so Lone-Wolf and can be a team player. Classic Logan. Rough around the edges until he warms up. He saves the day in the end. Yadda yadda yadda.

    X-2 More about his past. The Weapon X program, Stryker yadda yadda. Jason was a subplot underneath learning more about Logan, ending bring another subplot for 3 with the Dark Phoenix Saga just being BAMMED in there.

    X-3 (from what I gather) He takes a lot of control over the team when Scott and Professor X get wasted (if that is what happens. Lol). They also mash in he and Jean's little fling even though Scott is MIA.

    Even if it is summer fluff it's more than meets the eye.â„¢

    - C

    PS - Anyone see Iceman in his ice form? So hawt....want to see the movie.

  2. huh? none of the stories have been about logan.. you see it through logan's perspective but they're not about him. Even in X2, the focus was on timmy the mutant and charles, logan and dept H was just background noise and barely explored.


    They're about him. Its obvious. The focus in X-2 was about finding out more about Logan. X-3 is going to be about how he takes control of the situation when things get tough. Singer, and (insert writers name here) both stated they were about him.

    - C

  3. For any single anime item, it would be:

    super ostich - $2000 mint  :blink:

    Tetsujin 28 - $35000 mint  :blink:

      I know thats a lot (not for me) :D , but I bought these back when all this stuff was really hot.

    For the popy diecast toys Im sure I have well over $50k in those.

    Not to mention I have well over $100k in Yamato 1/48.  :blink:

    I won't even bring up my big boy toys.  <_<


    And I take pride in the fact that I just made off with 11 1/60s at just under $410.

  4. Hey fellas. Just got a 1/60 J Super and want to strip it down and paint it up like Jetfire.

    I would like to get some suggestions on what kinds of paint, sandpaper, tools, strippers, thinners, decals etc you guys would use for something like this.

    Also if anyone knows where to possibly get an extra S head or 3 for a project such as this and some customs.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    - C

  5. Christopher Reeve? Dean Cain?  Master thespians they are not :)

    I'll certainly give Routh a chance, but he's not showing some amazing acting chops based on what's been shown so far.  Not that Superman is really the sort of character that requires a lot of range anyway.

    As for Welling he's certainly capable of handling supes no problem, although I admit he's no great actor himself.  Besides, one thing television is not known for is high quality writing.  Any actor can be brought down by lousy writing, even in films.  Ewan McGregor ala Star Wars is a prime example.


    Yeah. Some friends and I had a huge discussion about this. Tom should have been cast for this. He does quite well in Smalleville (even if the continuity is lame) and everyone would have been "OH SUPERMAN" seeing his face all over the place for the movie.

    As far as physically, lookit how Toby Maguire turned out after 4 months of crazy PT. They coulda done it.

    Routh....well.....he's....uhm...pretty? :unsure:

    - C

  6. My brother told me about this movie a month ago and I hope it lives up to the video game and that the creators don't screwup this movie and make it look like crap because I think that would serioisly hurt the game franchise alot. If this movie does poorly, then we can expect not to see another Tekken game for 5-7 years.


    I doubt it. Even with the flop of all the other mediums (toys, anime, clothing etc) the games still thrive with the next one being one of the most anticiptaed fighting games ever.

    And since when is there something wrong with Jet-Li?

    - C

  7. I definately have to panel line this guy. He's filled with it. ;)

    Chewie: Infidel.....u shall suffer my wrath when i release YF-19FP pics. :p


    Whoa whoa whoa.....who said we couldn' be friends still?

    I mean...you know... These little things can be swept aside, ESPECIALLY for 19 pics.

    Or...I could just kill you and take them....hmm......we'll see.

    Seeing these pics also makes me mad I didn't preorder one. =/ It's nice. Beddy beddy nice.

    - C

  8. Wolf...rather......

    Master. Would you be kind enough to show us more? I know they are not worthy but do you truly wish to deny your most humble servant?


    Edit: Oh hell no, after seeing that link below.....Wolf. It is YOU who are not worthy.....I will destroy you.

  9. http://www.aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=23106

    Normally I'd link you people to a story like this and make some scathing comment about how stupid this is, but after reading this review I'm simply speechless. Even if you skip Moriarty's editiorializing, the script simply sucks. If they make this, expect one awful, awful film.

    However, this being Macross World I know there's at least one of you out there who'll read this and think to yourselves "Hey that doesn't sound too terribly bad. Maybe it won't be a complete waste of celluloid, and it'll have one or two neat fights." Well know this...since the last AvP film I've immersed myself in a terrible martial art with a 2000 year history, and I'm prepared to give you the Hokuto One Hundred Crack Fist and send you straight to hell. Scum like you have killed cinema long enough.


    The only thing that isn't "too terribly bad" about that was the review. I laughed my ass off.

    This is as bad as Disney with their constant sequel after sequel BS. Why can no one with any sense walk up to one of these writers/producers/asshats and lay the smack down and get a GOOD movie out there?


    - C

  10. Awesome game, though it's to be expected they'd put an overtly long tutorial stage


    What you mean overly long thats not even a word. It was never supposed to be set like a tutorial stage, its where thiers no tutorial and you have to learn as you progess. Sorry but thats the stupidest thing I heard about this game ever no offense...

    You have to go through Roxas if you want to understand the story. And besides I think hes better than Sora

    By any chance is anyone playing it in Proud mode? I mean the boss fights are just a killer for me, Mickey saves my ass way too many times.

    And Sephiroth ack he wacked me like twice and I was a goner and my HP bar was huge.


    Y and T are right next to each other on a keyboard. It's a typo. Lol

    - C

  11. I loved it. I have 100% on Jiminy's and 68% gummy. Sephiroth is just a big pushover this time IMHO. I got him down to about 45% hp at level 54. Went back at 80 and smacked him around like a school girl who didn't have my money. That whole Advent Children feel was awesome.


    The whole "Knights of the Keyblade" thing looks pretty promising. The teaser was well worth it. Can't wait until 2037 when it comes out. e.e

    - C

  12. Good luck to anyone without EXPLICITLY legit credentials this year.

    I got to go last year off my W-2s and other creds from the cyber-cade I worked at. Everything was great. I got the registration info for this year as-per the "if you've gone before we send you an invite every year after that" thing they like doing. Sent it back.

    Got an email then a letter not to long ago saying"Our records indicate you are longer an employee for Nexus Gaming Centers. We are sorry to inform you that without proper identification and documention that you will not be allowed to attend this year's E3 event."

    Needless to say, I am pretty pissed.

    I am pretty sure blood samples are going to be part of it next year.

    It's getting silly.

    So again, good luck. =(

    - C

  13. Sephiroth - Advent Children.

    He's the darkness in Cloud's heart realized.

    Akuma - Street Fighter Alpha

    He's the darkness in Ryu's heart realized.

    The huge Asian dude from Bloodsport.

    He's the darkness in Jean Claude Van Damn's heart realized. (somewhat like A1)


    Bill - Kill Bill

    He's David Friggin' Caradine.

    Simon Phoenix, again. - Demolition Man

    He's the darkness in John Spartan's heart realized.

    Magneto - X-Men

    He's the darkness in Charles Xavier's hear realized.

    And Kiefer Sutherland in Phone Booth, again.

    He's the darkness in...well, you get it.

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