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Posts posted by Chewie

  1. I already asked, and I KNOW someone said something about it in the Mega TF Thread (but I am not going to spend 4 hours looking for it): do any of you know whether or not he's coming packaged in robot mode or gun mode?

    Seems to me that it they package him like they did Prime, it's going to take a real asshat to notice what he is at a customs checkpoint and seize it for not having the marker and in any case if he is in bot mode, that makes it pretty easy to import him without having to worry about it.

    So, does anyone know yet and am I completely wrong about it being a non-issue in that case?

  2. Nothing of the sort. The original Star Wars movie worked 100% as a stand alone movie, something that SC apaprently fails miserably at. And this "Shadow Chronicles as a pilot" bullshit is a weak excuse too. Pilots are created and shopped around to networks, not sold at Best Buy for $25 each. But hey, I suppose it works the same way as the mythical Toynami Beta fighter. If buy enough of them (MPC Alphas or copies of SC), and wish really really hard, maybe...just maybe....HG will give you what you want.

    How do you really feel about it?


  3. I wasn't sure about the Tatsunoku thing. Got names mixed up, that's all.

    As for Mac 0, it was great, I loved the regular animation, story, the battles, everything, but the CG really did ruin it for me.

    I don't like how companies are moving over to this as a staple of mainstream animation. Transformers is one of the worst, there are several other shows out there who use it and even the new Iron Man movie was done with it. It's all little variations of the same technology and I think it's lazy. They draw something once, input it into a computer, animate it and they have it forever to use over and over and it looks like trash. This Robotech movie is just one more shining example of that.

  4. I want an hour and a half of my life back.

    My buddy who's two years into ITT's Computer Animation course was watching it over my shoulder and giggling his head off.

    SO glad I decided to DL this instead of buying it.


    I thought Tatsunoko (sp) was fighting HG, or was that just Big West? Why is their name on this fetid POS?

    Also, whatever happened to good, old school animation? Why in the HELL do all these companies insist on this CG crap? Mainframe had it down, but this stuff (yeah, including Mac 0) is lazy and stupid looking. It just looks horrible.

  5. It's been said a dozen times or more.

    They are what they are.

    $10-20 children's toys. If you want better quality and such, make one yourself or get Hasbro to pick up some of Yamato's aspects, thus making those children's toys collector's items that cost $120 a pop. Hence the MP Prime. He's still $90.

    Overall, I am happy to see a new toy line that closely resembles the originals with a new flare on them. Pissing and moaning about what a bunch of hardcore (read: stupidly insane at times) TF fans are raving about on ANOTHER SITE doesn't do anything but start senseless arguments.

  6. Is the "wheels splitting and sliding" a sure thing, or just a guess by someone? Because if they want to hide wheels in bot mode, just having fewer wheels is a lot easier, and why else have such customized, tight-fitting, full-style rear fenders if for no other reason than to hide the 'strange' look of super-single rears from the audience etc?

    After being around and having to listen to a buddy of mine talk about trucks all day long I can tell you those fenders aren't to hide anything. They are just a nice looking customization.

    As for "super single" tires, there is nothing new about them and they aren't all the rave. Most drivers won't touch them with a 10 foot pole. They are more for secondary wheel systems on trailers and dump/trash vehicles.

  7. I think what is nonsense for the entire thing is the complete BS they feed everybody in those little web interviews on the website.

    "we love G1 and everything about it and we tried to keep it as close as...yadda yadda yadda" Gargle glass.

    You made new designs. You know you did. Just admit and we can move on.

  8. (This is in response to some of the comments posted in this thread in recent months)

    I think I probably said it earlier in this thread, but what are some of you people expecting from this movie? Though I enjoyed the cartoon (at least up to the the 1986 movie), had an attachement to the characters, and bought the first two seasons on DVD, there was much of the original series that defied reality/physics and continuity. 20 foot tall robots transforming into hand held guns and cassette players, two different origin stories for the Constructicons - either built on Earth by the Decepticons or friends with Omega Supreme millions of years ago (not to mention they represented 20th century Earth construction vehicles millions of years before such things would exist!), Starcream was suppose to be a futuristic looking starfighter millions of years ago, but when he and Skyfire came to Earth millions of years ago, he looked like an F-15 (again, millions of years before such a thing would exist), Optimus Prime getting blasted to pieces in at least one or more episodes, but in the movie, one or two blasts kill him, and so on and so forth. I think some of you guys are putting the original cartoons on way too high of a pedastal in regards to judging the upcoming live action movie before it's complete and you have even seen it.

    I say enjoy the movie for what it is... an original story and take on the Transformer universe. :)

    Blasphemy. Cut out your tongue.

    Ps - I totally agree. When I wanna see something shot out of the air without so much as a second glance I come to MW. Hardcore haters sometimes. Haha

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