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Posts posted by Chewie

  1. So last night I was messing around with my 20th Ann. Prime when I popped his head off on accident. Oh well, goes right back on, but I decided to examine it a bit more when I realized when I thought I was looking at a trick of the light underneath his face plate, I was really seeing a snarling (or teeth baring) mouth under there.

    Did any else notice/know about this?

    Is there a way to take his damned head apart without breaking it? The screw in the back doesn't release anything.

  2. From what I read (somewhere, for the life of me can't remember where) that he will have an SD Card slot. If that's the case, he'll be expandable up to 8gigs which even if you have a library of 200 or so gigs...>.>, you'll still be able to put a LOT of music on him.

    Edit: Ok, found where I read it. BBTS says there will be a Mini-SD slot in which case he will be expandable up to 4gigs.

  3. Man that was crap. No VF-1s, no FAST Packs, no micro missiles, etc. They were playing Star Wars music in the background for crying out loud! That didn't even really happen in WWII....

    I really do wonder if some of you ever remember having an imagination of your own.

    I liked it.

  4. I agree that most of them are so so, but I like almost anything Star Wars and working for the post office I've been waiting for a "cool" set of stamps for a long time.

    While Boba Fett was a sissy in the movies, I read the books an consider it all canon (no, not going into THAT 45 page argument again) and in those he's a bad ass.

    I voted Fett because none of the other pictures really did it for me.

  5. I beleive the law has more to do with helping law enforcement to distinguish toy guns from real guns. I think there were problems where an officer shot a kid who pointed a very realistic toy gun at him or something like that.

    If by "very realistic" you mean that stupid ass kid from the 80's who pointed an original Lazer Tag gun at a cop in the middle of the night, then yeah. You're right.

    That stupid kid is what caused all this nonsense. He was the "first" one people noticed.

    But GOD FORBID parents should be held accountable for their kids being morons.

    Stupid myspace/movie/video game/cell phones, it's all your fault.


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