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Posts posted by Chewie

  1. Question, it's been three years why hasn't anakin had his hand skinned already?  I mean heck the rebels, who just scrape by managed to skin Luke's hand right away, why does Anakin, a Jedi Knight not get similar treatment?

    they probably didn't have that kind of technology at the time.

    EP4 is 20 years later.

    With begs of pardon to the Pythons:

    Luke: Yeah, all right, Han. Don't labor the point. And what has the Empire ever given us in return?

    Rebel2: Skinned prostheses?

    Luke: What?

    Rebel2: Skinned prostheses.

    Luke: Oh yeah, yeah. They did give us that. That's true, yeah.

    Rebel3: And sanitation.

    Leia: Oh yeah, the sanitation, Luke . Remember what the planets used to be like.

    Luke: Yeah, all right, I'll grant you the skinned protheses (looks at own hand) and the santation are two things the Empire has done...

    Lando: And the guarded hyperspace lanes.

    Luke: Well, yeah. Obviously the hyperspace lanes, I mean the hyperspace lanes go without saying, don't they? But apart from the sanitation, the skinned protheses, and the well regulated hyperspace lanes...

    Rebel4: Ability to destroy planets.

    Rebel2: Medicine.

    Rebel5: Academy Education.

    Luke: Yeah, yeah, all right. Fair enough...

    Rebel1: No Gungans.

    Rebels: Oh, yeah <mumbled agreement>

    Wedge: Yeah. Yeah, That's something that we'd really miss, Luke, if the Empire left, huh.

    Rebel6: Better ship designs.

    Leia: And it's safe to walk the in streets at night now, Luke.

    Han: Yeah, they certainly know how to keep order. Let's face it, the only ones who could in a place like this.

    Rebels: Huhuhuh. Huhuhuhuhuh.

    Luke: All right. But apart from the sanitation, the medicine, the Academy, no Gungans, public order, the ability to destroy planets, guarded hyperspace lanes, better ship designs, and realistically skinned prostheses... What has the Empire ever done for us?

    Rebel2: Brought peace?

    Luke: Oh, peace. Shaddup.

    Sorry...long winded, but wanted to share what went through my head after reading the last few posts.

    That is by far the best thing I have ever read. I mean it. Ever. You win. Everyone else just needs to shut up.


  2. You know what...? As far as my contributions to this thread are concerned, you kids are on your own from now on. Fortunately for you there's one or two other members who comb the same spoiler sites I do and I'm sure they'll keep posting material for you to bitch, moan and pule about. But I'm done with this shite. I'll see you whiners in May (and you just know you'll right behind me in line, no matter how much you say otherwise.)

    *sigh* That really sucks. :angry:


  3. Have any of you seen that commercial. It's soooo great.

    He's sitting there classic breathing going on, tapping hs fingers because he's bored. She walks in, brushes her butt against him and his breathing speeds up into something not unlike the dying breaths in RotJ.

    It's awesome.

  4. Concerning when Vader appears, I believe Lucas said something more along the lines of (spoiler, highlight to read)

    Anakin will become Darth Vader before he puts on the suit. From that, I gather that the suit is just a symbol, a stepping stone. In the trailer, you see Anakin's eyes have changed. At that moment, he is Darth Vader, not when he puts on the suit. It just completes the image.  The clothes don't make the man. When Anakin and Obi-wan fight, it's not Anakin that Obi-wan is fighting, it's Vader.

    Does that make sense?

    Well of course:

    A) Darth Blank is the name that all Sith Lords have had since the days of Darth Reven and Malak (maybe before that? I don't remember many Darths in Tales)

    B) "When that happened the good man who was your father was destroyed"

    Darth Bane started it after the Sith civil war.

    He was after Exar Kun, Malek and Revan were after him.

    Darth is more of a title given to Sith Lords.

  5. I think you guys are already setting yourselves up for a disappointment. "Darth Vader" does indeed kick mucho Jedi arse in this movie, but by all accounts (and more than one spoiler report) Darth Vader plus the black suit only appears in the last reel of the movie. Think about it: The Anakin/Obi Wan duel is not only the climax of the film but the entire Prequel Trilogy. After that we'll be see an extended denouement with the birth of the twins, the resuscitation of Vader and the death of Padme. Finally, the surviving characters will all go their seperate ways; Obi Wan and Luke to Tatooine, Yoda to Dagobah, Bail and Leia to Alderaan, and finally Vader accepting his place as a slave at Palpatine's side. That's all that the story needs to bring it full circle to where we pick up again in ANH. Vader will have already killed many Jedi, and it will be made clear that he will have his work cut out for him finishing the job. Fast forward 20 year to ANH and Obi Wan will tell us that "Now the Jedi are all but extinct."

    Well said.

  6. I can't see Lucas going for the "let go" approach. I read before Anakin might lose a leg too. That would be a nice end.

    ObiWan should definately put the end to Anakin.

    Cnn has a small article with Samuel L. Jackson, where it was said Windu gets over a hundered moves and 3 big rooms for his final fight.

    That will be good.

    Windua dies after a (info from back when I subscribed to hyperspace) 117 hit lightsaber battle.

    I figure it's Grievous.

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