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Everything posted by Chewie

  1. Chewie

    Graham's Sig

    I love my ipod. No idea what I would do at work without it. Has Graham hinted at anything else?
  2. Chewie

    Graham's Sig

    Or that it's coming and 4 years later we see a proto. Some reason that sounds familiar....
  3. Was talking to a guy who moonlights as a dockman for Costco. Says for any of the releases of these new systems there's an abundance of them on launch day. Says it'll be no different for the Wii/PS3. I've nothing to lose at this point so I'll try there on the 19th. One other place for my cadre to camp out on the 19th. Target, TRU, Costco and *shudder* Kmart. Wish us luck. Effin' GS.....
  4. Thanks Gaijin. I'll call tomorrow and lay the smack down. I have a buddy who's the manager at the one GS we have in the mall but he works at the 3 in our area. He got the lists for the stores and let me know (nothing insdide dealing. I got no hook up or such) that his store was getting 10 and the other was getting 18. The other store is a low seller so it got 4. I pretty much figured I was set knowing which store to go to. Boy was I wrong. Gave him a call and found out they in fact did get 18, his store got MORE and the other got it's alotte 4. It's stupid. Hope calling someone and letting them know helps.
  5. We were in line for just over an hour at our store. 6th ones in line out of about 20 people. The guys at our GS came out. Let in the first 5 people and told the rest of us to go home. Needless to say I was mad. I knew for a fact that store was going to recieve 18 systems. Shady GS's are now high on my sh*t list. So very high.
  6. Not to mention the few thousand of the systems going to backwater towns where people don't even know what a Nintendo is. I read a few years back a guy found a bunch of PS2s in some rural town in Alabama and picked up 4 of them for around $150 because the store couldn't get rid of them. Also, Gaijin great pic there buddy....loving what's behind the slip....
  7. But that would add extra parts and no respectable 20+ year old man can possibly keep track of all the parts for a toy he'll probably only transform enough times to count on one hand. Impossible Propaganda I say! (in all reality though it's great idea. It would cut down heavily on the kibble and look even better in fighter mode.)
  8. Quickly on the downhill tumble to really off topic here fellas.... =/
  9. IMO the scale representation of the 1/60th 0 vs the 1/48th 1S is MUCH better than it standing next to it's 1/60th counterparts. It just seems to fit so much better.
  10. Loving that grey a WHOLE lot more than the white one. Oh the beauty of tax returns and $30,000 inheritences. Christmas this year is going to be grand.
  11. Didn't go for much considering the rarity eh?
  12. I think you just summed it up for 99% of the world man.
  13. Thank you. I had a keyboard for PSO and also bought a mouse and keyboard and an adapter for my buddies XBox for Halo2. Needless to say, I was untouchable. The PS2 was originally supposed to have built in software for usb keyboards and mice but never got it. Not just for games that supported it like FFXI. FPS' weren't made for consoles. Don't care what anyone says. Those sticks (on ANY controller) are trash for them. Just my thoughts though.
  14. I was trying to say there is nothing wrong with the dual shock. I like it. I like it more than ANY of the recent controllers out. As for the NES and the 2600 controllers....well, I don't play those long enough to get hand cramps and when I did play them that long, I was 11 years old. I was trying to say that Sony knows what sells and what the people with the loudest voices wanted. Nothing to change. They have sold a billion Playstations ranging from the 1 to the 2. (not real numbers but we all know it's in the high millions) They aren't stupid in that aspect. Be happy they didn't go out and pull soehting out of their asses for it.
  15. Funny since the true majority loves the dual-shock. I've never had an issue with it, neither have a LOT of people I know. Sony (aside from the clear mistakes with the PS3) is doing what they know is right. If it ain't broke, don't fix.
  16. The PS2 also wasn't 6 bills. And I don't know what games you've been playing but poor sound quality is the least of the problems most games have. Again, I will use the pc analogy. There are games out there that are huge, and have 5.1 dolby digital scores and sounds AND download patches daily. Guess what? They still don't break the 8 gigs of a dual layer. Also, the way the are integrating the internet and hard drives into all of these systems, nothing is stopping them from being able to download content. The original X-Box did it. Nothing stopping companies from adding it now with systems that supposrt it a hell of a lot more. Sorry that my intent to keep some sane amount of money in my wallet lets me see the nonsense that Sony is pushing. But I guess I shouldn't buy one since it does bother me so much and God forbid I should speak out against the masses of MW or otherwise.
  17. Sony is doing nothing but forcing us to buy a Blu-Ray player. It's bs. I don't want one but I want to play video games. At least give me an option. You can't tell me they need the space either. HUGE pc games fit on regular dvds all day long and even with downloads, patches etc, no game I have ever played ever came close to remotely breaking the 8 gig mark so using dual layer dvds is still viable and a whole hell of a lot cheaper. It's just Sony doing more of what is making them go bankrupt.
  18. This is to be out by Christmas, right? Oh the joys Santa will bring me this year.
  19. Those look like screens from the Marvel Wii game. But they don't look that bad. You guys are haters. Those aren't far off from what he looks like in the current comics. And Ultimates doesn't count as "real" imo.
  20. I stopped waching at the beginning of the Bounto stuff but caught up to 94. I read the Manga though.
  21. And already Nintendo is pulling ahead in this new battle. I will be preordering mine as soon as Gamestop starts taking them. And 6 more for good Christmas gouging. >.>;;
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