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Posts posted by Arthurius

  1. Loved the movie, they finally did what was missing in the other movies, make Magneto a strong mutant ;). Also really liked professor x. Acting seemed great. Only thing i would say negatively is that they shoudl have let the fight between Magneto and Shaw go on longer without the help of professor x interfering.

    My opinion on Apocalypse is, dont do it. As mentioned, he is too "grandiose" to be filtered down to a movie. Already, magneto/pheonex/jugernault were filtered down, donot do this with Apocalypse, cause he is at the highest level of awsomeness / vilanery there is. Sinister on the other hand is no problem ;), though yea, without Apocalyspe, dont care much for him.

  2. guys, although the vf-19P red blood is fantastic looking, i wont hold my breath for it to come out. Lets first see how the vf-19 kai does, and then how the blazzer will do, and then they may do others.... but, remember that cost of these is going hgiher and higher, and at 250-300$, for many people already,this is already too much to handle (specially if they got their holy grail sdf-1 at 400$) so more people will be turned off by it, and sales may be affected. So as Graham has said, patience, and if you really have the money and desire for these toys, you have to show your support by buying ALL the versions, including this one, to help Yamato justify making more. I certainly could not do this by the way ;).

  3. I believe that was the most-expected and one of the most-desired characters for MP-10. Goes with Rodimus, certainly famous enough to stand alone, has had very few iterations overall, and had an awful G1 toy.

    Soundwave pops up a lot, but you gotta admit---much like Grimlock, he was already nearly perfect and an MP version would simply be a bigger and more articulated G1.

    But Grimlock turned out to be one of the favorate MP, and transformers overall.

  4. Hi,

    I live in Toronto Canada, and just want to gauge interest for some of my black valks i have that have been transformed, but complete and in great condition. I have the vf-1J Stealth with FPS, the 25th Aniversary 1/48 vf-1s, and the yf-19. On the stealth only, the skulls have been applied. If you are interested, pls let me know of a fair you want them for (before shipping and paypal fees, unless you pick-up). Thanks for looking at my thread.

  5. I like my vf-0a, but i had the arms problem, so had to buy extra arm. If you can get a second edition vf-0s, with all the fixes, then that would be better for you. Otherwise, i think the vf-22 Gamlin / Max (NOT millia, i hurd knee caps missing on some) or yf-21 are saffer bets. They are also on special right now

  6. Macross and in Order:

    1) Yf-21 (BEST in fighter mode, but excellent still in batroid mode)

    2) and 3) YF-19 Bird of Prey w/ FP and 1/48 vf-1S Roy w/ FP, both in batroid mode

    4) 1/48 vf-1J w/ or w/out Standard GBP

    5) Vf-0A cause it looks like the low vis

    (6) or runner up, vf-1J Stealth

    None Macross Toys, and in Order:

    1) Medicom SSJ Goku

    2) and 3) MP Optmus + MP Grimlock (both Takara versions)

    4) 1/100 MasterGrade Strike Freedom Special Versian painted to my taste

    5) 1/100 Akutski Gundam (I love bling bling GOLD, just like for Grimlock)

    (6) or runner up, MP Starscream (original green version)

  7. what can i say, it feels like a curse.... I loved this stargate more than any other show, and thoughed it was the best thing on tv. Now i had to find new shows to watch, but definetly NOT on SiF, and now watching V, Mad Love, The Big Bang Theory, the Avengers and Transformers, but other than V, there is simply no science fiction series i was able to find.

  8. me, for sure yf-21 as if only left with 1 valk, this would be it, and the person who sold it to me made it a darker blue that looks simply amazing, ie NOT for sale.... unless it was to save a life or something ;)

    Then, it would be my yf-19 bird of prey scheme, as well as my 1/48th vf-1s Roy with fps, again NOT for sale.

    on a seperate note, the only other toys, none macross, that i would simply not sale are the MP Optimus Prime and MP Grimlock, as well as my painted custom MP Gundams.

    Final Notes:

    - if i had Mug's yf-21, which i always complemented as the best scheme on the planet, then that would be THE one ;)

    - haha to UN Spacy's link, good one ;)

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