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Everything posted by GreenGuy42

  1. Yeouch. know that feeling.. I transferred schools to keep above debt... ..though, I think I just snagged a prime.. can't wait...
  2. WOAH Tiny.. I haven't seen you in a LONG time..
  3. god bless ya man.. lmao... love the Matrix.. THANK YOU!
  4. Nothing in Gainesville.. Then again, there's never ANYTHING in this town.. ...save a lot of inbreeding. Kanata, HOW do you stand it?
  5. Daddy like! Goddamn!!! Well, it certainly seems like the VF-0 could easily STEP on it's little brother... wow....
  6. Wow. Wasn't this whole issue kinda dead...? <_
  7. Agreed, to some degree. Although some polls have proven to be interesting, most follow the theme of the "die-cast" poll, "choose this answer or... choose this one, but I've worded it so you look stupid." If it wasn't more superfluous work for the mods, I'd say have THEM sanction a poll thread before it was placed on the boards... IMHO, of course...
  8. It's been in various topics for a while.... Do a search. I'm too lazy to find anything at THIS moment.. lol... ..pretty sure Graham said something...
  9. And the 1/60 Monster or the Queadluun-Rau aren’t??? Why is it that everyone loves the idea of those two but the moment someone mentions a 1/48 VF-0 or YF-19 or some other large valk it’s oh no that would be too big I mean seriously a VF-0 is not that much bigger it’s about the same size as a F-14 and companies make plenty of 1/48 scale versions of those. Btw Mr. March i'm not trying to pick on you. You just happend to sum up what the anti 1/48 VF-0 people almost always say. Or, maybe a nearly foot and a half long toy that costs as much as my monthy rent is a little excessive.... Not all of us are made of money or have GOBS of space alotted to toys. And for the last time, the 1/60 MONSTER is NOT being produced! It was shelved for retooling/scuplting DUE to its perilous size!!
  10. Yes, and then we realize is too big for shelf space and then every one goes: " there's no way I'll pay that much for a toy that size", bla, bla bla.... I still want my Monster coffee table....
  11. Dawww.. a Dodge Avenger.... I don't see many of those anymore..
  12. Hey blackjek, THANK YOU for the new background!
  13. something I DID think of, though... Cost DOES derive from engineering and labor, no...? So, the 1/48 VF-1 already has a transformation system that would be easily adaptable to the VF-0. Regardless of the size difference, perhaps the need to do less R&D would make a small difference... It's doubtful, but possible. Edit: I DO like 1.48s a hell of a lot, not so much for size, but due to that scale being easy to find among other model aircraft.... I've always wanted to buy models of the real world valk countparts, and have 'em fly point to my Macross goodness...
  14. Shin, IIRC, the Monster was sent back to be redesigned, including scale... As much as I would like to have a 1/48 VF-0, the feasability of the toy would be in question. The cost would be high (as much as a VF-1 1/48 WITH FP armor) for a toy that's almost identical... For me (and a LOT of MW college students) that's a little rich for my tastes at the moment.... So, yeah, I'd say "cool," but I'd never buy it.
  15. Heh, heh.....agreed! And people like this toy.....why? Graham After the plague that was Armada, I guess Trans Fans just have lower expectations...
  16. DIE CAST!!! It's all the rage over in the Toys forum... <_<
  17. WOAH... looks like a baby vomited on that one man.. lol.. I love it.
  18. Dude, I don't think I'll ever get tired of wonderful customs... keep 'em comin'! Beautiful man.
  19. Don'tcha just love ignorance? Vostok 7 don't you just love insulting other members of the board? Try playing with a 19A sometime. It's rather annoying when ONE CAREFUL transformation gouges out a hell of a lot of paint... Bring on my plastic toys!
  20. I'm in Minnesota, where we seem to be at the end of the chain for toy releases and Sideswipe has been spooted at several places here over the last couple weeks. Maybe it's getting a lower distribution than Smokey. It's possible will see more and more sideswipes are time goes on. At most venues, I noticed only a trickle of Smokescreens at first. Now, our local Target (and the two back home in Clearwater) average AT LEAST six in a shipment.
  21. Kanata, I avoid those little online games.... you know how busy I am.. Imagine my schedule, pepper with little beeping flash games.... no... I'd be flippin' burgers in no time..
  22. The cockpit APPEARS to be made of a clear plastic..... look at the reflection on it in guardian.... I'm sure they just painted it for the proto shot... I hope.. ..though, HG has a way of making all their products really cartoonish (BC cell shading, for example) I HOPE this thing doesn't suffer from that. . .
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