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Everything posted by darkrealmbahamut

  1. Well at least someone got it out. Every time I DL the Gattai the audio is off and I never had that problem til this release.
  2. The name fits with the VF-25 being the only fighter (that we have seen so far) that can handle the Vajra. Plus as stated before it is going away from tradional fighters of the here and now.
  3. Messiah seems fitting cause it seems like that the VF-25 is there last hope. Till we find out about that second fighter in the opening.
  4. So are we going to see Macross's Next Top Model? Have Sheryl saying to Ranka "You have to take even more fierce photos if you want to be the next top model."
  5. I am just saying we are sweating the small stuff there hasn't been massive recycling of action scenes which they could have easily done to save money. I was just using Zero as an example that I have seen thrown around several pages earlier.
  6. I don't get why we are so hard on the animation. There are some moments where details slip but they are minor. As many others have said you can't compare Zeros animation since it was an OVA.
  7. I am torn between KK, Sheryl and Ranka. KK just because Zentradi women are amazing and I have to find someone to replace my beloved Milia. My two song birds have there respective cute and innocent for Ranka. For Sheryl just that sassy confident nature.
  8. Very much agreed there. Considering they do this for free they could easily just give us crap but you see pride in their work and they are trying hard. I wonder if some of our better Japanese speakers on the boards can help them if they need it. More hands to help right?
  9. Shinsen most likely has the biggest team for subbing but then again they have a butt load of other anime they are working on. I just prefer Shinsen or AiA because they have fonts specific for their series. Just gives a finished look to me.
  10. Yeah much smaller then TVNihon that has 8 or so and are constantly getting help.
  11. It weird that they always show Ranka like she is 10 she just hasn't hit her growth spirt lol
  12. Very much agreeded. I wonder if AiA is a small group cause some fansubbers have teams that work on releases. I believe TVNihon does for their series that they work on.
  13. waiting for AiA isn't a bad thing they generally make the subs that make far more sense as a whole. They could easily say "this is a tax on our time" and not sub for us.
  14. I agree it doesn't look like a variable fighther. As others have said seems like the VF-2SS.
  15. azrael said there would be a decision on May 10th so we will soon know.
  16. But the fighter from the opening seemed to have a bit more squared off wing design then the one from the end of the episode.
  17. Ranka is a real cutie. Awesome work with the water colors.
  18. Does anyone know if there are plans to release Ranka's version of "My Boyfriends a Pilot"?
  19. The count down clock is deafing. I think they have done really well with this series so far and every week is like pulling teeth.
  20. The VF-171 in color is so sexy that it isn't even funny.
  21. I have to agree with you that it seems like with your lives on the line in unknown territory these "kids" have to grow up faster and faster. I mean my grandparents were part of the WW2 era and they went to war at a young age and they weren't kids anymore. I imagine that is part of the SMS is drafting the best of the best.
  22. Hikaru and Max were 16 or 17 when they took control of a VF. It also seems like SMS really scans hard into their pilots I mean Mikhail even said Alto would have easily surpassed Normal setting on the combat setting. Plus Luca doesn't seem like he is actual combat more of the recon man.
  23. Very much agreed that there is much thanks to you fansubbers. It is awesome to be apart of a series as apposed to getting them after the fact.
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