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Everything posted by Roger

  1. And then they would have no more Toynami products to sell. And then people on Macrossworld would bitch about BBTS. ;p
  2. So fess up, which "Anonymous" are you in the comments section? ;p
  3. In my admittedly limited experience, no. I bought one of the first blue Alphas and one of the heels was put on upside-down. Unfortunately this wasn't something I could fix myself (the screw hole was filled with resin glue) so the folks at Robotech.com gave me a full refund, which was nice. I waited for the last Alpha, the Shadow. It was just as fiddly as the blue one and I never quite got it back into fighter mode perfectly. I still have it and plan on clipping it to the Shadow Beta when it comes.
  4. Then it shouldn't break, should it?
  5. Let me answer your question with a question: what if you go to Wendy's and you bring your own mustard to put on your burger?
  6. Maybe if they worked at a recycling center? ;p
  7. Oh, come on, Ray, don't be such a Scrooge by trying to inject some speculative optimism. Please let people hold on to their negative assumptions. It's the holidays, after all!
  8. The people that care about both things (Macross Frontier in the US and Toynami's "bad press") probably couldn't fill a school bus. That's my opinion.
  9. Well, at least you're willing to discuss things reasonably. Today we learned that getting a letter in the mail does not mean that you've been "sued." ;p
  10. Yeah, because that's going to be a) very profitable, b) create tremendous benefits for the collector community, and c) make the person suing look like someone who really has their priorities straight. (that was sarcasm) Firstly, you people complaining are hypocrites. You loved it when Toynami was making DYRL-style versions of their toys and when they announced that they were going to import Bandai's Valkyrie reissues. However, when they make a request that one retailer not import competing products, you hate it. Secondly, if you haven't noticed this already, you are using THE INTERNET. This is a wonderful tool that connects you to countless outlets around the world that will sell import toys to you at excellent prices. There is nothing stopping you from using those stores instead of BBTS. This is like finding out that gas stations won't carry bubble gum. There are still a dozen places within walking distance of your house where you can still buy bubble gum. Thirdly, all of you who are using the name "Toynazi" are automatically negating any substance your arguments might have had. Godwin's Law.
  11. Regarding the original topic: For everyone who votes "yes," I'd love to know if they think they're greedy when they ask for more money in exchange for their own time, effort, and resources. I want to see them at their next review and tell their manager, "You know, I've been asking for too much money, so next year I'm going to do the same job for less." ;p
  12. My points: Raw fruits and vegetables are cheaper Raw fruits and vegetables are better for you Red Lobster is expensive Red Lobster is worse for you Thank you.
  13. Can you take a picture of it with a pack of cigarettes? PLEEEEEEASE?
  14. Get this one: http://flickr.com/photos/67896537@N00/2687272758/
  15. The cockpit is supposed to be folded down when the two fighters are mating: http://www.collectiondx.com/gallery/Featur...257684.jpg.html http://www.collectiondx.com/gallery/Featur...257682.jpg.html
  16. I saw 2046 in the theater, too. Painful. Anyone see a Japanese film called Dawn of a New Day? It's about the creation of VHS. Fantastic film.
  17. I thought The Day After Tomorrow was really pushing the limits of credibility. I have a hard time believing in super-intelligent storms that go around destroying famous landmarks.
  18. These designers are really big on the "reeded edge" effect.
  19. Or is it that book adaptations will always be superior to the original movies? Personally, I really disliked the ROTS book. I couldn't stand Matthew Stover's writing style, it was a complete break from every other Star Wars novelization. I would have preferred if they got James Luceno to do it.
  20. This would be pretty boring on screen, though. About ten minutes of yakity-yak in a hallway.
  21. And you can always be counted on to spout ridiculous crap about me. I was simply commenting on the price, not the foul-up regarding the pre-order.
  22. You can ask the same thing about everyone else's "best" and "worst" choices in this thread. A few people here have chosen Macross Frontier as the best anime series of the year, but how many new anime series did those people actually watch this year? Twenty? Ten? Five? One?
  23. Believe it or not, Hasbro's new Ewok figures are said to be good sellers.
  24. They're selling the toy for the same price they did four years ago. Can't say the same thing about Star Wars figures. Is anyone still expecting to get their Masterpiece Beta for $80? ;p
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