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Posts posted by SkullLeaderVF-X

  1. Whenever I'm down, I just look at one Saejima's ridiculous facial expressions and my whole day brightens up :)

    Still no package thanks to the ever so diligent customs people, so no podcast for me yet. I assume that it is impossible to listen to it without having Sayonara no Tsubasa spoiled so I'll just have to be patient.

    Like the one he makes when he "turns them off" :lol:


    Man I bet customs is watching it right now. Then before you know it... "Oops, we 'lost' it."

  2. Enjoyed your last podcast so I'm looking forward to this one. However it'll have to wait till I've watched the movie (my package with the BD seems to be held up in customs..aghh).

    Oh crap! I just noticed your avatar is Saejima, when he was smuggling pandas cubs into Japan!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

  3. I agree with Tochiro, there's not actually that much to talk about. I'm quite envious of the Transformer podcasts because they are overwhelmed by news every week. Then again, that doesn't seem to stop Doug Bendo's incessant Robotech rants, does it....

    Another problem is that our schedules rarely seem to converge... Tochiro is hardly even in the country these days!

    That would make it hard. :unsure:

  4. Oh, that mook... yeah, I remember him. I think my first run-in with him was when a friend of mine who was still crazy enough to be reading the Robotech.com forums tried to sic me on him over some crazy comparison he was making between the "new" destroid models in Robotech II: the Sentinels and the destroids in Macross II: Lovers Again based on, IIRC, the wildly-inaccurate stats the Palladium RPG gave for both. Just an exercise in giving me a headache, really... since last time I tried to count the errors in the Palladium Macross II RPG, I gave up out of boredom with three books remaining after the count exceeded 200.

    Other than that, I think the only times I've seen his posts and/or heard his name come up in conversation was when he started freaking out and screaming at people after someone in a debate pointed out that, in WH40K setting, the Emperor is thought to have been many of the famous historical religious figures (e.g. Jesus) before he ended up as a permanent fixture on his huge bling-y toilet back on Earth. He went completely apesh*t over that and started blathering on about how it was blasphemy.

    After that, I can't say it surprises me in the least that he's a multiply-banned mega-troll even on Robotech.com. I wonder what made him come here? Is he just missing a healthy sense of self-preservation, or what?

    Heh... if renegadeleader1 is right, and that's really RiverJack, I suspect "banning" will be his ultimate fate in fairly short order.

    You have no idea...

    If you want to hear a funny story, dig this:

    About a week and a half ago, I got an e-mail from Rhade over at Robotech.com informing me of his intention to appeal my ban and get me reinstated on the forums there.. It seems that things have gotten so bad over there that they're hoping that getting me to come back will bring people back to the forums and revive the place a little. I told him to go ahead, mostly because I was completely unable to tell if he was serious or just taking the piss... but I later found out that he actually meant it.

    No luck on that front so far (not that any of us would seriously expect there to be)...

    Rhade. Theres times when I cant tell if he's a nice guy or a troll. :unsure:

    And hey Seto, for once it wasnt you who brought a crazy rt zelot over here! :p;)

  5. Ahahahaha. Have yet to really give it any serious thought. ideally id like to get 3-4 casts out each year, at least until the 30th anniversary is over, but we shall see. My main concern at this point is giving the cast some focus since there wont be a new movie/concert everytime we do one.

    3-4 a year!? :( Man you guys are nothing but a tease! :p

    Oh well. I love the two casts so far. You guys all sound totally different then what I imagined, and loved the Wanzerfan joke :lol: . Keep up the good work guys, and let us know when you do more. B))

  6. For me, SDF Macross will ALWAYS be cannon, DRYL was either just a movie within a movie, or an alternate reality version of SDF Macross. As for Macross Frontier:

    After hearing about and finally actually seeing the movie ending, I'm going to stick with the T.V. series as cannon as I much prefer that ending over the movie version.

    Oh, and Macross 7 NEVER actually happened, lol.


    If thats the case. Then I'm going to pretend RT was a horrible butchered version of Macross, that was done by Lynn Kaifunn, for broadcast on the Macross 11 fleet. :ph34r:

  7. *Great* first post dude. What do you do for an encore??

    He can start calling EXO and "ROBOTECH/ MACROSS/ BATTLETECH/ WARHAMMER40K/ U.P.S. FANBOY!!!!" also...Actually I'd like to see this happen....Ooh-ooh better yet, start calling Roy that! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Man.....With all the craziness in the RT camp. It makes me glad I jumped the HG boat alooooong time ago. Those were some dark days, now that I look back at them.

  8. Got mine earlier. Some quick thoughts:

    Game = AWESOME!! As expected, it only covers Itsuwari no Utahime & Sayonara no Tsubasa, but it plays perfectly, everything is beautiful, and once you see how much flak comes from any given Vajra capitol ship, you'll know that this is what everything before was building up to. OMG!!

    Also, plays more like MUF than MTF, I'm guessing the newer missile lock mechanic wasn't super popular. There are 10 stages, 5 for each movie, an like the demo last year the first round of stages have locked characters/mecha, and once you beat them all, you can play with mecha/characters you've unlocked. There's a decent amount of Trophies, and so far no sign of being able to level up mecha. Also, the YF-29 is teh hotness!!

    I haven't watched the movie yet, but I did check out some of the extra's, and peak at a couple scenes. The encodingi s phenominal, this is probably the prettiest bluray, anime or otherwise, I've ever seen. I'll probably watch the movie this afternoon. Don't waste time with sh!tty youtube riips, you need to see this proper to appreciate it.

    Hey Keith, do you get alot slowdown during the Vajra battle with the Konig, or the battle at the theater platform? I notice when there's alot of enemies, I get major slow down. Still, love the game. Jesus, when will we get a full PS3 game.I want something like Triangle Frontier, but in PS3 HD graphics!

    What film cel did y'all end up with?

    I didn't get so lucky this time. I got a film strip of when Frontier lands on the Vajra home planet (at least it wasn't the anti-piracy clip). I still have the other blu-ray disc in the box set, but I'm not going to open it. I like to think I have good one in it, along with the other sealed copy of the first movie.

  9. It's FINALLY HERE! Episode 2 of Macross SpeakerPodCAST or, as Save has dubbed it 'Listen to us brag.'


    This episode was actually recorded 5 months back (perhaps longer?) not too long after the earthquake. As such, there are a few news items we discuss that turned out to be completely wrong (ie, newtype Ace is monthly, not quarterly). But stick with it and I think (hope?) you'll find some interesting talk about what's been going on in the world of Macross as of late.

    And before anyone gets on my case about taking so long to get this done (put that gunpod DOWN Renato!) I'd like to point out that things have been so busy recently that I ended up editting the bulk of this on a PLANE!

    I think we have ironed a lot of the technical issues that plagued the first cast, although I still need to work on normalization and file compression a bit for future casts.

    I have also reposted the previous cast here:


    With the DVD/BR of Sayonara no Tsubasa due out this week, hopefully the spoiler section wont be quite so spoilerish anymore!

    As always, until I have time to look into a more permanent hosting solution, the above links will only be valid for the next 30 days.

    Please leave any feedback, comments, requests or questions below. Enjoy!

    About damn time. I though you gave up on it. Soooooo, whens number 3 coming out? B))

  10. See gents...a franchise reboot solves all the problems.

    If Protoculture has become such a valuable commodity, why the heck are they using it like water? A reboot would solve that.

    "Disciples of Zor" (Who the frak are they anyways? That title just seemed to have been thrown out...)? A reboot would solve that.

    How long is the SDF-1? A reboot would solve that and more :D .

    A reboot would solve all the problems. New character designs, new mecha designs, more integrated and (possibly) coherent story, all fixed with a reboot. No more "We brought anime to the West and we'll exploit it till we go bankrupt"-crap.

    Too bad there smart enough to know, RT cant stand on it's own, to survive a reboot. :lol:

    It's easier to just make money on re-re-re-re-re-re-releases of dvds, and shoddy overpriced merchandise.

  11. Not really sure, but I think it was lame that they took a whole Galaxy Network release and packed their 2 episodes with it :(

    Did they even ask permission to take all the episodes and repack them with theirs and call it a batch?

    Is that the one where they couldnt wait for Gubaba to finish, and took his episodes to use in conjuction with there crappy versions? <_< There was a big ruckus on the /m/ board on 4chan a couple weeks ago about it. :rolleyes:

    Also, quick question. Are the MF movies cannon or the t.v series.If the MF movies are not, does that mean the info about Isamu joining SMS also not cannon?

  12. I was thinking of doing that.... I have my copy right here in front of me and I haven't opened it yet. :ph34r:

    Man, I also bought the first MF movie for Trial Frontier, two of them, to have one to collect also. Man, being a Macross fan is raping my wallet. :(

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