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  1. Yes, it is absurd and it can get worse...usually it's the 25% of the amount of the item and shipping so for me this time it should have been almost the double(around 80 euros) but honestly here in italy the custom is a little bit like playing the russian roulette.... A mistery, nobody is able to understand how the hell they calculate exactly the fee import. Anyway i did open the box tonight and, watching the toy in plain fighter mode, i did regret buying it. For the first time in my life i feel regret in spending all this money for a Macross toy(or a modern toy in general). I know the feeling is going to pass once i transform it in battroid but honestly, in fighter mode, this YF-21 is embarassing. It made me want to buy another yamato. I will definitely keep my yamato in fighter mode and Bandai DX in battroid, pretending that huge back is not there.
  2. I got mine this morning from Amazon JP and it seems like the antenna is fine. But, because of that, i had to pay an extra 46.00 euro fee for importing the goods. First time that it happens to me with Amazon JP since that usually the import fee is included in the total when you do the initial check out or placed the pre-order. Weird things are happening these days...(clearly the extra fee was not because of the antenna being in good condition, just kidding here😜)
  3. Thanks, yes, i still love the 1/48s from Yamato and always will. Now that i think about it though, as you said they are 20 years old which makes me...well, i don't wanna even think about it...
  4. A little bit of a custom of my own...Yamato 1/48 VF-1S DYRL version plus Yamato TV super parts from the Super VF-1J with Hikaru Hichijo pilot figure. I added some extra decals i was able to find in different models and in other websites. Now, after few years the Valk did start to yellow a little bit. Nothing too serious but you can definitely see it lost its original white. I have to be honest though and tell you that i do like better the color on these super parts rather than the new DX Bandai. Also, not a big fan of the quantity of tampos and their size on the new ones. Oh, the missiles are from Bandai too and they fit pretty well on the old Yamato(just the single ones are a bit loose). Anyway, i know i am going to buy the DX once Bandai will release the bundle. But for now, i still like my Yammie.
  5. So i got the blu ray set from Amazon JP but apparently is region locked, despite on the description there is written the exact opposite. So it seems like i need a Region free or a region 2 blu ray player because the discs won't work on my european PS4. So upset right now. Any suggestion on where to find one at a (very) affordable price?
  6. You are very welcome, although i have to say i share your same feeling. I did feel the impulse to buy another Yamato after seeing the pics of yesterday/today. But we are in the same boat since that i will be getting my Bandai from Amazon JP, hopefully pretty soon.
  7. It is actually available for purchase at AE. And at a very good price too. Must have had some extra copies or somebody read this topic and decided to cancel their PO.
  8. Agree 100%. In a world where everyone seems to be evil nobody is really evil.
  9. Thank you for your answers. That's great, perfect gift for my upcoming birthday next month. In italy we got Orguss II dubbed but the original series was never imported. I know, weird. The only reason i was looking at amazon japan it's because i had no clue it was also available on .com. The price would be very similar, with the yen so low it's a great deal anyway. Thank you both, for your input. You made my day!
  10. Hey everyone, I was checking out this Orguss Blu-ray edition on amazon japan but i wasn't able to understand what kind of dubbing and subititles comes with. Some reviews are saying that some of the episodes are dubbed while others have only subtitles(english? not sure about that). Can someone help me out? is it worth buying? Does Orguss (the first one) have a western edition with english subtitles or completely dubbed? Thank you. https://www.amazon.co.jp/Super-Dimension-Century-Orguss-Blu-ray/dp/B0998HL5CG/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=99F5VVRELLIU&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.WYhBB-pty3M_Di1t_xTsnKtFdQBK77B8xanPX8Ff8kZQkpyuPQp5kIQvT2yAFl3O5BWiZNKtxvQHRE9Rx0mVAUfPJRYCsoPEVQLF_lFqbsN5_s_wMnj0T1ntuTKIDMYgaWP2RtGSgfBP_aNwFymVLHjgXMNRdFspVUcBLX-FpCatDldVDB7invZ_dfQELNIIKTHZqJKMTsB6HvAi87E-uKv-F5gYeM0ASvEZ_4az1ZIbyFTkD86QF24uAKljLZkusMjL_QsBRknf2hkGPo3n8qT60H-31i8N_36jOuA-oW8.i526UKh62OlccIM83dA4MpRG8fwZZ5zwpDltae2Vn9Y&dib_tag=se&keywords=orguss&qid=1717942159&sprefix=orguss%2Caps%2C935&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1&smid=A2LMLRIGIUUU2N
  11. Thank you, i am a bit relieved. At first i thought "hacker attack" and i got scared. I have so many pre-orders that it would be a disaster if something happens to them. Hopefully it's just a temporary glitch.
  12. Did anynone get their shipping notice for the sentinel reissue of the Stig Mospeada figure? It seems like it was pushed to june but some sites have already it in stock. Also, i pre-ordered it from anime export and since this morning i am not able to do the log in on my account or send a message to them...kinda weird...
  13. Gundam 0080 war in the pocket italian blu ray release. Finally after more than 30 years i can watch this masterpiece in my own language. I had the chance to watch it for the first time in '92 when i was twelve, in japanese with no subtitles and despite not understanding a single word it was a shock.Then i watched it when i was in my early 30s with italian subtitles and i still bursted into tears. Now i am almost 44, i am slowly rewatchcing it but i still wish with all my heart that the ending would change. But i know it won't.
  14. Thanks, the video looks awesome, it really made me want to pre-order it right here right now. Too bad we will probably have to wait untill the end of the golden week in order to do that. Anyway i am pretty sure they already showed the prototype of the Gs but my real hope is to finally be able to get my hands on a Shin Getter 3 toy. It's always been of my favourite Getter and i have been waiting for one for more than 20 years after Aoshima stopped releasing the Shin series in 2002.
  15. it looks more like an expensive bandai full action rather than a high end model like the previous ones from Pose+. And i think that is just awesome, great posability and plenty of accessories, hopefully they will also release the Gs and the shin ones. That would save me a lot of room and money.
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