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Posts posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. They could be staging the listing before opening up for more? It seems to me that if inventory is reflected in their system, you’d be able to move forward with the purchase. So perhaps, they are planning on having more inventory allocated soon.

  2. 15 minutes ago, sqidd said:

    It's kinda bonkers that there hasn't been another DYRL SSP release.

    I am soooooo glad that impatience and desire to have something now outweighed my logic to wait for NY. I was able to snag 2 sets from AJ & Buyee on first release and 2 sets from AJ on second release all for the same price or slightly more than NY was charging me anyway. Hoping for others that had to wait for NY but never delivered that another release happens.

  3. 5 hours ago, jenius said:

    Same here... but it seems likely to happen given a couple more DYRL releases. We're bound to see a DX VF-1A Max and Hikaru some time soon, maybe a 1S Roy DYRL and, dare we dream, a 1S Max? Any couple of those will likely trigger a SSP reissue at the way Bandai is going and how well the parts have been selling.

    Yes let us dream. :drinks:

  4. 6 minutes ago, Hobby Genki said:

    Hey, dont know where to post this, so if its not the right place, delete it or move it to the right section/topic.


    The 2nd batch for APRIL REISSUE DX CHOGOKIN MACROSS TV VERSION VF-1 COMPATIBLE SUPER PARTS SET is up, second release will be in 2021 April, so if you missed the first batch, the 2nd if for you. :D




    Hobby Genki Team

    Perfect place to post! 

  5. 1 hour ago, sqidd said:

    If your order from BBTS and have any issues you can deal with them.

    Agreed. And based on the shiz show that happened on the board between the owner and others (pages long aired out on the board) I’m more comfortable dealing with BBTS even if I get it later. So I preordered from them. I’m sure it will be a great product but producing a great product doesn’t equal great customer service. I trust BBTS.

  6. 6 hours ago, Slave IV said:

    I think the whole world is in on the scam to sell things to consumers any chance they get at this point. Everyone In the world has Black Friday “sales” now, lol!

    :crazy: Haha well I noticed places that cater to the states definitely do like HLJ usually.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Lolicon said:

    Thanksgiving is an American holiday and the craziness we associate with Black Friday in America isn't really a thing in Japan. 

    So it won't really be any different than any other release. 


  8. 4 hours ago, technoblue said:

    Will some stores begin shipping Roy's VF-1S next Friday? I hope so. In any case, we're now 10 days away from November 30.

    Yeah, it's possible. But those that do will have received their stock early. Many of them won't have the stock shipped to them on the 28th and then once received shipped to you.

  9. On 11/16/2020 at 9:02 AM, easnoddy said:

    Do we have a date for the 1D preorder?


    On 11/16/2020 at 9:10 AM, DYRL VF-1S said:


    The same was asked a few days ago. Trust me, everyone will know when a date is available as it will be discussed here at great length. :)

  10. 1 hour ago, Mechinyun said:

    Speaking of the TV super packs, the blue color looks too dark/DYRL colored for me? Is it just me?

    Yeah, I noticed it was a bit darker too. It doesn't bother me because I still see the contrast from DYRL, but like, next to a 1/55 chunky with Supers, it's hella dark.

  11. 40 minutes ago, peter said:

    Curious about buying the Focker now on eBay or Amazon vs buying on release date from say HLJ.


    Is there no chance of getting it at MSRP on the day of release?


    35 minutes ago, no3Ljm said:

    Yes and no. It's always a gamble.


    In the end, it's more of a concern if you can secure one or not.



    33 minutes ago, vladykins said:

    While there is a chance of getting it for a lower price than the current scalpers, I'd say the odds of getting it MSRP are slim to none.

    That being said, I scored Hikkie VF-1S at Hobby Search a day or two before release. So, it can be done. My philosophy has been if I have the funds to try and secure it at a price point you're comfortable with because like Noel said most of us just want to secure one. Then try and secure one for MSRP on release day. In my case, I was able to sell my extra VF-1S that was slightly above MSRP (from NY when they actually delivered and their only flaw was hiking prices immediately) and keep my HS one.


    12 minutes ago, Kyp Durron said:



    Wellllll played. LOL

  12. 1 hour ago, Shizuka the Cat said:

    Ummm... did lightning just blow this guy's clothes off?????

    Pretty much. Crazy what they showed in the 80’s lol. Kinda like in DYRL when Hikaru smacks Minmei and watching that now makes me cringe a little.  At least later on in Macross the guys get slapped a bit like Alto and Hayate.

    55 minutes ago, crackpot said:

    It also gave Adam a nice tan allover which made him unrecognizable to a lot of people especially those close to him. 


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