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Posts posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. 9 hours ago, Slave IV said:

    You need those Yeti shelf adapters. 


    9 hours ago, sqidd said:

    What he said. I have some extras if you want them.:good:

    I think. I would have to double check.

    What is this you speak of?! Yes please.

    I was just starting on my Yeti journey when it took a halt. I was in the last batch of orders right before the site paused.

  2. 2 hours ago, sqidd said:

    Hmmmm, IDK. My buddy found that. Got a link for the P-Bandai site just so I can be sure i;m sending him the right one? Thanks!

    No problem: https://p-bandai.jp/

    In the States, the site can give you a hard time and force you to the International sites (p-bandai.com for example). And those sites don't have Macross because they're outside of the Japan. So, if you have trouble, you'll need to use a VPN that masks your IP as out of Japan. Your buddy won't have a problem accessing being in Japan.

    Here is the specific place you can go for details on Credit Card payments for P-Bandai.jp:  https://faq.p-bandai.jp/faq/show/137?category_id=20&site_domain=default



    cards issued overseas cannot be used.


  3. Hmm...That isn't the P-Bandai site though - and p-bandai is where you order TWE, etc. Tamashii has actual stores so perhaps what you cited is for the physical store in Tokyo. I'm registered on p-bandai Japan - which most people don't get through - and my card is rejected every time for being international. Even if I use Rakuten Pay, it kicks back on me days later after they report my card is Int'l.

  4. Every time I get a high from a Valk being delivered (YF-29 Alto, for example) I immediately feel the need for another fix! I CAN'T WAIT FOR ROY NOW.

    Hopefully, we get some more DX love announced and PO'd in two weeks.

  5. 2 hours ago, ridgebacks said:


    Do you have the link to yeti stand's website? I think I will buy one because when I took down my Isamu 29 from it, I noticed there's a bit of paint chipped off from the stand tip (the paint chipping is underneath the metal bar that connect the cockpit with the lower body) after put it on the stand for a year. I've tried to google it but all I found is mic boom.

    The site has been down for awhile, so I’m not sure if it’s up again. I purchased mine pre-COVID.

  6. 3 hours ago, tjdetweiler said:

    my goodness! After seeing you guys have issues with them it breaks my heart. I was able to get a refund from them (ordered from MP TFs which is a general release items).

    I see more and more each day about them not delivering on time. Wow! mother Fcker$ indeed. NY has been good to me before but never again. Bloody scammers

    Yup! And update on my YF-29, instead of updating the address, they canceled the order and told me to just reorder it with new addy. Problem is that the price is now 5000 yen more than when I first ordered. Are you serious?

  7. 18 minutes ago, Shizuka the Cat said:


    It has been a month and a half since I first received an email from Nippon-Yasan saying that my DX Chogokin VF-1 Super Parts pre-order from June 2019 was finally being processed.....  and I am still waiting for them to finish "processing".

    <sarcasm> YAY Nippon-Yasan </sarcasm>


    Sounds about right. We have a fun thread commiserating on it.


  8. 26 minutes ago, pengbuzz said:

    I've used ToyHax/ Reprolabels; their stuff really is top quality. :) They're also more durable than the original stickers.

    Yeah, honestly, I LOVE the job they did. Incredible.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Kamui 777 said:

    Got it!

    I ordered them as soon as they were available and I can wait for when they (hopefully) release the pre applied ones.

    Sweet! And I'm glad you shared.

    If anyone else finds themselves in the same boat, please share because I can aggregate feedback and share with them directly. At some point, I'll probably start a new thread to poll ask what the next decal release should be. For example, the DYRL 1A or the TV Hikaru 1S (and Supers) as these are almost identical to the Strike 1S stickers with only minor changes of color or different decal - like literally four or five differences. Or SDF-1 because these are pretty sought after.

    But I digress, because this won't be the place to get into those details. Assuming there is positive feedback and success on this, I'll post its own thread in the near future.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Kamui 777 said:

    Thanks!  In another thread I happened to have bought a 1/55 Strike recently.

    My knowledge is limited, but do you know why the whole Strike sheets weren't done?  The Strike that I bought had missing stickers and wanted to replace all of them.


    For example, it doesn't look like the set includes the black strip with UN Spacey on the out legs


    Hey buddy! I responded to you in the TFW2005 thread (we both use different SNs here but seem to have the same avatars :) )

    The 1/55 releases all had pre-applied decals such as the one you are referring to. ToyHax opted to not release those in this first issue because it's assumed that you have them applied already. That being said, I did advise them to offer the pre-applied labels at some point because a lot of collectors enjoy refurbing and will need them. Or in your case, received it without the pre-applied sticker.

  11. Hey guys, I'm super excited to share with you a project that I consulted on:

    Labels & Stickers for Labels for 1983-84 VF-1S BATTROID VALKYRIE - Toyhax
    Labels & Stickers for 1984 STRIKE VALKYRIE ARMOR - Toyhax

    These are repro labels for the 1/55 Strike VF-1S (the pics shown on their site are actually my Valk). For those who aren't familiar, ToyHax is an amazingly high quality repro label company. They're really well known in the Transformers collecting world; particularly, in refurbing G1 toys. They used a designer friend of mine to create them (he has designed for Adult Swim, Coca-Cola, to name a couple and happens to also enjoy Macross - though not on the board here) and I consulted on the project, tested prototypes etc.

    If this goes well, they'll produce more for the 1/55 line and possibly the old school TV SDF-1, Regult, etc.

    * Disclaimer: This isn't a sales push, and I don't receive any money for purchases, etc. I simply had an idea, presented it, and consulted on it. I'm just excited to share with fellow collectors who have long been looking for quality replacement decals.

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