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Everything posted by Alphahorizon

  1. Odd thing...I'm not even surprised or mad. I am truly happy for those here who did get one! Congrats
  2. Signed in? Check. Added as soon as I could? Check. 10 minutes later...here I sit. Pretty sure It is gone...but I will hold
  3. Im right there with you.
  4. Yep and I will, if I dont get anything tonight, I'll watch the scalpers over purchase and then lower the prices. Its what is happening to the VF-1A
  5. Mine has been for over 10 now. I assume thee will be nothing but I'll wait to confirm
  6. 1303 in line at NY now. LOLOLOL. Crack heads this isnt that important to me.
  7. yep, right where I am at to.
  8. Well now its time for coffee. This was rough (is rough). Gonna be a fun day today.
  9. 39k on Amazon Jp...whatever
  10. jesus H......okay this is...interesting. Grats to those that did get them I got booted after adding. Fun times.
  11. Commence radio silence in 5,4,3,2, 1! Good luck fellow MWrs! MTFBWU
  12. Its that twirling in the belly! Nerves!
  13. On your lead!
  14. 10 minutes to go BOYS
  15. heres for hoping. thats dedication.
  16. You can always tell when a pre-order happened the night before here by the addition of about 30 pages within this threat from the night before
  17. Join the chaos @borgified
  18. lol...okay...nap then. TY...OMG @jeniusThanks for the heads up
  19. hmmmm. Nothing yet from any of the sites
  20. That seems appropriate @505thAirborne
  21. neither right now....but as the gut starts to churn from the feeling of that last minute "auction" type feel, I kind of wish I had some wine. Welp live and learn. Thanks for the tip for the next time.
  22. shoot I'm just wiping the coals from my eyes....don't know if I want coffee yet.
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