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Posts posted by Alphahorizon

  1. Heya everyone,


    A few years back I got some rough skids. Ultimately I sold my HMR collection to cover that patch.


    Now that I am in a better place,  trying to get some of those items back. Seeking the following (would prefer MISB- but am open)


    Super VF1A

    VF-1J Max and Milia



    FOUND Above and then some

    Missile effects.


    VF-1A Brownies (would like a couple)



    I must say this community NEVER fails to assist with helping! TY all so much.

    There's more but those may have to wait like the Monster 


    Thanks everyone 

  2. Thanks for the clarification @Anasazi37


    Side note but related to Yoyaku. The card I used has a different address then my shipping address. I didn't make that change and ordered. I realize this, sent an email to have them change it and got a billing confirmation followed by an email that stated " We have updated your billing address being different then the shipping address and have your purchase secured. We will notify you with the shipping costs once the item is received."


    To me anyways, that's a good sign.


    Or it could be that now that they have the billing address they will be able to chargee and take the money and run. I jest.

  3. 1 minute ago, Chronocidal said:

    I'm not too worried, so long as they aren't marking up the item as the numbers change.

    Could just be people adding or removing to the cart.  As nice as it is to see those numbers, the systems that calculate them may not be reliable due to how people add and remove them like that.

    Good call for sure!

  4. Just now, Chronocidal said:

    I do appreciate the fact that they listed the total available.  I did see it go up and down a few times, but they didn't adjust the price.

    I think the question will be whether they re-open later with a price increase.

    I bet they will. Seems the norm for many places

  5. Just now, dafob said:

    I think it did legit sold out after you bought yours. I ordered one and was able to go back and put another in my cart.  I was monitoring their stock and it was gradually going down over the past few minutes.

    Damn if this place is legit I'll finally feel somewhat redeemed after all the cart misses over the years.

  6. Just now, Chronocidal said:

    Yep, certain sites just open early for some reason, probably to streamline the order process from their allocated TWE order slots.

    Others just wait until it opens for real.  Not sure if there is any benefit to either, but I guess ordering after they are opened might be more definite, since you're dealing with orders already placed?  Hard to say. :p 

    Oh theres a benefit. A good nights sleep here in the US!

  7. I was fortunate enough to not get caught up in Nippon-Yasan. And not because I personally was scammed but they took so dang long to deliver items. That alone made me feel it was time to pause purchasing from them. I am genuinely sorry for those that were.


    Side note I have that site up. Went from 11 remaining down to 9, then back to 11? Maybe someone backed out...So on the fence here to trust a place I havent used before

  8. Just a pulled quote


    "This site belongs to NAME REDACTED, the buyer from Nippon-Yasan who scammed so many people! He is commenting below! Give me back my money! "


    But one directly in response for you to make your own conclusions

    "Me and other Japanese co-workers didn't knew what the community was talking until me and other Japanese co-workers began to see irregularities affecting our work, and after briefly investigating and find out the harsh reality of what was happening and how the community was suffering, we decided we couldn't continue, and me and other Japanese co-workers decided to quit. "

  9. 5 minutes ago, no3Ljm said:

    I checked to CA, it's $332 via DHL/FedEx. The shipping was Y8440.

    Maybe some PayPal added conversion? It got to my pay with PayPal pop-up and that's where I stopped. Still got one at the 288.0 and in no immediate rush

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