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Alex GS

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Posts posted by Alex GS

  1. 1 hour ago, bleecher said:


    Set price to display in yen at bottom of the page, but also make sure your payment method is in yen. Converts to about $218.18, shipping remaining which is typically close to $50.


    For those interested in US options, another potential dealer is here:


    POd secured! thanks for the heads  up, no way Im letting this one go :D 

  2. 5 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    Not sure why most of these are not carried by the regular Japan online stores. Also, the way how the shipping fee costs from Japan keeps on going up, I don't know how this one will cost seeing that some big figures shipped at Y9000+ or more.

    But if you're interested ordering stateside, the cheapest one I found is from KappaHobby at US$318.88.


    Thanks no3Ljm for the link, yeah I literally waiting for the Japan Stores to get it due to it will be less expensive, I even think even shipping wouldn't be that much but still that depends if the exchange rate maintains of course, CA taxes it what stops me from getting more figures from websites like BBTS, amazon.

  3. 4 hours ago, CollectorCanine said:

    Why are old people so obsessed with toys having metal? lol

    I think is not about being old lol, is about trying to get a good quality figure for the amount of cash you are spending, in my opinion we just can't call these simple toys, I mean the size of it and still paying more than 100 smackers for it well then you at least must get some quality in it right?, in plastic,  heft and not a hallow figure, also is not like you are going to your local Walmart and spend 30 plus dlls or less in a Legacy Evolution Series transformers, or how about a MOTU figure for just 14.99. So I don't mean the figure had to have an internal Metal Build series type of thing of course, Bandai should just put the correct amount of diecast in placed were it should be and make the figure feel its worth the price of admission, Bandai knows how to do it no doubt, like DX Chogokin lines, Metal Build, Soul of Chogokin, Metal Robot series, so not sure why can't do the same for the HMR line. 

  4. all the pictures look pretty damn good still I'm pretty disappointed for the H Metal R series due to well hmm.... the lack of  METAL!, the valk that make me kinda loose hope for this series was the HMR VF-0S , when I grabbed for the first time the VF 0S I was like what the heck!?, why it feels so light. Like I said HMR Basara pics look pretty damn good and it seems is made with good materials and not thin paper plastic and as a super fan of the YF-19 design(number 1 valk for me) I think will try to get one of these. 

  5. So today finally received my Optimus Primes all the way from Japan, and the first thing I said when I grab the boxes why are these so hefty?, so I opened up C02 and 44S, and OMG!! the quality and the heft  just blew me away!, I thought for 44S was going to be  kinda hollow and light since it doesn't have electronics inside but NO! I was so  wrong and Im just too damn amazed of it, C02 is just as amazing the quality in plastic, the heft and colors are too damn good, in some video review of the missing links Optimus they said is like a Masterpiece quality, and I can literally confirm that, is just too damn good, so happy right now. I guess will leave C01 in its box for now :D  



  6. 5 hours ago, betocc said:

    I recently paid 13,900 yen to a proxy in order to ship by EMS an Arcadia SDF-1 Premium Finish to USA, it only took 5 days to arrive.

    DHL will be more expesive for sure, but not so much..

    my bad  I was meant to say 20 000 Y , was early in the morning today preparing for work and haven't drink my coffee yet and mistakenly put an extra Zero there 🤦‍♂️

    meant 20,000 cause last time I order from Mandarake they charged me 10 000 yen for my DX Angel Bird Valk using DHL to CA, this was from Mandarake Nagoya, definitely not ordering an Arcadia SDF 1 from them,  😅, usually I paid like 5000 to 4000 yen for normal size DX Chogoking valk in AmiAmi and HLJ using DHL .


  7. Preordered  this MOSHOWToys figure this one so damn fast the moment I saw it today:


    I think is not from the Progenitor Effect series but since I got the Wusheng figure this one that appeared today is a no brainer for me to preordered, the insane quality the Progenitor Effect Wucheng is beyond impressive size, details , heft, accessories alongside a great price is just too damn good. 

    I post this in this thread since I didn't find any other MOSHOWtoys thread, I hope is ok.


  8. 21 hours ago, shazam said:

    Excellent gift haul.

    Thanks , very glad finally got this two , the color Scheme of the Angel Birds alongside is a DX Chogokin  was the main reasons why I wanted so much this Valk, and for the VF 171 EX wanted this one for a very long time but since the old ones I hear a lot the leg breaking issues never dare to try and get one, I just hope this new version doesn't suffer from that :D 

  9. so many valks iterations in the Macross universe, and still Arcadia keeps bringing on the same valks over and over again, seriously they must not like money or they just clueless, I mean take for example Yamato YF-21 , imagine if they release one Arcadia branded, or how about the  11B ?, or better yet  how about releasing VF-1S 1/60 again but this time is not a feather weight valk?, add a bit of something new , diecast maybe?. At this point the Bandai DX 1/48 Valks are top of the line for obvious reasons still will not go into details why is that, it would be alot of text lol, but Im not saying Arcadia should do the same cause obviously Arcadia is a much smaller Company , still that shouldn't be an excuse to not thrive as company, or maybe the company is doing enough income to just fulfill wages and keep the company afloat, who knows, but as a company that has the Macross license I think they are wasting a lot of potential in that License.  

  10. 19 hours ago, ZYZY said:

    I tried FJ yesterday and my order was cancelled by them. Got similar case for one of the member here too. Update us if your order get through! 

    sadly it didn't went thru, I received as well a cancellation notice .:cray:


  11. 31 minutes ago, Powered Convoy said:

    Managed to get a preorder in from Anime Japan Geek. Has anyone used them before?


    This is his youtube channel since years,



    it lives in Japan and he literally begun first in making youtube videos of showing japanese toys from different stores there, mostly he is a big fan of Saint Seiya and secondly Macross, its youtube channel grow larger and slowly created that website for purchase toys from Japan, from a purchasing point of view it has very good reputation sending their items very well protected around the world, I havent purchase any from him just yet because sometimes it puts a huge markup price in certain items, but I think this time around for this DX is actually a pretty damn good price imo, and Im also thingking about of getting one from him.

  12. 9 minutes ago, Lolicon said:

    Unfortunately PO madness extends even to web exclusives, because Bandai hates their customers.

    will try to get one tomorrow from a proxy from japan site I think, 👆but this comment scares me 😅

  13. 11 minutes ago, seti88 said:

    wow another DX PO within the same month is a surprise indeed! 8P

    yf-21 DX release in June, and then the VT-1 DX in July!! wallet :help:

    but isn't this one Tamashii Exclusive?, so you will have to pay right away , more chance for savings for june  

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